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Life and Death of King John cover

Life and Death of King John

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The Life and Death of King John, a history play by William Shakespeare, dramatises the reign of John, King of England (ruled 1199–1216), son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine and father of Henry III of England. It is believed to have been written in the mid-1590s but was not published until it appeared in the First Folio in 1623. John (24 December 1166 – 19 October 1216), also known as John Lackland or Softsword, was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death. His reign saw the loss of the duchy of Normandy to the French king Philip II in 1204, resulting in the collapse of most of the Angevin Empire and the subsequent growth in the power of the Capetian dynasty over the rest of the 13th century. The baronial revolt at the end of John’s reign saw the signing of the Magna Carta, a document often considered to be an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom. Contemporary chroniclers were mostly critical of John’s performance as king, and his reign has since been subject to significant debate and periodic revision by historians from the 16th century onwards. Historian Jim Bradbury has summarised the contemporary historical opinion of John’s positive qualities, observing that John is today usually considered a “hard-working administrator, an able man, an able general”. Nonetheless, modern historians agree that he also had many faults as king, including what historian Ralph Turner describes as “distasteful, even […]

Tragical History of Doctor Faustus cover

Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

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The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, normally known simply as Doctor Faustus, is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the Faust story, in which a man sells his soul to the devil for power and knowledge. Doctor Faustus was first published in 1604, eleven years after Marlowe’s death and at least twelve years after the first performance of the play. (Summary by Wikipedia) Cast: Chorus: Martin Geeson Good Angel: Availle Evil Angel/Cardinal/Third Scholar: Denny Sayers Doctor Faustus/Vintner/First Friar/Covetousness/Gluttony: Algy Pug Mephistophilis/Knight/First Scholar/Envy/Narrator: Elizabeth Klett Lucifer: CalmDragon Wagner: Arielle Lipshaw Valdes/Clown/Third Friar: Nadine Eckert-Boulet Cornelius: Rainer The Pope: John Steigerwald Emperor: Sean Randall Horse-courser: Frank Booker Robin: Jason Mills Ralph/Second Scholar/Wrath: Sandra G Second Friar/Old Man: David Lawrence Fourth Friar/Duke of Vanholt: Lars Rolander Duchess of Vanholt: Musicalheart1 Pride: Mary-Beth Blackburn Sloth: Diana Majlinger Lechery: Lucy Perry Audio edited by: Elizabeth Klett     [chương_files]  

Romeo and Juliet (version 3) cover

Romeo and Juliet (version 3)

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Romeo and Juliet is an early tragedy by William Shakespeare about two teenage “star-cross’d lovers” whose “untimely deaths” ultimately unite their feuding households. The play has been highly praised by literary critics for its language and dramatic effect. It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Its influence is still seen today, with the two main characters being widely represented as archetypal young lovers. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Hamlet (version 2) cover

Hamlet (version 2)

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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius’s brother and Prince Hamlet’s father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother. The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Hamlet (version 3) cover

Hamlet (version 3)

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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius’s brother and Prince Hamlet’s father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother. The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. (Summary by Wikipedia) Cast: Bernardo: Ernst Pattynama Francisco, Cornelius, Gentleman, Danes, Osric: Martin Geeson Horatio: Robert Hoffman Marcellus: Kristingj Claudius, Second Clown: Elizabeth Klett Voltimand: David Lawrence Laertes: Nathanial W.C. Higgins Polonius, Fortinbras, Servant, Danes: Algy Pug Hamlet: Arielle Lipshaw Gertrude: Amy Gramour Ophelia: Miss Avarice Ghost, First Player, Player King: Bob Gonzalez Reynaldo: April Gonzales Rosencrantz: Grace Guildenstern: Chuck Williamson Player Queen: CaprishaPage Prologue, Lucianus: Emily Feuka Captain, Danes, First Priest: Wupperhippo First Sailor, Danes: Ric F Messenger: Anna Simon First Clown, First Ambassador: Alan Mapstone Lord: Aidan Brack Narrator: Cynthia Moyer Audio edited by Arielle Lipshaw     [chương_files]  

Romeo and Juliet (version 4) cover

Romeo and Juliet (version 4)

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Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’ strife. (Summary from the Prologue) Cast: Narrator: Laurie Anne Walden Romeo: mb Juliet: Beth Thomas Nurse: Arielle Lipshaw Friar Laurence: Denny Sayers Mercutio: Eden Rea-Hedrick Tybalt: Grace Benvolio: MarcyT Lady Capulet: Elizabeth Klett Capulet: John Trevithick Montague: alanmapstone Paris: Libby Gohn Prince: Algy Pug Additional voices: April Gonzales, Ethan Hardman, J.J. Wazman, James Silverstein, Kimberly Krause, Loveday, Lyn Silva, Sally Mc, ToddHW, and Wupperhippo Edited by Kimberly Krause and Esther ben Simonides     [chương_files]  

