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Abraham Lincoln's Inaugural Addresses cover

Abraham Lincoln’s Inaugural Addresses

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Lincoln’s first inaugural address was delivered on March 4th, 1861, as the North and South were sliding towards separation and Civil War. His second inaugural, given just weeks before his assassination, was also delivered on March 4th but four years later, in 1865. Just over a month later, April 18th, 1865, the Civil War ended with the surrender of the Confederate army. This was four days after Lincoln was shot on April 14th. He died the next day. – Summary by John Greenman     [chương_files]  

End Of The Tether cover

End Of The Tether

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At an age when he should, by rights, be embarking on a well-deserved and comfortable retirement, Captain Whalley, a sailor of the old school — and even, in a small way, a pioneer of the eastern maritime trade — finds himself forced by circumstance and his own sense of honour to bind himself to a three year contract of employment as captain of a tramp steamer whose owner is the steamer’s own engineer, and a mean and surly gambling addict to boot. Even this challenging situation, however, soon proves to be the least of Captain Whalley’s difficulties. (Summary by Peter Dann)     [chương_files]  

Mrs. Dalloway (Version 2) cover

Mrs. Dalloway (Version 2)

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Clarissa Dalloway is having a party. Join her and a web of connections in exploring London, their memories and their innermost thoughts and feelings. This novel explores relationships, mental health, nostalgia, regret, and the multitude of reasons for which people make decisions which change the course of their life. (Summary by Hannah Dormor)     [chương_files]  

Once A Week (Version 2) cover

Once A Week (Version 2)

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Once A Week is a collection of short stories and slightly longer vignettes which were written for Milne’s solid British Audience, including regular readers of Punch — between1903, when he graduated from Cambridge and 1906, when he began also to edit Punch, on and through to 1909. They are humorous verses, essays and stories with what he deemed a peculiarly British flavor, focusing on the antics and adventures of a small recurring group of friends and acquaintances. The breadth of Milne’s oeuvre is illustrated by his publication, in the mean time, of 18 plays, 3 novels, collections of children’s poems, screen plays for popular British films, and a (pretty good) detective story. — among other things. (Summary by Kirsten Wever)     [chương_files]  

Green Valley cover

Green Valley

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“Traveling men have a poor opinion of it. Ministers of the gospel have been known to despair of it. Socially ambitious matrons move out of it, or, if that is not possible, despise it. Real estate men can not get rich in it. And humorless folk sometimes have a hard, sad time of it in Green Valley”. This is an authentic novel about a small town in the USA. A book about what people tell and don’t tell, loves and losses, and the importance of community. Community life which did not go away. – Summary by Stav Nisser     [chương_files]  

Religio Journalistici cover

Religio Journalistici

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The great Canadian journalist and humorist ruminates and reflects upon his life and calling in this 1924 little gem. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Nerves and Common Sense cover

Nerves and Common Sense

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This is a collection of 30 articles on mental health, stress reducing and general advice on how to deal with everday problems at work or at home. (Summary by Sonia)     [chương_files]  

Homogenic Love and Its Place in a Free Society cover

Homogenic Love and Its Place in a Free Society

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This pamphlet by LGBT pioneer and philosopher Edward Carpenter was originally intended to form part of his work “Love’s Coming of Age”, but was removed following public discourse on the Oscar Wilde trials of 1895. It was subsequently published privately and circulated among his inner circle. This is Carpenter’s first publication on the subject of homosexuality, and displays his typical forward-thinking and utopian sentiments. It seeks to make clear that homosexuality is innate, is more widespread than generally accepted, and even implies that degress of bisexuality may be universal. – Summary by Jake Malizia     [chương_files]  

Considerations on Representative Government cover

Considerations on Representative Government

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Mill’s volume was published in 1861 as an argument favoring this form of governance. Mill covers what forms of government work best, including when representative government is applicable and when not. He details appropriate functions of representative bodies and warns of problems to avoid. He distinguishes between true and false democracy. Other areas covered include how voting is carried out, the role of a second chamber in Parliament, and how an executive branch might function. (Summary by Bill Boerst)     [chương_files]  

Free Press cover

Free Press

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I propose to discuss in what follows the evil of the great modern Capitalist Press, its function in vitiating and misinforming opinion and in putting power into ignoble hands; its correction by the formation of small independent organs, and the probably increasing effect of these last. (Introduction by Hilaire Belloc)     [chương_files]