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Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters cover

Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters

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The author describes popular ghost occurrences from a skeptical point of view, providing explanations based on recent scientific research (early 20th century), primarily in the field of psychology, like suggestion and hallucinations, using also his beliefs on mesmerism and telepathy. He finishes his book with a brief mention of ghost hunters and researchers into psychic phenomena. – Summary by Rapunzelina     [chương_files]  

Thirteen Travelers cover

Thirteen Travelers

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The year is 1919 and peace has sprung upon the world after the unspeakable carnage of World War I. The place is Hortons, a building of expensive flats on Duke Street just off Piccadilly, London. Social structures are disintegrating, expectations are not being met, people are confused, life is different. Each story is about a person who lives or works at Hortons, all struggling to adjust to life as it has radically changed. Twelve short stories, published in 1921, by the early twentieth century very popular English writer, Hugh Walpole. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology cover

Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology

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A collection of classical writings of Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. Written at intervals over a span of fourteen years, these selected articles and pamphlets contain many fascinating ideas that have become widely accepted psychological concepts nowadays, but had just started to develop at the time when the book was written. For instance, this is where Dr. Jung’s ideas of introversion and extroversion, a contribution of vital importance to psychology, appeared for the very first time. Other topics explored include the concept of the unconscious, the study of psychological types, and the psychology of dreams. (Cao Yuqing)     [chương_files]  

G.K. Chesterton in America: A Catholic Review of the Week cover

G.K. Chesterton in America: A Catholic Review of the Week

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A collection of 15 articles/essays written by G.K. Chesterton in “America: A Catholic Review of the Week”. The publication dates range from 1915-1917. (Summary by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Three Stories & Ten Poems cover

Three Stories & Ten Poems

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The author arranged for this collection of three short stories and ten poems to be printed in a small run of 300 copies in Dijon (France.) The book entered into the public domain in 2019. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Power of a Lie cover

Power of a Lie

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Norby is requested to guarantee a bank loan for Wangen and he obliges, signing the loan document in the presence of a witness. Some time later the witness dies. Years after that Wangen defaults on the loan, requiring Norby to pay the balance, but Norby declares his signature on the document to be a forgery. The profound effects of this lie on Wangen, Norby, their wives, families and community form the basis of this brilliant Norwegian novel, presented here in a first-rate English translation. (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Omnipotent Self cover

Omnipotent Self

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“Nature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.”—Claudius. Often we feel “down” or “low”, without being clinically depressed or seeking the aid of a doctor. This is a study, in layman’s terms, of the causes and effects of mental strife, with suggestions on how we can improve our state of mind. Some listeners may be offended by the views on homosexuality expressed, but these reflect the views of the day. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Major Symptoms of Hysteria cover

Major Symptoms of Hysteria

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In this series of lectures delivered in English by the author while visiting the USA, Janet summarises the (at the time) cutting edge perspective on the various forms of hysteria. The syndromes include generalised amnesic states and conversion disorders, and show Janet’s highly influential views regarding the fundamental role of dissociation. The lectures provide an insight into the development of this area of psychiatry out of the neurological field of the nineteenth century, with Janet dropping some famous names from the history of medicine. ( Peter Tucker)     [chương_files]  

G.K. Chesterton in The Open Road cover

G.K. Chesterton in The Open Road

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A collection of 2 book reviews written by G.K. Chesterton in “The Open Road”, both from 1911. (Summary by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Freckles (Version 2) cover

Freckles (Version 2)

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Freckles is a young man who has been raised since infancy in a Chicago orphanage. His one dream is to find a job, a place to belong and people who accept him despite his youth and the disability of having only one hand. He finds this place in the Limberlost Swamp, as a Limberlost guard of precious timber. In the process, he discovers a love for the wilderness and animals he encounters every day on his rounds and a burning desire to learn about all the new birds and plants he sees on his rounds every day. He also finds and falls in love with a girl he calls the “Swamp Angel.” This is the story of his plucky courage in sticking to his job in the swamp, and his adventures in learning about the natural world he finds himself in every day. He is befriended by the “Bird Woman” and with her help learns to love the Limberlost he has been hired to guard. – Summary by Mary Anderson     [chương_files]