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G.K. Chesterton in Vanity Fair Magazine cover

G.K. Chesterton in Vanity Fair Magazine

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A collection of 12 articles/essays that G.K. Chesterton wrote for Vanity Fair magazine in 1920-1921, under the general title “The Next/New Renascence: Thoughts on the Structure of the Future.” (Summary by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks cover

Dry Dock of a Thousand Wrecks

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After an introduction to the Ole Jerry McAuley Mission in the year 1912, many wonderful stories of destitute alcoholics and addicts making a quick recovery through a surrender to Christ Jesus. The book gives glimpses that the years of the highly esteemed Samuel H. Hadley have allowed for the “Evangelical Podium” to firmly take root in the Mission and is corroding the original purpose (the original purpose of this mission was to provide a place for chronic alcoholics and addicts who had spiritual experiences during incarceration to continue it outside of prison and not end up back at their old haunts after being repeatedly rejected by churches and society). The book tells of the on-goings in the new Ole Jerry McAuley Mission at 316 Water Street, NYC, during the early 1900’s. Many things seem to have changed since the 1870’s when Jerry McAuley ran the mission. First, anyone was welcome. Second, the years of sobriety touted in this book were two to five, as opposed to the decades and quarter centuries in its earlier times. Thirdly, advertising their mission, or testifying for the mission was the goal as opposed to living a spiritually guided life. This book tells of many great successes but it wasn’t achieving the same high success rate. (Summary by Curt Walton)     [chương_files]  

Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex cover

Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex

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In this little book Freud discusses three areas of human sexuality: 1. Sexual pervisons or abberations. In this essay, Freud concludes that “a disposition to perversions is an original and universal disposition of the human sexual instinct and that…this postulated constitution, containing the germs of all the perversions, will only be demonstrable in children“. 2. His second essay on “The Infantile Sexuality”, argues that children have sexual urges, from which adult sexuality only gradually emerges via psychosexual development. Looking at children, Freud identified many forms of infantile sexual emotions, including thumb sucking, autoeroticism, and sibling rivalry in childhood. 3. In his third essay, “The Transformations of Puberty”, Freud formalized the distinction between the ‘fore-pleasures’ of infantile sexuality and the ‘end-pleasure’ of sexual intercourse. He also demonstrated how the adolescent years consolidate sexual identity under the dominance of the genitals in puberty. Originally published in 1905, Freud added significant insights over the next three editions to increase the length to about double it’s original size. This is the third and last edition published in 1920. (Summary by Phil Chenevert and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Study of British Genius cover

Study of British Genius

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The psychological and anthropological character of genius in the British Isles was investigated by Ellis. Citing and collating an extensive source of information from the Dictionary of National Biography, many pieces of informational are discussed, including the ancestral heritage, geographical distribution, professions, and health and morbidity of the most the most preeminent men and women of the time. This work also promotes his theory that large cities are not only counterproductive to the development of high achievers, but detrimental to national health. (Summary by Leon Harvey)     [chương_files]  

LibriVox 16th Anniversary Collection cover

LibriVox 16th Anniversary Collection

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“LibriVox is a hope, an experiment, and a question: can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to bring books in the public domain to life…” Hugh McGuire, LibriVox’s founder, August 9, 2005 In celebration of LibriVox’s sixteenth anniversary, here is collection of short works of various kinds and from varied authors which include in their title the words ‘sixteen’ or ‘sixteenth’ or the number ’16.’ Each piece is selected and read by a LibriVox volunteer.     [chương_files]  

Lost Lady cover

Lost Lady

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The young Niel Herbert idolizes Marian Forrester, the beautiful and charismatic wife of a pioneering railroad magnate. After discovering Mrs Forrester’s affair with another man, Herbert loses faith in her and all he thought she represented. Content warning for one use of the N-word. – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]  

Man of Genius cover

Man of Genius

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Famous criminologist, anthropologist, and psychiatrist, Dr Lombroso, investigated the memetic anecdotal belief that genius is associated with degenerative symptoms, or may even be a version of insanity, and presented his findings as a fascinating and controversial theory that the creative and imaginative celebrities throughout history have also displayed what he termed as “atavistic” symptoms, or defects resembling what is commonly seen in the unwell. Citations of evidence are drawn from a rich variety of references sources, including autopsy reports of brains and skulls, biographical data, the influence of environmental and seasonal changes on inventiveness, and even from the records of thousands of admittance into prisons and asylums of France and Italy. This book can be considered as a sort of sequel to his better known and also highly controversial theories about criminality associated with physical manifestations, often categorised as “psuedoscience”. However, it should be noted that although his claims are factual and verifiable, his choice of selective evidence and the absence of a control group should be considered when reading the book. – Summary by Leon Harvey     [chương_files]  

Where No Fear Was: A Book About Fear cover

Where No Fear Was: A Book About Fear

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Surely all of us know fear, and know the different types of fear we can experience. In this book, Arthur Christopher Benson walks us through these different types, going through a range of different topics, among others childhood fears many of us will remember, to the fears plaguing us in other periods of our lives, the origins of different fears, and essays on what a number of notable authors (of fiction) had to say about the subject. It should be noted that this book is not a scientific study, though written by an eminent scholar. Instead, all of Arthur Christopher Benson’s remarkable talents as a story teller are shaping these chapters. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Psychological Warfare cover

Psychological Warfare

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Psychological warfare and propaganda have been used extensively in warfare since the earliest times. This book explores the functions, limitations, types, and history of psychological warfare through 1953. It was written by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, a US Army officer, a noted East Asia scholar, and an expert in psychological warfare, also known by the pseudonym Cordwainer Smith as a science fiction author. Linebarger had extensive experience with the practice and implementation of psychological warfare techniques in the field through his work with the Office of War Information, the Operation Planning and Intelligence Board, and the CIA. The text contains many pictured examples of propaganda. The listener is encouraged to view them HERE. – Summary by Karlgermain and TriciaG     [chương_files]  

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Kuprin is well-known to Russian readers and has been described as one of the last exponents of Russian critical realism. He first made a career as an officer in the army, but he left this work to take on employment as varied as journalist, hunter, fisherman, actor, and circus worker. His literary fame was launched with the publication in 1905 of Poyedinok (The Duel). Here are 12 short stories from Alexander Kuprin. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]