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Mizora: A Prophecy. cover

Mizora: A Prophecy.

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After being exiled from her home and family, Vera Zarovich finds herself in Mizora, a civilization at the center of the Earth made up entirely of women. This text recounts her experiences there and what she learns during in time in this “utopian” civilization. – Summary by casmith512     [chương_files]  

Paul Clifford cover

Paul Clifford

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Most men who with some earnestness of mind examine into the mysteries of our social state will perhaps pass through that stage of self-education in which this Novel was composed. The contrast between conventional frauds, received as component parts of the great system of civilization, and the less deceptive invasions of the laws which discriminate the meum from the tuum, is tempting to a satire that is not without its justice. The tragic truths which lie hid in what I may call the Philosophy of Circumstance strike through our philanthropy upon our imagination. We see masses of our fellow-creatures the victims of circumstances over which they had no control,—contaminated in infancy by the example of parents, their intelligence either extinguished or turned against them, according as the conscience is stifled in ignorance or perverted to apologies for vice. A child who is cradled in ignominy, whose schoolmaster is the felon, whose academy is the House of Correction,—who breathes an atmosphere in which virtue is poisoned, to which religion does not pierce,—becomes less a responsible and reasoning human being than a wild beast which we suffer to range in the wilderness, till it prowls near our homes, and we kill it in self-defence. In this respect the Novel of “Paul Clifford” is a loud cry to society to amend the circumstance,—to redeem the victim. It is an appeal from Humanity to Law. And in this, if it could not pretend to influence or guide the temper of the times, it was […]

Wailing Octopus cover

Wailing Octopus

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Rick and Scotty fly off to the Caribbean, along with Drs. Briotti and Zircon, in search of pirate treasure. They soon become entangled with foreign spies and a hurricane and Steve Ames and the U.S. Navy, and it’s a non-stop race to the treasure! – Summary by sjmarky     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 023 - Mysteries, Riddles and Conundrums cover

Coffee Break Collection 023 – Mysteries, Riddles and Conundrums

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This is the twenty-third Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes or less in duration — perfect to listen to during commutes, workouts or coffee breaks. The topic for this collection is Mysteries, Riddles and Conundrums. Short mystery fiction, puzzles that have baffled generations, whether solved or unsolved and anything our forefathers have struggled to explain. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, essays…who knows what you will discover?     [chương_files]  

Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery cover

Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery

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Radio is an ideal boy’s hobby, but it is not limited to youth. Nevertheless it offers a wonderful scope for the unquenchable enthusiasm that always accompanies the application of youthful endeavor, and it is a fact that the majority of the wonderful inventions and improvements that have been made in radio have been produced by young men. To be appended and/or amended as this project proceeds – Summary by Tom Hirsch     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 022 - Days Gone By cover

Coffee Break Collection 022 – Days Gone By

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This is the twenty-second Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes or less in duration — perfect to listen to during commutes, workouts or coffee breaks. The topic for this collection is Days Gone By. All pieces were of a historical nature at the time written (i.e. not enough that they are historical now!). Ancient Rome, Greece or Egypt, medieval Europe, the early days of the American colonies.     [chương_files]  

Outdoor Girls in Army Service cover

Outdoor Girls in Army Service

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This 8th book in the “Outdoor Girls” series, find the girls and boys again at Pine Island, but under very much altered conditions. America had entered the great World War and all the boys but Will Ford have volunteered. Later the boys were called to Camp Liberty, some distance from Deepdale, and the girls conceived the plan of opening a Hostess House for the benefit of the relatives and friends of the boys. While still at Pine Island the girls and boys had come upon a suspicious looking man in the woods Upon finding himself discovered the man had made his escape but in his hurry had dropped a letter which the girls found to their disgust was written in code They decided that the man must have been a German spy. (Adapted from the next book in the series)     [chương_files]  

Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge cover

Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge

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In this 11th book in the “Outdoor Girls” series, the girls have some very exciting experiences. An old man, Professor Dempsey, by name, who had retired to a little log cabin in the woods to recover his health, had chanced to do the girls a very great favor. Of course the girls were grateful to him and were very much interested when he told them of his two sons who were in the war. Later, when the girls read of the death of his two sons in the paper, they went to the old man’s lonely cabin in the woods, but found themselves too late. According to a friendly neighbor, the old man had become temporarily insane at the terrible news, had wrecked his cabin in an insane frenzy, and disappeared. Later, at Wild Rose Lodge, the girls were frightened several times by a strange apparition lurking in the woods around the lodge and Moonlight Falls, a beautiful fall of water not far from the cottage where the girls were staying. The boys came home from France and helped the girls solve the mystery. (Summary from the next book)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 024 - Ghosts, Ghouls and Spooky Things cover

Coffee Break Collection 024 – Ghosts, Ghouls and Spooky Things

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This is the twenty-fourth Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes or less in duration — perfect to listen to during commutes, workouts or coffee breaks. The topic for this collection is Ghosts, Ghouls and Spooky Things in honor of Halloween. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, essays… all chill and perplex.     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 068 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 068

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Twenty short nonfiction works in the public domain. “The Regulation of Time” and “Uniform Standard Time” are two of several readings which touch on social regulation, societal norms, and individual expression. Others examine dancing mania (“Choreomania”); gender conformity (“A Mormon Strategy”); race laws (“Black Code of Illinois”); etiquette and social class (“Housekeeping at the White House (1903)”; “Opportunity” (a view by Ambrose Bierce); organized religion (“The Church in Liverpool in the Early 1800s”); oratory and persuasion (“Pliny to Cerealis” and “The Martians”); legal protection for original ideas (“Copyright for a banana costume”); and an exhortation to judge men by their deeds, not their names (“First Apology of Justin Martyr”). Music and books are celebrated in “Fidelio;” “The Function of a National Library;” “Books in the Wilderness;” and Oscar Wilde’s “To Read or Not to Read.” Natural science is represented by “Coral and Coral Reefs” and “Making a Rock Garden.” Finally, a fateful communique is examined in the “Zimmermann Telegram.” Summary by Sue Anderson Pliny to Cerealis: Letter XXIV was translated by William Melmoth     [chương_files]