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We of the Never-Never cover

We of the Never-Never

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We of the Never Never is the second book written by Jeannie Gunn under the name of “Mrs Aeneas Gunn”. It is considered by many as a classic of Australian writing. The book was published as a novel but draws on the author’s own experience in settling on the Elsey Station way out in the “back blocks” of the Katherine region of the Northern Territories of Australia early in the 20th century. The primary concession to fiction was that she fictionalised the names of many of the real-life characters that featured in her life at the time, giving them names like “the Sanguine Scott”, “the Fizzer”, “the Quiet Stockman” and “the Dandy”. Shortly after their marriage, Jeannie Gunn (to be dubbed “the Missus”) and her husband, Aeneas Gunn “the Maluka”, travelled to Darwin then into the Katherine to take up the management of the Elsey Cattle Station. The idea of introducing a white woman into the outback of the Northern Territory of the time met with opposition from all directions, and with flurries of telegrams from the men of the Elsey, but on she travelled, proving to be resilient and energetic. What follows is a rural romance, punctuated with occasional lyrical descriptions of the surrounds of the Elsey. We of the Never Never covers the time that Jeannie and Aeneas Gunn lived at the Elsey in 1902 and 1903. NOTE: The book is a product of its time and the descriptions of aboriginal people and their treatment reflect the attitudes […]

Golden Canyon cover

Golden Canyon

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In August, 1856, times were hard in San Diego. Dick, who worked on the ship, “Northampton”, was attacked by a ruthless gang – the next morning he found that his ship had sailed off without him. In no time, his closest friends came to him and nursed him back to health. In talking about the events, they decided it was time for a change, to make a better life for themselves, and that meant they would plan to leave and travel together in the quest to find gold in the “Gold Canyon”. Along the way, they find themselves on the most dangerous adventure they will ever encounter in their lifetime, which includes a whole lot of “the unexpected” throughout the journey, and meeting up with savagely brutal Apache’s. Will there be casualties in this quest? And does there really exist a “Golden Canyon”? A quick paced action adventure awaits! (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

Whirligigs cover


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A collection of short stories. – Summary by Richard Kilmer     [chương_files]  

Mollie of the Movies cover

Mollie of the Movies

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This is a story of a girl who tries to make it big in the world of show business. McGaffey gives us the heroine’s first-person account. He writes in an epistolary style and gives us a comic, slice-of-life look at a girl’s attempts to become a film star. This was serialized in Photoplay Magazine, the premier fan magazine of the 1910s and 20s. Photoplay would go on to publish a wide array of fiction about the film industry. This was one of their first concerted efforts to create a long-form narrative about Hollywood. (Summary by ChuckW) Text sources : First Reel Second Reel Third Reel Fourth Reel Fifth Reel Sixth Reel. Seventh Reel. Eighth Reel     [chương_files]  

Aunt Jane's Nieces On The Ranch cover

Aunt Jane’s Nieces On The Ranch

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Aunt Jane’s Nieces On The Ranch sees the reappearance of Louise and Arthur Weldon after the birth of their first child, Jane. The family lives in California and hire a nurse, a local Mexican woman, much to Uncle John’s disapproval. Racial tension is explored as a New York woman is brought in to care for the child. Meanwhile, the Mexican nurse, Inez, is certain the ranch is haunted. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Buried Alive cover

Buried Alive

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The hero is Mr Priam Farll, a painter of considerable ability. He is, however, extremely shy – so shy that when his valet, Henry Leek, dies suddenly, the doctor believes the dead man to be Priam Farll and the live man the valet. The artist does not try to disabuse him. After the funeral (in Westminster Abbey), Priam Farll marries a widow and lives a happy life until the loss of his wife’s money means he has to take up painting again. A connoisseur of art recognises his style but thinks the paintings are by an imposter. He makes a fortune by buying his works through a small dealer and selling them in America as genuine. Meanwhile Priam Farll refuses through his obstinate shyness to prove his own identity. (Summary by Simon Evers)     [chương_files]  

Adventures of Paddy the Beaver (Version 2) cover

Adventures of Paddy the Beaver (Version 2)

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When Paddy the Beaver moves into the Green Forest and wants to build his home, he never quite expected it would cause so much commotion! Being a focal point of attention, the forest animals watch him carefully and scrutinized his work, make fun of and question his building project, someone screams at him saying unkind things, and one forest animal sets his sights on hunting him to have him for lunch! That’s an awful lot for a little beaver to overcome – do you think he can do it? (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

History of Mr. Polly cover

History of Mr. Polly

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A funny and touching account of the imaginative Mr. Polly who, bored and trapped in his conventional life, makes a U-turn –- and changes everything. H.G. Wells’ early life as the son of a semi-insolvent shopkeeper and as a draper’s apprentice fueled his novels of the lower middle class: The Wheels of Chance (1896), Kipps (1905), and The History of Mr. Polly (1910). These works evoke the desperation of apprentices, clerks, and small traders in their monotonous toil behind shop counters. And, like Mr. Polly, his protagonists make a break from their mundane lives with more or less success. H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a prolific writer in history, general and science fiction, and politics. He was a lifelong socialist. (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)     [chương_files]  

Geheimnis der alten Mamsell cover

Geheimnis der alten Mamsell

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Als die Ehefrau des Zauberkünstlers Orlowsky bei einem tragischen Unfall stirbt, wird ihre vierjährige Tochter Felicitas von der großbürgerlichen Familie Hellwig aufgenommen, sehr gegen den Willen von Frau Hellwig, denn “das Spielerskind” ist in ihren Augen ein sündiges Geschöpf, dem sich noch nicht einmal der liebe Gott erbarmen kann. Als Kommerzienrat Hellwig stirbt, ist Fee der herzlosen Frau und deren bigotten Ansichten ausgeliefert. Von nun an wird sie wie ein Dienstmädchen behandelt und unter dem Vorwand einer streng christlichen Erziehung wird ihr Bildung und persönliche Entwicklung verwehrt. Nur bei der alten Mamsell, einer Verwandten der Familie, die abgeschieden im Dachgeschoss lebt, findet Fee Verständnis und Zuneigung. Ein Geheimnis umgibt die gütige, gebildete Frau, das im Lauf der Geschichte gelüftet wird. Auch die Liebe spielt eine Rolle. Sie taucht ungebeten da auf, wo man sie gar nicht suchen würde. Die Bücher von Eugenie Marlitt sind Unterhaltungsromane auf handwerklich und sprachlich hohem Niveau. Die Autorin hält in ihrem 1867 erschienen Roman einer bigotten, selbstgefälligen “besseren Gesellschaft” den Spiegel vor und kritisiert soziale und politische Missstände der Zeit. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)     [chương_files]  

Jacket cover


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A framing story is told in the first person by Darrell Standing, a university professor serving life imprisonment in San Quentin State Prison for murder. Prison officials try to break his spirit by means of a torture device called “the jacket,” a canvas jacket which can be tightly laced so as to compress the whole body, inducing angina. Standing discovers how to withstand the torture by entering a kind of trance state, in which he walks among the stars and experiences portions of past lives. The jacket itself was actually used at San Quentin at the time and Jack London’s descriptions of it were based on interviews with a former convict named Ed Morrell, which is also the name of a character in the novel. For his role in the Sontag and Evans gang which robbed the Southern Pacific Railroad in the 1890s, Morrell spent fourteen years in California prisons (1894-1908), five of them in solitary confinement. London championed his pardon. After his release, Morrell was a frequent guest at London’s Beauty Ranch. (Introduction by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]