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Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck cover

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck

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Nip and Tuck are the best of rivals. Throughout the time they’ve known each other, they seemed to be interested in the same things and in constant competition. Now that they are both burgeoning on adulthood, they each have managed to start a small brokerage firm in the same building in Wall Street. Their youth make them instant targets for ridicule by the older brokers, but their tenacity and business savvy prove to everyone their right to be up there with the best of them. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

Testament van mevrouw De Tonnette cover

Testament van mevrouw De Tonnette

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“Het testament van mevrouw De Tonnette” is een moderne romantische komedie – althans, modern voor het jaar 1882, waarin het verscheen. Mevrouw De Tonnette is een rijke, ongetrouwde, oude dame. Zij maakt, in het geheim, een nieuw testament, waarin ze al haar geld nalaat aan een arm achternichtje, Lina Ochten. Er is wel een voorwaarde: Lina moet getrouwd zijn op het moment dat het testament in werking treedt. De twee neven van de oude dame, de ijdele hoofdambtenaar Pieter Botwater en de flamboyante musicus Anasthase van Sterren, zijn er altijd van uit gegaan dat zij het fortuin samen zouden erven. Als ze bij toeval te weten komen van het nieuwe testament zijn ze woedend, en beramen ze ieder voor zich een plan. Lina Ochten, die van niets weet, is ondertussen voor een vakantie afgereisd naar het Zwarte Woud, met een stel kennissen. Pieter en Anasthase reizen haar in het geheim achterna, zonder dat ze het van elkaar weten, ieder vastberaden om Lina ten huwelijk te vragen.     [chương_files]  

Fortunata y Jacinta: dos historias de casadas (Cuarta Parte) cover

Fortunata y Jacinta: dos historias de casadas (Cuarta Parte)

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“Fortunata y Jacinta” esta considerada la mejor obra de su autor: Benito Pérez Galdós, y junto con “La Regenta” de Clarín, la cima de la novela española del Realismo del siglo XIX. Es mucho más que una historia de dos mujeres casadas de distinta posición social, carácter, y objetivos que ven sus vidas entrelazadas de manera dramática. Tanto es así que en 2003 fue elegida por aclamación popular como la mejor obra ambientada en Madrid que se ha escrito nunca y la que mejor refleja los surcos profundos de la sociedad de esta ciudad en los tres últimos siglos. Su extension en cuatro partes, su profundidad psicológica y el vastísimo elenco de personajes la han convertido en una obra universal, contribuyendo a situar a Galdós a la altura (y algunos dirán incluso por encima) de maestros como Balzac, Dickens o Dostoievsky. Esta Cuarta y última parte comienza con la sospecha de que ni siquiera aquellos que parecían más virtuosos se salvan de los deslices amorosos. Sin remedio, todos los personajes y todas las tramas se aceleran entrelazándose en una espiral creciente de traiciones y lealtades que pocos como Galdós han sabido tejer y presentar, como la vida misma. ¿Cómo saldrá la Familia Santa Cruz de semejante trance? ¿Y qué suerte le deparará cada miembro del clan Rubín? ¿Y sobre todo: cómo terminarán nuestras dos casadas…. Fortunata y Jacinta?     [chương_files]  

Children's Book of Patriotic Stories cover

Children’s Book of Patriotic Stories

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Here is a book of Patriotic Stories for children, to stand beside the similar collections of Christmas Stories and Thanksgiving Stories, which have already been welcomed by many parents, librarians, and teachers. Those seeking material appropriate to Washington’s Birthday and the Fourth of July will find here a goodly store, ready to their hands. The Editors hope that a book of stirring tales like these—not history, but stories such as children love, that yet ring true in spirit—will serve to help, though ever so little, the Cause of Liberty and will aid in keeping aglow in the hearts of our young people the ardent spark which inspired our forefathers—the Spirit of ’76. – Summary from The Preface     [chương_files]  

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 11: A Lucky Penny cover

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 11: A Lucky Penny

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Tom Garland is a young man in Boston who is sent to learn a trade at an Industrial Farm near the bay. There he meets another young man who’s lame, Dick Rogers, and they become lifelong chums. When Tom learns of a couple of dastardly plots against both him and Dick, he plans their escape. Tom and Dick continue to succeed through courage and Providence against many difficult situations, the symbol of which is a lucky penny of Tom’s. (Summary by Keith Salis)     [chương_files]  

