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Rose Cottingham cover

Rose Cottingham

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Rose Cottingham, orphaned at an early age, is being raised in the repressive household of her grandmother, who has old-fashioned ideas about women. She finds a kindred spirit in her neighbor, Mrs. Winter, but when Mrs. Winter becomes ill, Rose is no longer able to spend much time with her. Rose’s world broadens when she is sent off to school. The free-spirited girl and Miss Quayle, the strict disciplinarian who runs the school, are frequently in conflict. However, unbeknownst to Rose’s grandmother, Miss Quayle has modern views on the education of girls, from which Rose benefits. At school, Rose makes friends with Helen Fergurson, a professor’s daughter who introduces Rose to new ideas and further expands her horizons. When Rose’s school days end, she finds herself back in the stifling environment of her grandmother’s house, longing for better opportunities and more stimulating company. Can she find a path to fulfillment? (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003 cover

Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003

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This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages. All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers. Brief description of the contributions: 01 – Japanese – Sennin [1922]: prose, fiction, Oosaka, wizard 02 – Japanese – Mangan [1938]: prose, fiction, Mishima, doctor 03 – Latin – Pange lingua (gloriosi proelium certaminis) [6th Century]: poetry, medieval Latin 04 – Japanese – Matsurino ban: prose, fiction, children, festival 05 – Bulgarian – Баланиади (Balaniadi) [1917]: poetry, satire 06 – Bisaya – ¡“Fuera” kapyot! [1921]: prose, itoy-itoy 07 – Tagalog – Ang Aral ni Ina [1915]: poetry, mother’s wisdom, pantas na salita 08 – Latin – Pange Lingua (Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis): poetry, chant, Lent, Christianity 09 – Tagalog – ¡Bulalakaw…! [1915]: poetry, shooting star 10 – French – La Main: Short fiction, supernatural 11 – Japanese – Kako: prose,fiction,memory,matchstick 12 – Bisaya – Si Inday, Lider na sa Piniliay [1921]: prose, women equal with men in politics 13 – Tagalog – Tag-ulan [1915]: poetry, rainy season 14 – Japanese – Nyusyano ji [1907]: prose,non-fiction,university,newspaper 15 – Welsh – Sion a Sian (poem IX) [1911]: poetry, children, nursery rhyme, plant, gerdd 16 – Japanese – Piano: prose, fiction, Yokohama, piano 17 – Japanese – Aosuisen Akasuisen [1922]: prose,fiction,children,narcissus 18 – Chinese – 水调歌头 (Shuidiaogetou): prose, Chinese, Song Dynasty 19 – Polish – O doktorze Hiszpanie [1883]: poetry, poezja, fraszka, alkohol 20 – Polish – Czlowiek Boże igrzysko [1883]: poetry, poezja, pycha, człowiek, Bóg 21 – French – […]

Cartas de Inglaterra cover

Cartas de Inglaterra

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Eça de Queirós (1845-1900), um dos mais importantes escritores portugueses da história, destacou-se pelos romances Os Maias e O Crime do Padre Amaro. Cartas da Inglaterra, de 1905, resultou do período em que viveu e trabalhou em Newcastle e Bristol no serviço consular. A obra, pouco conhecida do grande público, apresenta uma faceta política do autor, expondo sua visão analítica e ensaísta. Nela, Eça tece críticas aos acontecimentos contemporâneos, tanto no que se refere aos portugueses quanto aos estrangeiros. Os destaques icluem as festividades na Inglaterra, sugestões de livros, ideias controversas acerca da situação judaica e o comportamento do povo inglês diante de outras nações. – Summary by Adriana Sacciotto     [chương_files]  

Чортова кукла cover

Чортова кукла

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This book is not exactly a novel, as presented, but rather a sampler of characters of St. Petersburg of the early 20th century. However, as it is presented as a novel, let’s note that, as far as I could tell, this is the first Russian novel written by a woman. The Note to the Readers is read by Hanna Ponomarenko. Зинаида Гиппиус сама говорит что это книга не о революции или революционерах. Книга о реакции тоже не вышла, вопреки намерениям автора. Как жанр, это не роман (хотя развязка присутствует, и мастерская!), а скорее картины нравов разных слоёв петербургского общества начала ХХ века, и именно это делает книгу интересной. Однако, раз уж книга объявлена как роман, то надо отметить что, насколько мне удалось установить, это первый русский роман написанный женщиной. Обращение к читателям от имени автора прочла Анна Пономаренко. (Summary by Mark Chulsky)     [chương_files]  

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 057 cover

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 057

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Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. – Summary by schrm     [chương_files]  

Birth Control and the State cover

Birth Control and the State

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This essay is one of a great number that endorse the principle of eugenics, a controversial study and practice that aims for society or government to ‘self-direct’ the course of human evolution. In this essay, one finds discussion of contraception, abortion, population growth and war, as well as questions of ‘race.’ One finds here a use of the term ‘race’ meaning something far different than what is used today. This is a provocative essay. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Wedding Poems cover

Wedding Poems

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In honor of Kristin and Corey’s wedding (April 2006) we’ve recorded a selection of wedding-themed poems. Congratulations, you two!     [chương_files]  


Friends of Ukraine Publications

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A number of publications distributed by the Friends of Ukraine in the period after the First World War when the Ukraine was struggling for its independence. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

All Roads Lead to Calvary cover

All Roads Lead to Calvary

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“All Roads Lead to Calvary is a 1919 novel by the British writer Jerome K. Jerome. It was one of the last works written by Jerome, better known for his Three Men in a Boat, and shows the influence of the First World War on him. It is a Bildungsroman in which a Cambridge University educated woman Joan Allway becomes a journalist and then a wartime ambulance driver. She encounters various people, gaining new experiences and confronting many of the moral issues of the day . .. In 1921 the novel was turned into a silent British film All Roads Lead to Calvary directed by Kenelm Foss.” – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges cover

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges

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Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89) was an English poet, educated at Oxford. Entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1866 and the Jesuit novitiate in 1868, he was ordained in 1877. Upon becoming a Jesuit he burned much of his early verse and abandoned the writing of poetry. However, the sinking in 1875 of a German ship carrying five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany, inspired him to write one of his most impressive poems “The Wreck of the Deutschland.” Thereafter he produced his best poetry, including “God’s Grandeur,” “The Windhover,” “The Leaden Echo,” and “The Golden Echo.”     [chương_files]