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Peggy Raymond's School Days (or Old Girls And New) cover

Peggy Raymond’s School Days (or Old Girls And New)

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Published in 1916, this third installment with The Friendly Terrace girls places them in The Girl’s High School, with an array of new characters, and a few peripherally known from the first book. A heavier edge of drama comes through via a new student with a superiority complex, another student whose diligent scholastic achievements mar her socially, and an odd tradition of affectionate favouritism between Freshman and Seniors which proves to be awkward and disruptive to more than just the students. Peggy, Amy, Priscilla and Ruth are again faced with new challenges, and complicated scenarios to help resolve. (Summary by Daryl Wor)     [chương_files]  

Europe and Elsewhere cover

Europe and Elsewhere

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This collection of articles came from Mark Twain’s travels and experiences abroad. While many had been previously published, there also were many that had never before seen the light of day…which one reviewer said had never been Twain’s intent for them, having consigned them to obscurity. With introductory essays by Brander Matthews and Albert Bigelow Paine, the book paints a clear picture of the complexity and wide variety of Samuel L. Clemens’ thinking, where it originated and how it developed.     [chương_files]  

Nez d’un notaire cover

Nez d’un notaire

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Un brillant notaire parisien, Alfred L’Ambert, épris d’une danseuse de ballet de quatorze ans est provoqué en duel par son rival turc après une altercation. Ayant perdu son nez au cours du duel, le notaire se tourne alors vers un chirurgien pour une greffe de peau. Le donneur est un auvergnat simple du nom de « Chébachtien Romagné ». Le notaire doit passer trente jours le visage collé contre le bras de l’auvergnat. Mais, une fois ce délai écoulé, il n’en est pas au bout de ses peines… A successful Parisian notary, Alfred L’Ambert, is smitten with a fourteen years old ballet dancer. After a quarrel, his Turkish rival challenges him to a duel during which the notary gets his nose cut off. Thereupon, a surgeon is called for a grafting. The donor is a simple man from the Auvergne with whom the notary is forced to spend thirty days, his nose being literally glued to the arm of the man. But even after this term, his bad fortune doesn’t come to an end… (Summary by Didier)     [chương_files]  

schwarze Spinne cover

schwarze Spinne

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Die schwarze Spinne ist eine Novelle von Jeremias Gotthelf aus dem Jahr 1842. Eingebettet in eine idyllisch angelegte Rahmenerzählung werden alte Sagen zu einer gleichnishaften Erzählung über christlich-humanistische Vorstellungen von Gut und Böse verarbeitet. Die Novelle ist unterteilt in die am Anfang auftretende Rahmenhandlung, die jedoch später zur Binnenhandlung übertritt. Zuerst kaum beachtet, gilt diese Erzählung bei vielen Literaturkritikern als eines der Meisterwerke des deutschen Biedermeier. Thomas Mann schrieb darüber in „Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus“, dass Gotthelf „oft das Homerische“ berühre und dass er seine Schwarze Spinne „wie kaum ein zweites Stück Weltliteratur“ bewundere. (Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

homme à l'oreille cassée cover

homme à l’oreille cassée

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En 1859 Renault revient à la maison après avoir passé 3 ans dans les mines en Russie. Il ramène une momie du colonel Fougas de 1813. La momie sera ressuscitée et le colonel a 24 ans à son réveil. Il ne comprend plus la France. – Summary by Margot     [chương_files]  

Spinner in the Sun cover

Spinner in the Sun

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Myrtle Reed may always be depended upon to write a story in which poetry, charm, tenderness and humor are combined into a clever and entertaining book. Her characters are delightful and she always displays a quaint humor of expression and a quiet feeling of pathos which give a touch of active realism to all her writings. In “A Spinner in the Sun” she tells an old-fashioned love story, of a veiled lady who lives in solitude and whose features her neighbors have never seen. There is a mystery at the heart of the book that throws over it the glamour of romance (Summary by Grosset & Dunlap publishers, 1913)     [chương_files]  

Dan, the Newsboy cover

Dan, the Newsboy

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Dan and his mother are poor, so he begins selling newspapers on the streets of New York City. His perseverance, hard work, and honesty are qualities that help him through various challenges. (Summary by Dale Barkley)     [chương_files]  

Uli der Pächter cover

Uli der Pächter

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Uli der Pächter ist die Fortsetzung von Uli der Knecht. Die Handlung ist im Berngebiet angesiedelt. Uli ist nun mit seinem Vreneli verheiratet und bewirtschaftet einen Pachthof, doch ständig ist er in Sorge, ob er den Pachthof auch zahlen kann. Uli erfährt als Pächter in seinem bäuerlichen Umkreis zwar leidvoll die Schlechtigkeit der Menschen, hat aber auch Helfer in der Not. (Zusammenfassung nach Wikipedia) LibriVox Aufnahme von Uli der Knecht     [chương_files]  

Ranch Girls in Europe cover

Ranch Girls in Europe

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“The next volume to be issued in the Ranch Girls’ Series will appear under the title of “The Ranch Girls in Europe.” In this story the histories of the four girls and their chaperon will be more fully developed, for having put childhood and school life behind them, they will enter that broader world of young womanhood, where romance stands ever waiting round the corner.”     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 076 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 076

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Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. “Our constitution is color-blind… the law regards man as man and takes no account of his surroundings or of his color when his civil rights…are involved.” Justice Harlan’s eloquent defense of equal rights for Black citizens in his 1866 dissent to Plessy v. Ferguson is one of several Vol. 076 selections which explore social issues and politics: John Adams; Gettysburg Address; Civil Rights Bill (1866); First Philippic of Demosthenes; Manifesto of the Humanitarian League; and Acadian Reminiscences. The multitudinal dimensions of human diversity are displayed in other selections: On Leveling from Amiel’s Journal; Sufism; The Discovery of Witches; The Cruise of the Wasp; Nanook of the North; Fossil Hunting in the Permian of Texas; The Nation’s Capital: What to See; Underground London; Poisons Used by Ancient Races; Genetically Engineered Crops; and Recipes for Ice Creams and Ices. Summary by Sue Anderson.     [chương_files]