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Flirt cover


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Laura and Cora Madison and their younger brother Hedrick live with their parents in a Midwestern American town that is fairly bursting with Cora’s discarded and would-be beaus. Her flirtatiousness annoys the tempestuous Hedrick but not the reserved Laura. The return to town of a handsome, charming former resident and an encounter with a deranged young person set in motion a roller-coaster of events that interweave and play out to an exciting, emotional climax. Booth Tarkington’s writing is exceptionally sensitive and perceptive. A popular American novelist and dramatist, he is best remembered for his Pulitzer Prize-winning novels “The Magnificent Ambersons” and “Alice Adams”. – Lee Smalley     [chương_files]  

Miss Philura's Wedding Gown cover

Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown

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Follow-up to “The Transfiguration of Miss Philura”….will the conviction of mild-mannered Miss Philura that “Ask and you have already received” be proved right or will her hopes be dashed, and the disapproving judgement of her fellow parishioners and neighbours be vindicated instead? Witty and gently critical observations on life in a small American township, particulary its female population, and the stirrings of change at the turn of the century. Summary by Anne F. Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 078 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 078

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Twenty short nonfiction works, chosen by the readers. “That thing up there on the stand with the American flag on top is a machine gun, and those are bullets hitting the house. And that means your country is shooting at you.” These are a mother’s words to her six-year old daughter, recalled by Dr. Olivia Hooker testifying about the horrific destruction of Black-owned homes and businesses in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921. Strife and good will, the complexity of human society is the theme of many vol. 078 readings: (Little Sermons in Socialism; The Altar of Freedom, Perfection According to the Saviour, Napoleon’s Argument for the Divinity of Christ, Chicago Race Riots, The Diggers’ Manifesto, Arguments of Celsus, Freemasonry, Twenty Unsettled Miles, Progress of Ballot Reform, James Jesse Strang, Monitorial System of Harrow School, and Wedding on Maarken). A change of pace is found in The Lake Biwa-Kioto Canal, The New Madrid Earthquake, The History of Games, Rendering Clouds and Water, and Food in Little Italy. Summary by Sue Anderson     [chương_files]  

Selected Lead Articles from "THE DAWN" cover

Selected Lead Articles from “THE DAWN”

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Louisa Lawson, the mother of Australian writer Henry Lawson, was the founder, publisher and editor of an early feminist journal in Sydney named “The Dawn”. From 1888 onwards, it played no small part in the gaining of the vote for Australian women in South Australia (1895), Western Australia (1899), New South Wales (1902), Commonwealth (1902), Tasmania (1903), Queensland (1905), and Victoria (1908). Since the success of the “Digitise The Dawn” project, a number of Louisa Lawson’s lead articles from the journal are available PD online, including the one written in defiance of the male-dominated New South Wales Typographical Association. This union attempted to shut down The Dawn by getting up an advertising boycott and other methods, angered as they were by The Dawn’s all-woman team of editors and printers … the NSW Typographical Association objected to them employing women at all. Louisa Lawson described one attempt at intimidation to the ‘Bulletin’ : ‘We were just going to press, and you know how locking up isn’t always an easy matter-particularly for new chums like we were. Well he stood there and said nasty things, and poor Miss Grieg-she’s my forewoman-and the girls, they got as white as chalk; the tears were in their eyes. I asked him three times to go, and he wouldn’t, so I took a watering pot full of water that we had for sweeping the floor, and I let him have it.’ The advertising boycott in time collapsed after Louisa Lawson suggested her readers adopt the following […]

Hope Farm Notes cover

Hope Farm Notes

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“Most of these notes were originally printed in the Rural New-Yorker from week to week and covering a period of about 20 years. . . . From the very first the object of these notes has been to picture simply and truthfully the brighter, cheerful side of Farm Life.” (From the author’s preface) Herbert W. Collingwood gives us a delightful collection of essays reflecting his homespun wisdom and wit from the rural setting of the farm in early twentieth century America. He touches on subjects from baseball to Christmas, all reflecting his treasured values of home and family. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting cover

Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting

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An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting was a conduct book written by Jane Collier and published in 1753. The Essay was Collier’s first work, and operates as a satirical advice book on how to nag. It was modelled after Jonathan Swift’s satirical essays, and is intended to “teach” a reader the various methods for “teasing and mortifying” one’s acquaintances. It is divided into two sections that are organised for “advice” to specific groups, and it is followed by “General Rules” for all people to follow. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Обрыв cover


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Впервые опубликованный в 1869-м году в журнале «Вестник Европы», роман «Обрыв» как бы завершает «трилогию» о переходном периоде в русской жизни (две предыдущие книги – «Обыкновенная История» и «Обломов») и стал последним большим произведением Гончарова. Героем романа является «светский человек» Борис Павлович Райский. Основные события повествования разворачиваются на фоне отживания элементов патриархального быта и прихода «новых сил». Написан роман был с перерывами в течение двадцати лет и сам Гончаров называл его «дитя моего сердца».     [chương_files]  

Conquest of Canaan cover

Conquest of Canaan

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Small town middle America in early 1900’s—Ne’er-do-well Joe Louden loves daughter of wealthy judge, from afar—leaves town, goes to law school–returns to scandalize all by defending impossible cases—wins over town. Story of small town mores, social inequity, changing times, honor and greed. Summary by Bob Rollins.     [chương_files]  

Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 3 cover

Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 3

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This volume completes the story of Hester and her struggle to find her way in the family she belongs to by birth but not by upbringing. The bank that her father once worked for is again threatened, and Hester’s response to her suitors is decided. – Summary by Anne Erickson     [chương_files]  

L'Assommoir (la taberna) cover

L’Assommoir (la taberna)

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Gervasia es planchadora y amante del sombrerero Lantier con quien tiene dos hijos, pero Lantier es vago y vividor lo que hace que Gervasia tome la decisión de abandonarle. Gervasia conoce a su vecino Coupeau que se muestra amable con ella y con sus hijos. Cuando Coupeau le propone matrimonio Gervasia, aunque duda, finalmente acepta casarse con él. Pero las cosas poco a poco se irán deteriorando; Coupeau cae en el alcoholismo y poco a poco arrastra a Gervasia a la bebida. (Introducción por Montse González)     [chương_files]