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L'Assommoir (la taberna) cover

L’Assommoir (la taberna)

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Gervasia es planchadora y amante del sombrerero Lantier con quien tiene dos hijos, pero Lantier es vago y vividor lo que hace que Gervasia tome la decisión de abandonarle. Gervasia conoce a su vecino Coupeau que se muestra amable con ella y con sus hijos. Cuando Coupeau le propone matrimonio Gervasia, aunque duda, finalmente acepta casarse con él. Pero las cosas poco a poco se irán deteriorando; Coupeau cae en el alcoholismo y poco a poco arrastra a Gervasia a la bebida. (Introducción por Montse González)     [chương_files]  

Ellen Middleton cover

Ellen Middleton

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Ellen Middleton had a happy childhood with her uncle and aunt. She grew up alongside her cousin Julia. Suddenly, something happened. Her life spiraled out of control. She married the wrong man. Her life is ruined and she is tormented by guilt over something she has done. A huge secret she holds and wishes to keep. A secret which, if revealed, would ruin her life forever. Lady Georgiana Fullerton was one of the foremost Catholic novelists in England in the 19th century. This novel was praised by Edgar Allan Poe for its sharp and poignant style and wit. – Summary by Stav Nisser.     [chương_files]  

Tormento cover


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Amparo (Tormento) es una muchacha sencilla, noble y trabajadora. Vive con su hermana, Refugio, que no se le parece en nada. Amparo, trabaja como sirvienta en casa de Francisco de Bringas y su esposa Rosalía Pipaón. Un día aparece por la casa un familiar, Agustín Caballero, hombre venido de las Indias donde se procuró una extensa fortuna. Éste empieza a sentir vivo interés por Amparo, cosa que no sienta nada bien a Rosalía, ya que pensaba que si algún día faltara su marido, ella se casaría con el indiano; o bien si el indiano esperaba un poco hasta con su hija se podría casar. (Summary by Montse González)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 029 - Dogs cover

Coffee Break Collection 029 – Dogs

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This is the 29th Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select and read stories or poems, fiction or non-fiction pieces of fifteen minutes’ duration or less, suitable for short commutes and coffee breaks. The subject for this collection is “DOGS”… and the collection is full after 20 pieces have been submitted. – Summary by ~ Michele Fry     [chương_files]  

Transfiguration of Miss Philura cover

Transfiguration of Miss Philura

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What would happen if someone really believed that “Ask and you shall receive”? Amusing observations on the impact on the life of mild-mannered spinster Miss Philura and her acquaintances in their small American township after she attends a rousing lecture. — anneflebari Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

Cortiço cover


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Nesse Romance Naturalista, Aluísio Azevedo, autor de origem maranhense, expõe as nuances comportamentais da classe menos privilegiada da sociedade carioca no final do século XIX. A miséria, a falta de escrúpulos e a exploração humana são alguns dos pontos trabalhados pelo escritor nessa obra até hoje influente, lida por estudantes e cobrada em exames para ingresso nas principais Universidades brasileiras. (Summary by Adriana Sacciotto)     [chương_files]  

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 13: Baiting the Bears cover

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 13: Baiting the Bears

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Phil Thorne can really bounce back! The story starts with him unceremoniously losing his job (due to his own indiscretion), but immediately helping himself to a great spot by remaining compassionate for an elderly man who needs his help – that man becoming his next employer. Though some nasty men within his new office try to do him up, he overcomes their attempts with his honesty and determination for the truth. Phil teaches us about courage against men as well as calculated bravery in the stock market. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

House on the Cliff (Version 2) cover

House on the Cliff (Version 2)

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The house had been vacant and was supposed to be haunted. Mr. Hardy started to investigate – and disappeared! (From an old ad) This the second book in the original “Hardy Boys” mystery series.     [chương_files]  

Ronald And I; Or Studies From Life cover

Ronald And I; Or Studies From Life

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This is a collection of essays (1899) on English village life in the late nineteenth century. The essay “My Rector” was the focus of some controversy when published. Alfred Pretor was an English Cambridge don and classicist, author, and translator. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

House of Cobwebs and Other Stories cover

House of Cobwebs and Other Stories

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George Gissing was a prolific English writer of novels and short stories. Among his best known novels is The Odd Women, which was influenced by George Eliot, whose work he greatly admired. Another of his famous works, New Grub Street, entails a blunt critique of the working class life he knew by experience, especially during a number of the years he spent in the United States. This collection of stories ranges from the humorous to the tragic. Throughout, Gissing pokes mild fun at his characters’ human frailties: egotism, self-satisfaction, and pomposity, among others. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]