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Freckles (Version 2) cover

Freckles (Version 2)

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Freckles is a young man who has been raised since infancy in a Chicago orphanage. His one dream is to find a job, a place to belong and people who accept him despite his youth and the disability of having only one hand. He finds this place in the Limberlost Swamp, as a Limberlost guard of precious timber. In the process, he discovers a love for the wilderness and animals he encounters every day on his rounds and a burning desire to learn about all the new birds and plants he sees on his rounds every day. He also finds and falls in love with a girl he calls the “Swamp Angel.” This is the story of his plucky courage in sticking to his job in the swamp, and his adventures in learning about the natural world he finds himself in every day. He is befriended by the “Bird Woman” and with her help learns to love the Limberlost he has been hired to guard. – Summary by Mary Anderson     [chương_files]  

Magnificent Adventure cover

Magnificent Adventure

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“The Magnificent Adventure” in 1916 was set at the time of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This fictional story is brimming with adventure and action, having to do with a gallant gentleman and is written well as Emerson Hough was famous for writing stirring westerns. – Summary by April6090     [chương_files]  

On the Witness Stand: Essays on Psychology and Crime cover

On the Witness Stand: Essays on Psychology and Crime

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Eight sketches by one of the pioneers of applied psychology, which highlight the mind of the witness on the witness stand, and how one can be an unreliable eyewitness. The last essay, on the prevention of crime, takes another direction. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales cover

Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales

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Old buildings necessarily have a history. It is not always a happy history and folklore abounds. Sometimes unhappy souls come back to haunt the current residents or their guests. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these narratives provide a fascinating insight into the history of the buildings and the hysteria they may induce. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Holiday Round cover

Holiday Round

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Alan Alexander Milne, popularly known as A. A. Milne, is best known – perhaps to most people only known – for his children’s book, Winnie the Pooh. Yet he was an incredibly prolific author. He published dozens of successful plays, myriad humorous articles written for internationally prominent journals, a wide range of social, political, and other nonfiction works, and even a murder mystery. This collection is humorous throughout, but humorous in a particularly Milnesque way: he consciously and quite openly rejected the bitterness of satire in favor of a peculiarly gentle, often self-deprecating humor. Included here are dozens of short essays showing, among other things, Milne’s extraordinary capacity to understand – and be understood by – children, and his special affinity for women, as friends and as lovers. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution cover

Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution

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“It is barely a century and a half ago that certain philosophers, who, it should be remarked, were very ignorant of the primitive history of man, of the variations of his mental constitution and of the laws of heredity, propounded the idea of the equality of individuals and races… It is in the name of this idea that socialism, which seems destined to enslave before long the majority of Western peoples, pretends to ensure their welfare… The object of this work is to describe the psychological characteristics which constitute the soul of races, and to show how the history of a people and its civilisation are determined by these characteristics… We shall then examine whether the elements composing a civilisation, its arts, its institutions, its beliefs, are not direct manifestations of the soul of races, and whether in consequence, it is not impossible that they should pass from one people to another. We shall conclude by attempting to determine what are the necessities under the influence of which civilisations decay and die out.” – extracts from the Introduction. Also, “…The author’s central thesis is that chance, environment and institutions play but secondary parts in the history of a people. Character (race) is the important thing. This character – a people’s morality and conduct – is determined mainly by its ancestry. After character, ideas, and particularly religious ideas are the most important factors in the evolution of a civilisation. The possession of a small number of highly developed minds is what […]

Wonderful Year cover

Wonderful Year

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Martin Overshaw and Corinna Hastings are leading dull and unproductive lives in Paris, having fled humdrum England. They fall in with Fortinbras, who calls himself a Marchand de Bonheur. He predicts a bright future for them and suggests they set out on a journey through France together. The book follows their adventure which turns out to be far more complicated than it might at first seem. They meet a variety of characters on the way and the looming threat of the First World War overshadows the second half of the book, which nonetheless ends happily for all concerned.     [chương_files]  

Sunny Side (Version 2) cover

Sunny Side (Version 2)

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A. A. Milne is best known for his creation of the perennially popular Winnie the Pooh, though he was and is highly acclaimed for hundreds of gently humorous essays and poems published in, among other famous venues, Punch Magazine, most of which have been collected and published as books. The Sunny Side is his last collection of articles and verses because, as he wrote in the American Introduction to the volume, “this sort of writing depends largely upon the irresponsibility and high spirits of youth for its success, and I want to stop before …the high spirits become mechanical …” He called this assortment “scrappy, because, “…Odd Verses have crept in on the unanswerable plea that, if they didn’t do it now, they never would; War Sketches protested that I shouldn’t have a book at all if I left them out; an Early Article, omitted from three previous volumes, paraded for the fourth time with such a pathetic ‘I suppose you don’t want me’ in its eye that it could not decently be rejected.” He concludes: “So here they all are.” Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

Daredevil cover


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Roberta, daughter of an American soldier and a French marquise, is returning to the childhood home of her father after his death in the Great War. Upon reaching New York she realizes that her Uncle, a woman-hater, has confused the genders of her and her small crippled brother. In order to please her Uncle and ensure medical treatment for Pierre, she becomes “Robert”, his nephew. In her new identity she secures supplies for France, has many hilarious close-calls, and manages to fall in love with the Governor. – Summary by LikeManyWaters     [chương_files]  

Frank Merriwell at Yale; Or, Freshman Against Freshman cover

Frank Merriwell at Yale; Or, Freshman Against Freshman

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Gilbert Patten, writing under the pen name of Burt L. Standish, wrote innumerable novels that were very popular in their time. His Frank Merriwell stories were later adapted for radio and these, too, were very popular. Frank is the All-American boy—scholar, athlete, gentleman—and always displays quick thinking and fairness in all that he does. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]