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Alice; or The Wages of Sin cover

Alice; or The Wages of Sin

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This book is given to the reader, as the exposition of a terrible possibility in actual life. Should there be found, in its pages, any warm tints, any cheering or amusing passages, the author will be glad to know that they have brightened a moment of some reader’s life. But he has not written merely to amuse. He has sought to “point a moral,” as well as to “adorn a tale;” and, if the work shall become the means of helping some sincere soul to a strengthening of its determination to think before acting, to study consequences before creating causes, the author will not have written in vain.     [chương_files]  

Knights of the Square Table cover

Knights of the Square Table

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Here is a mystery story for boys of all ages – from nine to ninety. It is a typical Seckatary Hawkins tale, told by the young scribe who takes care of all the troubles and mysteries that assail him and his young friends in their old clubhouse on the river bank. Your boy – and your girl, too, for that matter – will fairly revel in this book, and many will read it over and over again. It teems with the adventure of boyhood, and while it furnishes and abundance of thrills, it does so in a manner that is bound to teach the young reader the importance of thinking for himself and of playing fair and square throughout his lifetime. The Knights of the Square Table are an interesting lot of youngsters who conduct themselves in an admirable manner when they come upon a mystery in the Lonely House where the miser’s gold is supposed to be hidden. To give the outline of the plot would be to spoil a great climax and the keen pleasure that the reader will have in the ending of the book. Suffice it to say that every boy, no matter what your age, no matter how dim those days of boyhood seem, will read this through from cover to cover with great relish. (From the original dust jacket)     [chương_files]  

Ghost of Kingdom Come cover

Ghost of Kingdom Come

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A word about ghosts. Do you believe in Ghosts? Are you afraid of Ghost? Ghosts are truly real. St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Bridget are real ghosts. This little book is written with the hope that the boys and girls who read it, will someday become “Ghosts of Kingdom Come”! ~ Father Gerald Written by the author of and a similar style as the “Angel Food” series of books, this volume is a series of delightful stories for children – each with a moral – woven inside the story of a ghostly visitor to a priest visiting an old castle for rest. (Summary from the introduction and by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Billy Whiskers at the Fair cover

Billy Whiskers at the Fair

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Who doesn’t love a fair? Billy Whiskers, the mischievous goat sure does! When he leaves Cloverleaf farm his adventures take him to the laughing gallery, the balloon man, the pumpkin man and the fortune teller, and so much more. What does he do on his night with the Duke? – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Mysteries of Paris - Volume 4 cover

Mysteries of Paris – Volume 4

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Rodolphe, who is really the Grand Duke of Gerolstein (a fictional kingdom of Germany) but is disguised as a Parisian worker. He can speak in argot, is extremely strong and a good fighter. However he shows great compassion for the lower classes, good judgment, and has a brilliant mind. He is at ease in all layers of society and so is able to understand their problems, and how the different social classes are linked. Summary by Michele Eaton     [chương_files]  

Old Curiosity Shop (version 3) cover

Old Curiosity Shop (version 3)

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Nell and her elderly grandfather must flee from home after losing their shop and home to the evil Mr. Quilp. Her good-for-nothing brother, convinced that his grandfather is hoarding a great fortune intended for Nell, joins forces with Quilp to hunt them down, so that he can marry her off to his easily-led friend Nick and share in the fortune. Can Nell elude this fate? The first three chapters are told from the point of view of Master Humphrey, of Dickens’ other work, “Master Humphrey’s Clock.” ( Brad “Hamlet” Filippone)     [chương_files]  

Lear of the Steppes, etc. cover

Lear of the Steppes, etc.

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This book contains three novellas by one of the major writers of Russian literature. The first, A LEAR OF THE STEPPES, is a brilliant re-imagining of Shakespeare’s play King Lear, wherein a larger-than-life father makes a life-altering decision with consequences unforeseen by him. FAUST begins at Section 11. In a series of letters to a friend the writer recounts his chance meeting with a married woman whom he had known years earlier when both were single and committed to each other. The ensuing events are vividly revealed in the letters. Section 19 introduces ACIA, the final “ETC.” of the book’s title. Turgenev poignantly portrays the twists and turns of human emotions in this moving psychological portrait of two people who fall in love. Leo Tolstoy believed Acia to be one of Turgenev’s greatest stories. (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Claude Lightfoot, or How the Problem Was Solved cover

Claude Lightfoot, or How the Problem Was Solved

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Most of the boys in the Catholic school called Milwaukee College are engrossed with baseball and keeping up with their studies. When twelve year old Claude Lightfoot is transferred into the school, he has a rocky time of it. While Claude excels in baseball and other playground activities, he also has a knack of annoying the other boys, particularly one who is a mean bully. And though Claude is mentally bright, his hyperactive classroom behavior is a trial to his teacher. The problem that must be solved is whether Claude can settle down to become a responsible young man capable of self control. Along the way he must cope with a series of trials and obstacles, especially as he tries to achieve his great goal: to be worthy to make his first Holy Communion. – Summary by Carol Pelster     [chương_files]  

Impressions of Theophrastus Such cover

Impressions of Theophrastus Such

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Impressions of Theophrastus Such is a work of fiction by George Eliot, first published in 1879. It was Eliot’s last published writing and her most experimental, taking the form of a series of literary essays by an imaginary minor scholar whose eccentric character is revealed through his work. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Over the Hills and Far Away: A Story of New Zealand cover

Over the Hills and Far Away: A Story of New Zealand

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One of the very first New Zealand novels, Over the Hills and Far Away is a heavily romanticised tale of a woman’s journey from England to Otago, New Zealand, and her subsequent experiences in the wild new colony. – Summary by Lewis Fletcher     [chương_files]