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Pассказы для детей и взрослых (Short Stories for Children and Adults) cover

Pассказы для детей и взрослых (Short Stories for Children and Adults)

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Всеволод Михайлович Гаршин (1855-1888). Его первый опубликованный рассказ «Четыре дня» сразу принес ему известность. В его творчестве драматизм действия заменён драматизмом мысли, драматизмом переживаний, которые и являются основным материалом для Гаршина. Писатель страдал приступами нервного расстройства и в возрасте 33 лет совершил самоубийство. Первые пять сказок адресованы детям, “Сигнал” подросткам, остальные для зрелой аудитории. Vsevolod Garshin (1855-1888). His short stories were an immediate success, but he suffered from periodical bouts of mental illness. At the age of 33 he committed suicide. His stories are characterized by a spirit of compassion and pity comparable to Dostoevsky’s and Chekhov’s. His story Signal appears in English translation in LibriVox “Best Russian Short Stories” collection here. (Mark Chulsky and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 12: A Diamond in the Rough cover

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 12: A Diamond in the Rough

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Fred King is a young man who has been working in the coal industry for years, but it hasn’t soiled his positive, helpful attitude nor his ambitious spirit to succeed. He shows courage whether he or another is in peril, and uses his strength in defense of what is right against some awful characters in his mining town. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

Insomnia Collection Vol. 005 cover

Insomnia Collection Vol. 005

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Soporific dullness is in the ear of the listener, and what’s tedium incarnate to one person will be another person’s passion and delight. However, it is hoped that at least one from the range of topics here presented will lull the busy mind to a state of sweet sleep. Introduction by Cori Samuel.     [chương_files]  

Essays of Schopenhauer cover

Essays of Schopenhauer

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Schopenhauer is considered to be one of the most influential philosophers of all times. Many of his ideas and quotes have been quoted largely and have now become almost commonplace. The essays in this collection are a proof of his breakthrough contributions to Reason, Logic, Progress and Linguistics.     [chương_files]  

On cover


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Hilaire Belloc, French by birth, British by naturalization, was a diverse and prolific writer of the early 20th century. His writing runs the range from poetry, political writings and children’s stories. He was a close friend, and sometimes collaborator with fellow Catholic G.K. Chesterton. This book is a collection of essays and other short writings on a vast array of subjects ranging from observations on Bad Verse and Mumbo-Jumbo to Sailing the Seas and Hatred of Numbers. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Betty Baird cover

Betty Baird

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This is the first book in the Betty Baird Series of boarding school books, a genre which was popular among young girls in the early 1900s. Our heroine, Betty Baird, who is herself obsessed with reading boarding school books, is sent away to The Pines, a boarding school where at first she is ridiculed by some of the wealthier and more popular students. As time goes on, Betty silences her foes with her unique and captivating personality, and she and her new friends have many lighthearted adventures during their days at The Pines. Anna Hamlin Wikel (pen name Weikel) was herself raised by a learned clergyman, Benjamin Baird Hamlin, upon whom the character of Betty Baird’s father is based. The reader is the great grand niece of the author. (Holly Jenson)     [chương_files]  

Rising of the Tide cover

Rising of the Tide

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The subtitle is “the story of Sabinsport”, and the town is the major character. It is a small, Midwestern town in the USA, in 1914. About a dozen characters people its story. It shows how the coming of the Great War effected each character, and the town itself. Ida Tarbell, the author, is considered our nation’s first investigative journalist. Here she turns to fiction to convey some of her ideas of social change. Summary by Bob Rollins.     [chương_files]  

Белые ночи (White Nights) cover

Белые ночи (White Nights)

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Belye Nochi ”White Nights” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. In this small story (though author states this is a sentimental novel) author describes in his traditional and particular way the internal world of one young lonely person. The hero’s 26 years old man, who is oriented into his internal world, who’s rather shy, and thus is in real demand of a soulful conversations and love. The action takes place in the city of a real and deep sentiments and romance — Saint Petersburg, the most romantic and European city in Russia. Not only the location is important, but also a time of a day: all actions in the story take place in evening and night time — the famous time of white nights. Once, hero is going out to have a little daily promenade alone and he occasionally meets an attractive and lovely woman on evening streets of Saint Petersburg. Can he fell in love with her? Can they estimate the value of this relationship? Can they lead a happy life in this city of lonely hearts? You will know the answers on all these questions if you read or listen to a story. (Summary written by Yakovlev Valery)     [chương_files]  

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 5 (1898-1900) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 5 (1898-1900)

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This fifth and final collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde includes many letters to his friend, Robert Ross, and a long letter about prison reform to the editor of the Daily Chronicle. For most of the last three years of his life Wilde lived in Paris, but his letters also describe visits to Switzerland and Italy. The collection ends with one of Wilde’s last surviving letters, which he wrote from his deathbed to beg a friend for money to pay his medical bills. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, biographies, collections of letters to Ross, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. (Rob Marland)     [chương_files]  

Marriage of Elinor cover

Marriage of Elinor

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Elinor has decided to marry. But who is the man she has chosen? No one seems to know. Is he of good character? Does he have a “past”? Or even a wife? – Summary by LynneT     [chương_files]