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Fool There Was cover

Fool There Was

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Two friends were asked by their respective fathers on their death beds to promise to marry a special girl, who lived across the street and who they had been very fond of since childhood. Once they reached young manhood, one of these fulfilled his father’s wish. The story takes off from there, and, while all three continued to be very close to one another as they grew older, the married man was sent abroad on business, allowing his friend to take care of his wife and child while he was away. While overseas, the married man fell into temptation. Many twists and turns, as well as surprises were to follow, rendering the reader curious as to how it would all turn out. (Roger Melin)     [chương_files]  

Windy McPherson's Son cover

Windy McPherson’s Son

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Windy McPherson’s Son is the story of Sam McPherson’s rise in the world of business and search for emotional enlightenment in later life. McPherson starts out as an ambitious newsboy in Caxton, Ohio, with drunkard of a father who constantly embarrasses him. Eventually, after his mother’s death and an episode with a middle-aged schoolteacher, McPherson leaves Caxton for Chicago. In Chicago, he gets a job as a buyer of farm implements and establishes his reputation in business. While his professional life is blossoming, his personal life suffers. After meeting Sue Rainey, the daughter of his boss Colonel Rainey, they get married and twice fail to have children. Following a business deal that forces his father-in-law out of his own company, McPherson and Sue Rainey separate. One day, once McPherson had become quite wealthy, he gets a telegram saying that Colonel Rainey committed suicide. This causes Sam to realize that he is unhappy with his life. This feeling inspires him to leave Chicago and travel all over becoming involved in various adventures. Finally, McPherson’s comes across a promiscuous and alcoholic mother of three children. A deal is made and McPherson gets custody of the children. Showing up with the children at Sue’s current place of residence, the five of them become family. ( Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Her Mother's Secret cover

Her Mother’s Secret

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What kind of secret could a mother be keeping that would keep long time lovers apart, and force her eldest daughter into a hasty marriage? Young Odalite and her cousin Leonidas have lived the past three years apart, with Leonidas at sea, and were planning on marrying when he came back. An old acquaintance turns up who knows something about Odalite’s mother’s past, and holds that secret over her, threatening dishonor to her and her family, unless she gives him what he wants. Will true love win the day? This story will be continued in the sequels “Love’s Bitterest Cup” and “When Shadows Die”. (Bridget Gaige)     [chương_files]  

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (1890-1895) cover

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (1890-1895)

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This second collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde includes letters written when the Irish playwright was at the height of his success. Wilde defends several of his works from criticism and even censorship, and writes “prose poems” to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas, that will eventually be read out in court. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, newspapers, biographies, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde’s letters, please see “The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde,” (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. – Summary by Rob Marland     [chương_files]  

Moral Pirates cover

Moral Pirates

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Excerpt: “… you and two or three other fellows might make a splendid cruise in a row-boat. You could have a mast and sail, and you could take provisions and things, and cruise from Harlem all the way up into the lakes in the Northern woods. It would be all the same as piracy, except that you would not be committing crimes, and making innocent people wretched.”…”We’d have a gun and a lot of fishing-lines, and we could live on fish and bears. There’s bears in the woods, you know.” [End] ~ Thus four teenage boys set out for adventures being a different sort of pirate – Moral Pirates. – Summary by Laurie Banza     [chương_files]  

David Copperfield (deutsch) cover

David Copperfield (deutsch)

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David Copperfield, Originaltitel ‘David Copperfield or The Personal History Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery’ ist ein Bildungsroman des englischen Schriftstellers Charles Dickens aus dem Jahr 1849. Der Roman erzählt die Lebensgeschichte von David Copperfield, hinter dem sich der Autor selbst in verfremdeter Form verbirgt. Man erfährt von David Copperfields Werdegang und langsamem Erwachsenwerden. Die Erzählung lebt von den zahlreichen (berühmt gewordenen) Figuren, die seinen Weg kreuzen, ihn einen Teil seines Lebens begleiten, verschwinden und wieder auftauchen. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Nachtwachen cover


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Die “Nachtwachen” ist romantisches Werk von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann, das dieser unter dem Pseudonym “Bonaventura” veröffentlicht hat. Es geht um einen Nachtwächter, der während seiner Rundgänge Betrachtungen und Spekulationen über die Einwohner seiner Stadt anstellt, über das Leben und den Tod sinniert, und seine eigene Lebensgeschichte erzählt. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)     [chương_files]  

Lady Makbeth des Mzensker Landkreises cover

Lady Makbeth des Mzensker Landkreises

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Katerina Lwowna, eine junge Frau aus armen Verhältnissen, geht eine Vernunftehe mit dem über 25 Jahre älteren Kaufmann Ismajlow ein. Ihr neues Leben in der russischen Provinz verläuft voller Langweile, ohne Freude, ohne Liebe und ohne Kinder. Sie nutzt die erste Gelegenheit, sich einen Geliebten zuzulegen, den jungen hübschen Hilfsarbeiter Sergeij. Die Beziehung wird von ihr mit solcher Leidenschaft geführt, dass sie skrupellos und mit viel krimineller Energie alle sich ihr in den Weg stellenden Hindernisse beseitigt. Als Sergeijs Leidenschaft verebbt und er noch dazu Katerina öffentlich verhöhnt, strebt die Handlung rasant einem furchtbaren Ende zu. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]  

Billie Bradley on Lighthouse Island cover

Billie Bradley on Lighthouse Island

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One of Billie’s friends owned a summer bungalow on Lighthouse Island, near the coast. The school girls made up a party and visited the Island. There was a storm and a wreck, and three little children were washed ashore. They could tell nothing of themselves, and Billie and her chums set to work to solve the mystery of their identity. (From original advertisement) This is the third book in the “Billie Bradley” series, a mystery series for girls.     [chương_files]  

Leila; or The Island cover

Leila; or The Island

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The Island begins with a shipwreck in which eight-year-old Leila, her father, her nurse and their loyal dog, Dash, persevere through hard work and faith to adapt to life on a deserted island. – Summary by Marie Christian     [chương_files]