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Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 080 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 080

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Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. “Not one of us actually thinks for himself, or in any orderly and scientific manner. The pressure of environment, of mass ideas, of the socialized intelligence… is too enormous to be withstood.” (H. L. Mencken, 1919) The individual and society were central to several vol. 080 reads: The Genealogy of Etiquette; A Lounge on the Lawn; Alexander Pushkin; Princess Zizianoff; The Hanseatic League; and The Limits of Atheism. Science and the inventive mind were covered in “On the Science of Experiments; Coffey’s Science of Logic; Medicine and It’s Subjects; How a Fast Train is Run; and The Telephone. Travel and customs were explored in Rupert Brooke & Skyros; Lundy Island; and An Unfamiliar Naples. Nature studies included Wildflowers of the Farm; Birds in the Calendar; Trees in Landscape Painting, and A Tame Rook. Finally, a dog’s life received favorable comparison with our own in The Superior Animal. Summary by Sue Anderson The authorship of Lundy Island, originally ascribed to Anonymous has been determined through genealogical research to be Amelia Ann Heaven, a member of the family which owned the island from 1834 to 1918. Roger Bacon’s On the Science of Experiments was translated by Andrew George Little (1863-1945)     [chương_files]  

Far Country cover

Far Country

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The book follows the career of Hugh Paret from youth to manhood, and how his profession as a corporation lawyer gradually changes his values. The book received positive reviews, and was the second best-selling novel in the United States in 1915. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Small House at Allington (version 2) cover

Small House at Allington (version 2)

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The Small House at Allington concerns the widowed Mrs.Dale, her daughters Isabella (“Bell”) and Lilian (“Lily”), who live in the “Small House”, and their suitors. The bachelor Squire of Allington (Christopher Dale), who lives in the Great House, has allocated the Small House, rent free, to his widowed sister-in-law and her daughters. This is the fifth of the six Chronicles of Barsetshire. As with all of Trollope’s novels, this one also contains many sub-plots and numerous minor characters. Plantagenet Palliiser, of Trollope’s Palliiser series of novels makes his first appearance, as he contemplates a dalliance with Griselda Grantly, the now-married Lady Dumbello, daughter of the Archdeacon introduced earlier in the Chronicles of Barsetshire. Another key sub-plot involves the goings-on at protagonist John Eames’ London boarding house where the landlady’s worldly and attractive daughter (Miss Amelia Roper) attempts to ensnare Eames into a socially downwardly-mobile marriage, and where Eames’ fellow boarder and co-worker gets drawn into a love triangle with the wife of an unhappily married theatrical couple. In these London scenes at the clerks’ office and the Roper boarding house, we see Dickensian echoes. As with so many of Trollope’s novels, here Trollope explores issues of emotional and generational power struggles, adultery, temptation, jilting lovers, marriage proposal refusals, and the consequences of indecision. Trollope’s scene of the bull attack placed mid-way through the novel is a tour-de-force moment not to be missed by any reader interested in the art of the Victorian novel. (Edited by N K Whitley from the […]

Peñas arriba cover

Peñas arriba

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Marcelo, un joven abogado de Madrid de ambiente cosmopolita, tiene que viajar a un remoto pueblo en la montaña cántabra (Tablanca) para arreglar unos asuntos familiares. La majestuosidad del paisaje y las costumbres del lugar al principio le chocan negativamente pero… finalmente la montaña y la forma de vida en ella acabará por seducirle y transformará radicalmente su forma de vida y de pensar. Novela de referencia en español del mito de “lo rural”, da testimonio de una forma de vida hoy dia casi desaparecida protagonizada por los picos y valles de Cantabria. Inolvidables los retratos de Don Celso, Chisco, el cura Don Sabas y el médico Neluco, entre otros. Junto con “Sotileza”, la obra más destacada del gran costumbrista Pereda. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Dominion in 1983 cover

Dominion in 1983

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First published as a booklet in 1883, “The Dominion in 1983” describes the author’s ideas of what life in Canada is like one hundred years into the future. The author’s name, Ralph Centennius, is a pseudonym. – Summary by Kristin Hand     [chương_files]  

Schnock cover


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Hebbel schildert in seiner Kurzgeschichte die Umstände einer zufällig gemachten Reisebekanntschaft. – Summary by Claus Misfeldt     [chương_files]  

Book of Dreams and Ghosts cover

Book of Dreams and Ghosts

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The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang is a book mainly focused on the stories of ghosts and other mystical phenomenon. With frequent editorializing and discussion by the author, the work is less a series of supernatural tales and more of an anthropological book centred around bewitching stories of the otherworldly -given the name Psychical Research when Lang was alive. Over the course of fourteen chapters, 79 stories, and two prefaces, Lang manages to keep the reader enchanted with his thoughtful retellings, literary charisma, and exemplary choice in narratives. – Summary by Aiden Javurek Humig     [chương_files]  

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft cover

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft

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A series of letters written by Scott on the history of witchcraft and other supernatural events in England and other locations. He documents stories and discredits them with natural causes. (Summary by Deon Gines)     [chương_files]  

Rebellion cover


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Cinematic in style and rich in characterization, this novel is set in early 20th century Chicago – in a barroom, at home, and in the workplace. An alcoholic convinces himself of the reasonableness of “just one drink”. A priest defends the Church’s position on the indissolubility of marriage. It is a story of relationships impacted by human frailties, unusual generosity, and religion. “It is almost photographic in its accuracy of detail.” – The New York Herald “Every person in it is someone you know.” – The Call “The author permits the representatives of the old order to present their arguments. For the new order he presents simply the facts of such a case as Georgia’s. It is for this reason that the book is strong.” –The New York Times The author’s personal history, including his founding of the NY Daily News, is covered at (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Ghost Girl cover

Ghost Girl

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Henry Kitchell Webster is an American author best know for his detective novels. The Ghost Girl opens with a murder mystery. A young woman’s frozen, yet perfectly preserved, body is found in the river. As the family discusses this news of the day, good friend Jeffrey returns from a sabbatical, suddenly undertaken after finishing a commission to paint the portrait of a dead girl. The mystery deepens as the chapters progress and Jeffrey and Drew investigate as the haunting coincidences begin to pile up. ( Kate Follis)     [chương_files]