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Hebbel schildert in seiner Kurzgeschichte die Umstände einer zufällig gemachten Reisebekanntschaft. – Summary by Claus Misfeldt     [chương_files]  

Book of Dreams and Ghosts cover

Book of Dreams and Ghosts

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The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang is a book mainly focused on the stories of ghosts and other mystical phenomenon. With frequent editorializing and discussion by the author, the work is less a series of supernatural tales and more of an anthropological book centred around bewitching stories of the otherworldly -given the name Psychical Research when Lang was alive. Over the course of fourteen chapters, 79 stories, and two prefaces, Lang manages to keep the reader enchanted with his thoughtful retellings, literary charisma, and exemplary choice in narratives. – Summary by Aiden Javurek Humig     [chương_files]  

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft cover

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft

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A series of letters written by Scott on the history of witchcraft and other supernatural events in England and other locations. He documents stories and discredits them with natural causes. (Summary by Deon Gines)     [chương_files]  

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Cinematic in style and rich in characterization, this novel is set in early 20th century Chicago – in a barroom, at home, and in the workplace. An alcoholic convinces himself of the reasonableness of “just one drink”. A priest defends the Church’s position on the indissolubility of marriage. It is a story of relationships impacted by human frailties, unusual generosity, and religion. “It is almost photographic in its accuracy of detail.” – The New York Herald “Every person in it is someone you know.” – The Call “The author permits the representatives of the old order to present their arguments. For the new order he presents simply the facts of such a case as Georgia’s. It is for this reason that the book is strong.” –The New York Times The author’s personal history, including his founding of the NY Daily News, is covered at (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Ghost Girl cover

Ghost Girl

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Henry Kitchell Webster is an American author best know for his detective novels. The Ghost Girl opens with a murder mystery. A young woman’s frozen, yet perfectly preserved, body is found in the river. As the family discusses this news of the day, good friend Jeffrey returns from a sabbatical, suddenly undertaken after finishing a commission to paint the portrait of a dead girl. The mystery deepens as the chapters progress and Jeffrey and Drew investigate as the haunting coincidences begin to pile up. ( Kate Follis)     [chương_files]  

Incubator Baby cover

Incubator Baby

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Marjorie Fielding is born premature and spends her first months of life in an incubator. Her mother is a modern, broad-minded woman eschewing old fashioned views of childrearing to embrace a scientific method. Science has its place but can it be taken too far? Little Marjorie gives us her perspective. – Summary by Scotty     [chương_files]  

Heart of Philura cover

Heart of Philura

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(Once again Mrs Kingsley does not shy away from the highs and lows of life in the quickly changing world of the 1900s…the ageing women working to support themselves or their families, in jobs that will soon disappear…the washerwoman, butter-woman and the little dressmaker….the contrast between the socialite of Boston and the drudge in the kitchen….the old farmers and the independent, college-educated young people…and, with an acceptance of the realities of life we might think of as “modern”, the impact of an illegitimate child on the lives of its mother and her whole family. In her new role as the ministers wife, Miss Philura’s independent (dare one say rebellious?) spirit continues to blossom, while deep in her heart there is a secret longing waiting to be realised….The arrival of a mysterious new family in the village will have unexpected consequences for the lives of several people in Innesfield; fortunately the heart of Philura is big enough and brave enough to embrace it all. (Anne F ) Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

White Dove cover

White Dove

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Sylvester Lanyon, a doctor, is mourning the early death of his wife. His young daughter Dorothy is living with his father, Matthew, also a widower, in a large country house. While visiting his father, Sylvester takes up with Ella, a childhood friend. While tending a dying friend, Sylvester discovers a secret about him which turns his world upside down. He abruptly decides to move to London to continue his researches there, leaving Ella and his daughter behind. Also moving to London, Ella meets Roderick, another friend of Sylvester’s, and the story continues from there as the lives of the three become bound up together. – Summary by Simon Evers     [chương_files]  

Psychology of Alcoholism cover

Psychology of Alcoholism

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After presenting an overview of alcoholism and its affect on society, Dr. Cutten dives into the effects of chronic alcoholism on physiology, the nervous system, memory, intellect, will, emotions, senses that affect the individual’s morals and sanity. Lastly he presents two cures known at that time, Religious conversion and hypnotism. Summary by Curt Walton     [chương_files]  

Human Boy cover

Human Boy

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This collection of eleven short stories, both humorous and touching, about English school boys was published in 1900. The book was quite popular in its time. The author wrote two follow-up books: The Human Boy Again (1908) and The Human Boy And The War (1916). Eden Phillpotts was popular with the reading public and wrote prolifically novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction. Clarification of the term fag: In an English public school a junior boy who performs menial tasks for a senior. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]