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Four Months in a Sneak-Box cover

Four Months in a Sneak-Box

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The kind reception by the American press of the author’s first journey to the great southern sea, and its republication in Great Britain and in France … have encouraged him to give the public a companion volume, “FOUR MONTHS IN A SNEAK-BOX” … a relation of … a second cruise to the Gulf of Mexico … by a different route from that followed in the “VOYAGE OF THE PAPER CANOE.” This time the author procured one of the smallest and most comfortable of boats… the BARNEGAT SNEAK-BOX. This curious and stanch little craft, though only twelve feet in length, proved a most comfortable and serviceable home while the author rowed in it more than 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, until he reached the goal of his voyage — the mouth of the wild Suwanee River — which was the terminus of his “VOYAGE OF THE PAPER CANOE.” – Summary by Nathaniel H. Bishop NOTE: There are issues of race in the telling of “Four Months in a Sneak-box”, particularly anti-Black stereotypes and derogatory terms. It is LibriVox’s policy to record texts as written.     [chương_files]  

Meridiana: The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa cover

Meridiana: The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa

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Three Englishmen and Three Russians travel across the width of South Africa to measure a meridian. The outbreak of the Crimean War makes the Russians enemy agents in an English colony. Summary by Kim.     [chương_files]  

Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America cover

Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America

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In the 1890’s, three American adventurers in search of warmer weather explore Central and South American cities by steamship and on horseback. They visit the remnants of the infamous Louisiana Lottery (exiled to Belise); then on to Hondoras, Trinidad, Santa Barbara, Tegucigalpa, Corinto, Nicaragua, Panama, and Caracus in Venezuela. Along the way they traverse dangerous mountain pathways, encounter charming girls, warring natives, wild animals, gory village bull fights, peculiar foods and customs, and much more. Davis was a well known travel writer and war correspondent, whose travel books were widely published. His style is direct and easy to follow, educational and frequently chuckle-inducing. (Summary by Steven Seitel & Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 - 12. December 1899 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 – 12. December 1899

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol X, December 1899. It includes the following articles: The Wellman Polar Expedition, by Walter Wellman The Harriman Alaska Expedition, by Henry Gannett The Meteorological Observations of the Second Wellman Expedition, by Evelyn B. Baldwin Porto Rico or Puerto Rico? by Robert T. Hill The National Geographic Magazine and the U. S. Board on Geographic Names Place Names in Canada The Antarctic Climate along with Geographic Literature and Miscellanea     [chương_files]  

Voyage Out (Version 2) cover

Voyage Out (Version 2)

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Rachel Vinrace embarks for South America on her father’s ship and is launched on a course of self-discovery in a kind of modern mythical voyage. The mismatched jumble of passengers provide Woolf with an opportunity to satirise Edwardian life. The novel introduces Clarissa Dalloway, the central character of Woolf’s later novel, Mrs Dalloway. Two of the other characters were modelled after important figures in Woolf’s life. St John Hirst is a fictional portrayal of Lytton Strachey and Helen Ambrose is to some extent inspired by Woolf’s sister, Vanessa Bell.[7] Rachel’s journey from a cloistered life in a London suburb to freedom, challenging intellectual discourse and discovery very likely reflects Woolf’s own journey from a repressive household to the intellectual stimulation of the Bloomsbury Group.     [chương_files]  

China cover


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Another fascinating in-depth look at the largest country in the world. Its cities, peoples, culture and industry. (Summary by Betty B)     [chương_files]  

À margem da história cover

À margem da história

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À margem da história foi a primeira das obras póstumas de Euclides da Cunha, tentando recolher os muitos textos esparsos e inéditos do autor após sua morte inesperada e violenta. A maior parte do livro se compõe das anotações feitas pelo autor para um livro, nunca terminado, acerca da Amazônia, a ser intitulado “Paraíso Perdido”, mas que foi publicado nesta coletânea sob o título “Terra Sem História”. No volume encontram-se também compilados outros estudos variados sobre o Brasil. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland cover

Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland

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Samuel Johnson’s wit and tongue-in-cheek expressions make this record of the economy, education and politicks [sic] of remote settlements an entertaining pleasure. Johnson describes the primary produce, orders of precedence, and the politics of Scotland. Johnson’s data is collected by both his observations and his inquiry. – Summary by Chris Greaves     [chương_files]  

Viaje a América (Tomo 2 de 2) cover

Viaje a América (Tomo 2 de 2)

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La crónica de un periodista español que asistió a la Exposición Universal de Chicago en 1893, y que después viajó a través de los Estados Unidos, Méjico, Cuba y Puerto Rico, anotando sus observaciones y experiencias, para luego mandarlas a publicar en el diario madrileño La Vanguardia. Su narración es descriptiva, pero también incluye muchas opiniones y comentario social sobre sus vivencias. El Tomo I se centra en la exposición y el Tomo II se enfoca en el resto de sus peregrinajes. El Tomo II trata mayormente de sus experiencias en los estados occidentales de los Estados Unidos, en Méjico, y en la Habana. – Summary by Verla Viera     [chương_files]  

viajes de Marco Polo veneciano o El libro de las maravillas cover

viajes de Marco Polo veneciano o El libro de las maravillas

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“Los viajes de Marco Polo veneciano” publicado en 1298, contiene las primeras referencias escritas que un europeo registró sobre extensas regiones de Asia a través de la Ruta de la Seda, e incluso áreas mucho más lejanas. Se describen paisajes, costumbres, gobernantes y acontecimientos de territorios que eran prácticamente desconocidos para la Europa Medieval. El contenido esta obra lleva casi 800 años espoleando la imaginación y el espíritu de todo aquel que se adentra en el contenido de sus hojas. Al margen de polémicas acerca de su exactitud o autoría, no hay duda de que es uno de los libros que más influencia ha ejercido en el curso de la Historia y ha sido, es y será un clásico universal. Esta edición contiene los siguientes libros: Libro 1: de los viajes de Maese Marco Polo, gentil hombre veneciano. Libro 2: China y la corte de Kublai Khan. Libro 3 : la India y guerras de los tártaros en el Asia Occidental. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]