Florentine Tragedy and La Sainte Courtisane cover

Florentine Tragedy and La Sainte Courtisane

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Two short fragments: an unfinished and a lost play. A Florentine Tragedy, left in a taxi (not a handbag), is Wilde’s most successful attempt at tragedy – intense and domestic, with surprising depth of characterisation. It was adapted into an opera by the Austrian composer Alexander Zemlinsky in 1917. La Sainte Courtisane, or The Woman Covered in Jewels explores one of Wilde’s great idées fixes: the paradox of religious hedonism, pagan piety. Both plays, Wildean to their core, revel in the profound sadness that is the fruit of the conflict between fidelity and forbidden love. Written towards the end of his tragic life, these fragments give us a glimpse of a genius at his best: visceral, passionate, personal, poetic. (Summary by Simon Larois) A Florentine Tragedy – cast: Narrator: TriciaG GUIDO BARDI, A Florentine prince: mb SIMONE, a merchant: Simon Larois BIANNA, his wife: Ruth Golding La Sainte Courtisane – cast: Narrator: Ruth Golding First man: mb Myrrhina: Philippa Second man: L.French Honorius: woggy298 Edited by Ruth Golding     [chương_files]  

Revenger's Tragedy cover

Revenger’s Tragedy

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“When the bad bleeds, then is the tragedy good.” The Revenger’s Tragedy is a bloody Jacobean drama centering on Vindici, whose beloved has been murdered by the Duke. Aided by his brother Hippolito, Vindici plans to take revenge not only on the Duke, but on his lecherous Duchess (who is having an affair with her stepson, Spurio) and his sons Lussurioso (Lust), Ambitioso (Ambition), and Supervacuo (Excess). The play was published anonymously in 1606 and for several centuries was attributed to Cyril Tourneur; more recent scholarship has pointed to Thomas Middleton as the likely author. The play was part of the vogue for revenge tragedy in late 16th and early 17th century England, and has often been compared to Hamlet. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett) Cast Vindici/Second Servant/Nencio/First Officer: Elizabeth Klett Hippolito: mb Gratiana: Libby Gohn Castiza: Amanda Friday Duke: Bob Neustar First Judge/First Gentleman: Sean Daeley Duchess: Arielle Lipshaw Lussurioso: David Nicol Ambitioso: bala Spurio/Antonio: Alan Mapstone Junior/Sordido/Piero/Dondolo/Fourth Man: Larry Wilson Supervacuo: Charlotte Duckett First Servant/Keeper: rookieblue First Noble/Second Officer/First Lord: Todd Second Judge/Second Noble: Chuck Williamson Narrator: Kristingj Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett     [chương_files]  

Tamburlaine the Great, Part 2 cover

Tamburlaine the Great, Part 2

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Tamburlaine the Great is the name of a play in two parts by Christopher Marlowe. It is loosely based on the life of the Central Asian emperor, Timur ‘the lame’. Written in 1587 or 1588, the play is a milestone in Elizabethan public drama; it marks a turning away from the clumsy language and loose plotting of the earlier Tudor dramatists, and a new interest in fresh and vivid language, memorable action, and intellectual complexity. Along with Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy, it may be considered the first popular success of London’s public stage. In Part 2, Tamburlaine grooms his sons to be conquerors in his wake as he continues to conquer his neighbouring kingdoms. One of his sons, Calyphas, preferring to stay by his mother’s side and not risk death, incurs Tamburlaine’s wrath. Seeing this son as a coward, Tamburlaine kills him in anger after a battle in which he refuses to fight. During this time, Bajazeth’s son, Callapine, plans to avenge his father’s death. Finally, while attacking an Islamic nation, he scornfully burns a copy of the Qur’an and claims to be greater than God. Suddenly, Tamburlaine is struck ill and dies, giving his power to his remaining sons, but still aspiring to greatness as he departs life. (Summary by Wikipedia) Click here for Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1 Cast Narrator; Concubine 3: Tina Nuzzi Prologue; DP; GOVERNOR OF DAMASCUS; GOVERNOR OF BABYLON: Martin Geeson TAMBURLAINE, king of Persia: David Goldfarb CALYPHAS, son of Tamburlaine: Sarah Crampton AMYRAS, […]


Bill of Divorcement

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A Bill of Divorcement describes a day in the lives of a middle-aged British woman named Margaret “Meg” Fairfield, her daughter Sydney, Sydney’s fiancé Kit Humphreys, Meg’s fiancé Gray Meredith, and Meg’s husband Hilary, who escapes after spending almost twenty years in a mental hospital. A 1932 film of the same name was directed by George Cukor and starred Katharine Hepburn and John Barrymore.     [chương_files]