Klaasje Zevenster, deel 1 cover

Klaasje Zevenster, deel 1

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Een groepje Leidse studenten viert een gezellige Sinterklaasavond in de jaren ’20 van de 19e eeuw, als er onverwachts een pakketje aan de deur bezorgd wordt. Tot ieders grote verrassing vinden ze daarin een baby. Zij besluiten zich als groep over het meisje te ontfermen. Deze roman, een bestseller bij de verschijning in 1866, verhaalt over de lotgevallen van de vondeling. Dit is deel 1 van in totaal 5 delen (de andere delen zijn nog niet beschikbaar op Librivox). Hierin leren we de studenten kennen, en Klaasje Zevenster als jong meisje. Als ze klaar is op haar kostschool komt ze bij één van haar ‚vaders’ logeren, Gerlof Bol, die inmiddels dominee is. Dat heeft verstrekkende gevolgen. (Samenvatting van Anna Simon) Andere delen: Deel 2 Deel 3-5: nog niet klaar     [chương_files]  

Misericordia cover


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“En Misericordia me propuse descender a las capas ínfimas de la sociedad matritense, describiendo y presentando los tipos más humildes, la suma pobreza, la mendicidad profesional, la vagancia viciosa, la miseria, dolorosa casi siempre, en algunos casos picaresca o criminal y merecedora de corrección. Para esto hube de emplear largos meses en observaciones y estudios directos del natural, visitando las guaridas de gente mísera o maleante que se alberga en los populosos barrios del sur de Madrid. Acompañado de policías escudriñé las “casas de dormir” de las calles de Mediodía Grande y del Bastero, y para penetrar en las repugnantes viviendas donde celebran sus ritos nauseabundos los más rebajados prosélitos de Baco y Venus, tuve que disfrazarme de médico de la Higiene municipal. No me bastaba esto para observar los espectáculos más tristes de la degradación humana, y solicitando la amistad de algunos administradores de las casas que aquí llamamos “de corredor”, donde hacinadas viven las familias del proletariado ínfimo, pude ver de cerca la pobreza honrada y los más desolados episodios del dolor y la abnegación en las capitales populosas…” Galdós, en el prólogo a la edición de Misericordia de 1913.     [chương_files]  

Fool There Was cover

Fool There Was

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Two friends were asked by their respective fathers on their death beds to promise to marry a special girl, who lived across the street and who they had been very fond of since childhood. Once they reached young manhood, one of these fulfilled his father’s wish. The story takes off from there, and, while all three continued to be very close to one another as they grew older, the married man was sent abroad on business, allowing his friend to take care of his wife and child while he was away. While overseas, the married man fell into temptation. Many twists and turns, as well as surprises were to follow, rendering the reader curious as to how it would all turn out. (Roger Melin)     [chương_files]  

Windy McPherson's Son cover

Windy McPherson’s Son

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Windy McPherson’s Son is the story of Sam McPherson’s rise in the world of business and search for emotional enlightenment in later life. McPherson starts out as an ambitious newsboy in Caxton, Ohio, with drunkard of a father who constantly embarrasses him. Eventually, after his mother’s death and an episode with a middle-aged schoolteacher, McPherson leaves Caxton for Chicago. In Chicago, he gets a job as a buyer of farm implements and establishes his reputation in business. While his professional life is blossoming, his personal life suffers. After meeting Sue Rainey, the daughter of his boss Colonel Rainey, they get married and twice fail to have children. Following a business deal that forces his father-in-law out of his own company, McPherson and Sue Rainey separate. One day, once McPherson had become quite wealthy, he gets a telegram saying that Colonel Rainey committed suicide. This causes Sam to realize that he is unhappy with his life. This feeling inspires him to leave Chicago and travel all over becoming involved in various adventures. Finally, McPherson’s comes across a promiscuous and alcoholic mother of three children. A deal is made and McPherson gets custody of the children. Showing up with the children at Sue’s current place of residence, the five of them become family. ( Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Her Mother's Secret cover

Her Mother’s Secret

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What kind of secret could a mother be keeping that would keep long time lovers apart, and force her eldest daughter into a hasty marriage? Young Odalite and her cousin Leonidas have lived the past three years apart, with Leonidas at sea, and were planning on marrying when he came back. An old acquaintance turns up who knows something about Odalite’s mother’s past, and holds that secret over her, threatening dishonor to her and her family, unless she gives him what he wants. Will true love win the day? This story will be continued in the sequels “Love’s Bitterest Cup” and “When Shadows Die”. (Bridget Gaige)     [chương_files]