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Flowers of Evil cover

Flowers of Evil

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This is a collection of French poems by Charles Baudelaire, originally titled “Les Fleurs du mal.” It was popular in the symbolist and modernist movements of the 19th century, and the poems are about decadence and eroticism. (Summary by Assaf Koss)     [chương_files]  

Winnowing Fan: Poems On The Great War cover

Winnowing Fan: Poems On The Great War

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This little gem of a book contains twelve poems about World War I. There is more to it than its intrinsic value as verse. Edward Elgar (1857-1934) set three of the poems (The Fourth Of August, To Women, For The Fallen) in his cantata The Spirit of England (1915-1917). Since its composing and musical setting, For The Fallen has held an honored place in every November 11th Remembrance Day for Britain and the Commonwealth (Memorial Day for Americans). Moved by the opening of the Great War and the already high number of casualties of the British Expeditionary Force, in 1914 Laurence Binyon wrote his For the Fallen, with its Ode of Remembrance, as he was visiting the cliffs on the north Cornwall coast,… The third and fourth verses of the poem (although often just the fourth) have so been claimed as a tribute to all casualties of war, regardless of nation. – Summary by Wikipedia and david wales     [chương_files]  

Várias Histórias cover

Várias Histórias

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Várias Histórias é uma antologia de contos de Machado de Assis. A obra foi originalmente publicada em 1896, reunindo dezesseis contos previamente publicados no jornal Gazeta de Notícias, entre os anos de 1884 e 1891. Contrariando a previsão do autor, que no pequeno prefácio diz não pretender que seus contos sobrevivam como os de Diderot ou Poe, alguns dos contos desta coleção são dos mais famosos da Literatura Brasileira, como “A Cartomante” e “Um Apólogo”. – Resumo escrito por Leni     [chương_files]  

Cruise of the "Scandal", and other stories cover

Cruise of the “Scandal”, and other stories

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Collection of short stories by prolific British fantasy writer, Victor Bridges. Stories include A Bit of Old Chelsea and The Bronze-Haired Girl, as well as The Cruise of the Scandal. – Summary by Lynne T     [chương_files]  

Golden Windmill and Other Stories cover

Golden Windmill and Other Stories

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In this 1921 collection of short stories, many dealing with the experiences of ordinary people during the Great War, the master English storyteller Stacy Aumonier explores themes ranging from the humorous to the poignant. (Summary by Michael Maggs)     [chương_files]  

Miniaturen cover


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Kurze Momentaufnahmen und Betrachtungen von Menschen, Orten und Szenen aus dem Leben. Zueignung: Ein kleines Zeichen wahrhafter Verehrung und Freundschaft Frau Anna von Köckritz geb. Gräfin zu Limburg-Stirum (Zusammenfassung von lorda)     [chương_files]  

Πασχαλινά διηγήματα cover

Πασχαλινά διηγήματα

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«…ἐνόσω ζῶ καὶ ἀναπνέω καὶ σωφρονῶ, δὲν θὰ παύσω πάντοτε… νὰ ὑμνῶ μετὰ λατρείας τὸν Χριστόν μου, νὰ περιγράφω μετ᾿ ἔρωτος τὴν φύσιν, καὶ νὰ ζωγραφῶ μετὰ στοργῆς τὰ γνήσια Ἑλληνικὰ ἤθη…». Ιστορίες αναμνήσεις και συναισθήματα που συγκίνησαν τον ίδιο τον Παπαδιαμάντη περιλαμβάνει το βιβλίο αυτό. Χωρίς προσπάθεια να «γαλβανίσει την περιέργεια του αναγνώστη» όπως λέει ο ίδιος , περιγράφει γεγονότα και καταστάσεις ανθρώπων της διπλανής πόρτας, με φόντο την ελληνική άνοιξη και το δικό του θρησκευτικό συναίσθημα. (Summary by Penelope )     [chương_files]  

Country of the Blind, and Other Stories cover

Country of the Blind, and Other Stories

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A collection of Wells’ short stories, with a short introductory essay by the author- “Essentially it is a miscellany of inventions, many of which were very pleasant to write; and its end is more than attained if some of them are refreshing and agreeable to read. I have now re-read them all, and I am glad to think I wrote them. I like them, but I cannot tell how much the associations of old happinesses gives them a flavour for me. I make no claims for them and no apology; they will be read as long as people read them.” (From the author’s Introduction.) H.G. Wells is best known as a writer of science fiction; “The Country of the Blind and Other Stories” is a collection only incidentally touched by science.     [chương_files]  

Lost Face (and Other Stories) cover

Lost Face (and Other Stories)

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Seven stories by Jack London, set in the Yukon and other northwestern localities. The most well-known story in this collection is probably To Build a Fire, which is often taught in American high school classrooms. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Miss Bracegirdle and Others cover

Miss Bracegirdle and Others

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A 1923 collection of tales by the British author Stacy Aumonier (1877–1928), described by John Galsworthy as “one of the best short-story writers of all time.” This collection includes two of Aumonier’s best-known works, “The Octave of Jealousy” and “Where Was Wych Street?” (listener warning: includes two occurrences of the n-word). It opens with the very funny “Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty”, in which a deeply conservative middle-aged spinster checks in to a hotel in Bordeaux on her first trip abroad. She finds a man asleep on the bed and realises she is in the wrong room, but the door handle has come off in her hand, and she can’t get out. Then she makes another discovery. (Michael Maggs)     [chương_files]