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Three Lives cover

Three Lives

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Three Lives tells the stories of three women from the same fictitious town of Bridgeport. The first story is of Anna, a servant to the wealthy, or those who seem to be wealthy. She finds herself taking on “projects” in an effort to better the people around her. Story number two is of Melanctha, a mixed-race character who is looking for ways to increase her knowledge and power over others, but mostly finds herself dealing with rejection and betrayal. The final story is of Lena, a German immigrant who leads a rather ordinary life as a married woman. – Summary by KHand     [chương_files]  

Mulato cover


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Marco do Naturalismo no Brasil, O Mulato foi o segundo romance de Aluísio Azevedo, publicado em 1881. Retrata um pouco do racismo da época, tendo como cenário principal a cidade de São Luís do Maranhão. Raimundo, personagem criado pelo escritor para declarar esse movimento de cor, é filho de escravo, médico formado na Europa, e assume uma postura que questiona ocomportamento da alta sociedade em relação à raça negra. – Summary by Adriana Sacciotto     [chương_files]  

1916: First Chapters Collection cover

1916: First Chapters Collection

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These are first chapters to books first published in 1916. Readers, following is a tentative list culled from Wikipedia’s article on the year in Literature; most of the works are to be found on Project Gutenberg. – Summary by Matt Pierard     [chương_files]  

今戸心中 (Imado Shinjyuu) cover

今戸心中 (Imado Shinjyuu)

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吉里は、吉原に住む花魁です。彼女のなじみ客であった平田が、彼女と別れて故郷の岡山に帰ってしまいます。彼女はこのことを、大変悲しみました。彼女は、もう一人のよく来る客、善吉は冷たくあしらってきました。しかし、彼女は、善吉が彼女の為に、全財産を失ったことを知ります。そして、彼女は、彼を暖かく扱うようになります。しかし、彼等には、お金がありません。ついに、二人は心中をしてしまいます。 Yoshizato is a high-class prostitute, who lives in a Yoshiwara, where prostitution is legal. Hirata, one of her customers, leaves her and returns to his home town Okayama. She becomes very sad about this and thus treats another customer, Zenkichi, very coldly. But when she learns that Zenkichi lost his fortune because of her, she starts to treat him more warmly. But together, they don’t have money and at last they commit suicide together. (Summary by ekzemplaro)     [chương_files]  

Billie Bradley at Twin Lakes cover

Billie Bradley at Twin Lakes

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Billie Bradley and her brother and their closest friends decide to summer in two rented cottages at Twin lakes, a small resort community. There they find both fun and adventure as well solve the mystery of a young girl’s lost history. This is the fifth entry in the Billie Bradley series. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Za chlebem cover

Za chlebem

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Historia dwojga ludzi, ojca i córki, i ich podróży przez Atlantyk w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia w Stanach Zjednoczonych – Summary by Piotr Nater     [chương_files]  

Joe Strong, the Boy Wizard; or, The Mysteries of Magic Exposed cover

Joe Strong, the Boy Wizard; or, The Mysteries of Magic Exposed

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Joe Strong was a favorite hero and could ride any horse, juggle most anything, and climb buildings, all with a steel reserve. He was the child of unique parents: a mother that rode trick horses and a magician for his father. However, in Horatio Alger fashion, by age five, he was without either parent. So he grew up in a circus and Joe Strong, the Boy Wizard relates a time in his life as he dabbles in magic! – Summary by Gerald A Moe     [chương_files]  

Señor de Bembibre cover

Señor de Bembibre

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Don Álvaro, señor de Bembibre, se ve correspondido en su amor por doña Beatriz, hija de don Alonso señor de Arganza. Pero éste ha decidido dar en matrimonio a su hija única y heredera al conde de Lemus. Doña Beatriz promete a don Álvaro que, antes que casarse con el conde de Lemus, hará todo lo posible por ingresar en el convento. Don Álvaro acude a su tío, su tutor y maestre de los templarios, en un momento en que se aproxima la completa ruina de la orden del Temple y a la que se añaden los rumores que circulan sobre ellos: el Papa los ha excomulgado en Francia y los templarios están presos a la espera del castigo. El tío de don Álvaro le aconseja hablar con el abad de Carracedo, confesor de los señores de Arganza. El abad se muestra disponible a ayudar a don Álvaro a condición que se aparte de la alianza de los templarios. El abad le lleva a una ventana desde la que se divisan las ruinas de la ciudad romana de Berdigum y le aconseja que vaya allí, en medio del silencio de la noche, y pregunte a las ruinas por la grandeza de sus señores, que no dejarán de darle respuesta los silbidos del viento y el aullido del lobo… (Resumen por Tux) Enrique Gil y Carrasco (Villafranca del Bierzo (León), 15 de julio de 1816 – Berlín (Alemania), 22 de febrero de 1845) fue un escritor romántico español. Es recordado fundamentalmente […]

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit cover

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit

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Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 – 1931) was an English writer. He is best known as a novelist, but he also worked in other fields such as journalism, propaganda and film. In 1911 Bennett paid a financially rewarding visit to the US, which he later recorded in this 1912 book Those United States in England; titled Your United States in America. He is a keen observer with an entertaining dry wit.- Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

Homo sapiens - Romantrilogie cover

Homo sapiens – Romantrilogie

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Im Mittelpunkt der drei Romane stehen die vielfältigen (Liebes-)Beziehungen des Schriftstellers Erik Falk. Durch sie vermittelt uns der Autor Einblicke in die moralischen Ansichten des augehenden neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, die aber weitgehend auch noch heute Bestand haben. Eingebettet in die Handliung finden wir zahlreiche Beschreibungen der damaligen politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Verhältnisse sowie Hinweise zum Stand der Wissenschaften. Auch werden weltanschauliche Ansichten (philosophisch und religiös) der damaligen Zeit gut reflektiert. Der Held der Romane kann – je nach der Lebensauffassung des Lesers – sowohl positiv als auch negativ gesehen werden. (immerhin bleiben einige Leute auf der Strecke) Der Titel „Homo Sapiens“ soll Hinweise auf die besondere Stellung des Menschen – „eine(r) höhere(n) Gattung vom Affen“ – unter den Lebewesen geben, der einerseits beherrscht wird von den Naturtrieben, mit diesen aber auf Grund der Fähigkeit, sich in gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse zu integrieren sowie sein eigenes Leben reflektieren zu können, immer wieder in Konflikte gerät. – Summary by Friedrich     [chương_files]