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Diary of a Suicide

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“Mr. B. Russell Herts, c/o International Magazine, New York City. Under separate cover I am sending you a record of a young man who is about to commit suicide. My only object is that it may help…to ease the way for some who come after…. I do not sign this, but you may verify my death by communicating with Mr. ——, whom I am writing to-day, so that he may look after my effects in New York.” The body of a well-dressed young man was found off Manhattan Beach, Sept. 28, 1913. In his pockets a torn photograph of Strindberg and receipts for three registered letters were found. These receipts were traced to Mr. Herts and to friends in Toronto, one of whom identified the body on Oct. 2d as that of Wallace E. Baker. –From the book’s Forward.     [chương_files]  

Joan Thursday cover

Joan Thursday

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Minor potboiler is a change of pace from the author of the Lone Wolf detective series. Tenement beauty (and wannabe stage-star) Joan Thursby seeks to raise herself up out of the gutter in 1900’s New York City, in a precursor to superior soaps like Stella Dallas a decade later. Full of the kind of purple prose common to writers prone to overuse of the thesaurus, and leavened with a bit of humor, the basic story is still entertaining for fans of low-brow lit. – Summary by Matt Pierard     [chương_files]  

Joanna Traill, Spinster cover

Joanna Traill, Spinster

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Timid Joanna Traill’s every move is dictated by her overbearing sisters. Then she meets Mr. Boas, a man who works to give “fallen” women a chance at a better life. Through Mr. Boas, Joanna has the opportunity to take in as a ward a girl from a troubled background. When she takes Christine under her wing, her lonely, monotonous life starts to change for the better, and she learns to assert herself and live on her own terms, not her sisters’. As the years pass, Christine gets to know Mr. Bevan, a friend of Mr. Boas’s, and eventually the two fall in love. Joanna advises her that she must tell Mr. Bevan of her past. Joanna also comes to realize that she regards Mr. Boas as more than a friend. How will Mr. Bevan react to Christine’s news? And will Mr. Boas return Joanna’s love? – Summary by Scarbo     [chương_files]  

Wing of Azrael, Volume 2 cover

Wing of Azrael, Volume 2

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Mona Caird, a British writer and feminist, criticized in numerous non-fiction writings the state of marriage as it existed in her time. Her novel The Wing of Azrael reflects her criticisms. This is the second volume of three. In volume 2, Viola Sedley is facing a coerced marriage to Philip Dendraith. With the wedding fast approaching, she voices her concerns to her mother about Philip’s animal abuse. Her mother is unmoved, claiming that Viola can wield her influence to change Philip for the better. Harry Lancaster makes tenacious efforts to save her from the impending marriage, but to no avail. A new resident of the village named Sibella Lincoln creates a stir in the community because of rumors that she had abandoned her husband and run off with another man. Harry and Sibella work together to find a way to help Viola, now trapped in a miserable marriage. (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

Studies in Stagecraft cover

Studies in Stagecraft

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A companion piece to Hamilton’s earlier work, The Theory of the Theatre. Where that volume dealt with the criticism of dramatic art in general, this volume focuses more specifically on the contemporary drama of the era in which it was written. – Summary by Andrew Gaunce     [chương_files]  

Love of Landry cover

Love of Landry

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The Love of Landry is one of Dunbar’s four novels, and one of three that are about white people. In this case, the story is about the recuperation of the sick Mildred Osborne, an Eastern aristocrat, at a ranch in Colorado. The central character is faced with very different social norms operating in a world with so few women. Though the novel lacks black characters, allusions to them and plot conflicts that center on the position of a man in American society prejudice is hinted at. Mildred Osborne’s journey of self-discovery ends in her finding out who Landry really is and that he is worthy of her love. Summary by Jim Locke     [chương_files]  

Lilian cover


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Lilian works in a typewriting office owned by Felix Grig, a middle-aged man of means. The office is run by his spinster sister, Miss Grig, who suspects that Felix is more interested in Lilian than perhaps he should be and gives Lilian the sack. Her plan fails as Felix invites Lilian to dinner – and the book follows the course of their evolving relationship.     [chương_files]  

Dynamic Thought; Or, The Law of Vibrant Energy cover

Dynamic Thought; Or, The Law of Vibrant Energy

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This is a queer book. It is a marriage of the Ancient Occult Teachings to the latest and most advanced conceptions of Modern Science–an odd union, for the parties thereto are of entirely different temperaments. The marriage might be expected to result disastrously, were it not for the fact that a connecting link has been found that gives them a bond of common interest. No two people may truly love each other, unless they also love something in common–the more they love in common, the greater will be their love for each other. And, let us trust that this will prove true in this marriage of Occultism and Science, celebrated in this book. – William Walker Atkinson     [chương_files]  

Christmas Carol (Version 13) cover

Christmas Carol (Version 13)

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Ebenezer Scrooge is a covetous, miserable old man who lives his life apart from his fellow man and is incapable of showing love or understanding towards them. On Christmas Eve he is visited by three ghosts who show him the error of his ways. (Summary by helensears)     [chương_files]  

American Psychology, 1922-1947 cover

American Psychology, 1922-1947

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This is the second of what is intended to be three projects featuring journal articles which chart the development of psychology as an academic discipline in the United States during the twentieth century. This collection includes key texts in the development of behaviourism, neuropsychological testing, the psychology of race and humanist therapeutic psychology. Many thanks to staff at the American Psychological Association, Taylor and Francis and Phi Beta Kappa who have helped us to establish that these papers are public domain for those who live in the United States or countries that recognise the Rule of the Shorter Term. (Summary by Carl Manchester)     [chương_files]