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Verse and Worse cover

Verse and Worse

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A collection of dark and humorous verse from “Col D. Streamer”. This collection includes poems from The Baby’s Baedeker, Perverted Proverbs, and Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes. – Summary by mleigh     [chương_files]  

Cantos de Vida y Esperanza, los Cisnes y Otros Poemas cover

Cantos de Vida y Esperanza, los Cisnes y Otros Poemas

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Cantos de Vida y Esperanza es una recopilacion de poemas escritos por Rubén Darío y cuya primera edición fue publicada en la ciudad de Madrid el año de 1905, en esta recopilación podremos encontrar al tan conocido poema “Juventud divino tesoro, ya te vas para no volver” entre otros.     [chương_files]  

Lamia cover


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In his wonderful interpretation of the classic tale of Lamia – the mythological entity portrayed as being a deadly threat especially to children and young men – master poet John Keats construes this timeless and enigmatic story with a view towards intrigue, deception, loyalty, honor and fervor of a young man’s lust for a life of passionate bliss with the newly found woman of his dreams. In retrospect, considering certain aspects of her past and recent serpent-like incarnation, the beautiful and seductive Lamia was a poor choice for the young man Lycius. But infatuation and the recklessness of youth superseded any rational thought and the wild attraction of the two lovers grew stronger. It would take his elderly mentor Apollonius (he “robed in philosophic gown”), to alert Lycius to the hazards of this new relationship. However, whether Lycius will heed the warning of his “trusty guide and good instructor” seems uncertain. In fact, Lycius has marriage in his plans, although he is concerned about a certain inexplicable stress exhibited by Lamia in the presence of Apollonius. In an attempt to cool this mad romantic obsession of Lycius and rescue his student from a dubious future, all Apollonius can do now is try to expose Lamia for the evil entity she really is. An old philosopher’s cold logic and reason versus the hot passion of youth in a new found love. It must be tried. What could possibly go wrong. – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Poèmes (nouvelle série) cover

Poèmes (nouvelle série)

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Cette collection de poésie du poète flamand Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) inclut les cycles “Les soirs”, “Les débacles” et “Les flambeaux noirs”. – Summary by Sonia     [chương_files]  

Wilderness cover


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LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Wilderness by Carl Sandburg. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for July 11, 2021. —— This fortnightly prose poem is guaranteed to locate the aboriginal poet in you! Come one come all. Please join in! 😀 (Summary by Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

Low Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of Lyrics cover

Low Tide on Grand Pré: A Book of Lyrics

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The first of more than thirty books of poetry by Canadian poet Bliss Carman. “The poems in this volume have been collected with reference to their similarity of tone. They are variations on a single theme, more or less aptly suggested by the title, Low Tide on Grand Pré. It seemed better to bring together between the same covers only those pieces of work which happened to be in the same key, rather than to publish a larger book of more uncertain aim. B.C. by Grand Pré, September, 1893.” – Summary by Fritz and the author     [chương_files]  

Barrack-Room Ballads cover

Barrack-Room Ballads

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Barrack-Room Ballads is a collection of poems by Rudyard Kipling which describe life in the British Army, particularly in India, in his time. The poems are written in the voice and language of soldiers of that time. The collection includes some of his best known poems. (Summary by Alan Mapstone)     [chương_files]  

Prometeo cover


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Prometeo, es un poema escrito por Olegario Victor Aandrade y tiene como base la famosa historia contada por Hesíodo en la literatura griega. El poema que aquí se presenta está compuesto por VII secciones poéticas.     [chương_files]  

Severn and Somme cover

Severn and Somme

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The English poet Ivor Gurney wrote these poems while serving in the First World War. In them he contrasts the wartime desolation of the area around the River Somme in northern France with the natural beauty of the valley of the River Severn in his native Gloucestershire. – Summary by Alan Mapstone     [chương_files]  

Libro de Poemas cover

Libro de Poemas

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Este poeta español, miembro de la mítica Generación del 27, es el mayor referente de la literatura española del siglo XX. También escribió numerosas obras de teatro, género en el que también se lo considera autoridad e ícono del siglo pasado, destacándose Bodas de sangre y La casa de Bernarda Alba. Fue asesinado en Granada durante la Guerra Civil Española por su condición de republicano y homosexual. Entre sus poemas podemos encontrar Gacela de la terrible presencia, Alba, Alma ausente, La casada infiel, Muerto de amor y Ciudad sin sueño. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]