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Golden Chimney: A Boy's Mine cover

Golden Chimney: A Boy’s Mine

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Ben Ralston regrets that he was born 40 years too late to take advantage of the California Gold Rush. Opportunities are dwindling, but for a boy with drive, they are not extinct. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Για την Πατρίδα cover

Για την Πατρίδα

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Στο πρώτο έργο της Πηνελόπης Δέλτα με μυθιστορηματική πλοκή,παρακολουθούμε από κοντά τους αγώνες , τις δυσκολίες και τις θυσίες των ηρώων για ελευθερία. Δεν διστάζουν ακόμη και τη ζωή τους να δώσουν φτάνει να πετύχει το σχέδιο της απελευθέρωσης. Η δύναμη της γραφής της Δέλτα, δημιουργεί έναν κόσμο τόσο αληθινό σε δράση και συναισθήματα, που ακόμη και σήμερα διαβάζεται ευχάριστα. (Summary by Penelope)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 021 - Fairy Tales, Tall Stories and Scams cover

Coffee Break Collection 021 – Fairy Tales, Tall Stories and Scams

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This is the twenty-first Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes or less in duration — perfect to listen to during commutes, workouts or coffee breaks. The topic for this collection is fairy tales… traditional children’s tales, tall stories and notorious scams and the authors of thm may be uncovered! Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, essays… all are welcome here.     [chương_files]  

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (abreviado) cover

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (abreviado)

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La entrada de Alicia en el panorama de las letras castellanas se produjo, en realidad, el 15 de noviembre de 1914 con la primera entrega de una versión que vio la luz en las páginas de una revista juvenil editada en Madrid, Los Muchachos. Semanario con regalos. (El curioso subtítulo de la publicación se explica porque incluía cupones para unos sorteos de juguetes y libros entre los lectores). La serie se prolongó en ocho entregas dominicales hasta el 5 de enero de 1915. El texto abreviado parece conceder más importancia a los capítulos iniciales y finales, así como al de la Merienda de Locos. Va acompañado de veintiséis ilustraciones firmadas por F. Mota (ocho portadas a dos tintas y dieciocho dibujos interiores en blanco y negro) que parecen influidas, en algunas composiciones, por los dibujos originales de John Tenniel. En cuanto a los autores de la versión, sabemos con respecto al ilustrador que F. Mota es el nombre con el que firmaba sus trabajos el pintor ceutí Fernando Fernández Mota, colaborador habitual de diversas publicaciones madrileñas a finales del siglo xix y principios del xx. Del traductor, en cambio, seguimos sin noticias. (Summary by Phileas Fogg)     [chương_files]  

Om de schatten van Il Tigretto cover

Om de schatten van Il Tigretto

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Avonturenverhaal, vervolg op “Paddeltje, de scheepsjongen van Michiel de Ruyter”. Verschillende mensen azen op de beruchte schatten van de gevreesde roverhoofdman Il Tigretto. Zowel Paddeltje als Veritas raken tegen wil en dank betrokken bij de zoektocht. Geen online tekst beschikbaar (laatst gecheckt Juli 2013).     [chương_files]  

Why is the Negro Lynched? cover

Why is the Negro Lynched?

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We have felt that the most fitting tribute that we, of the Anti-Caste movement, can pay to the memory of this noble and faithful life is to issue broadcast—as far as the means entrusted to us will allow—his last great appeal for justice (uttered through the pages of “The A.M.E. Church Review” only a few months before his death). A slanderous charge against Negro morality has gone forth throughout the world and has been widely credited. The white American has had his say both North and South. On behalf of the accused, Frederick Douglass claims, in the name of justice, to be heard. (From the introduction)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 019 - Plants and Flowers cover

Coffee Break Collection 019 – Plants and Flowers

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The Librivox Coffee Break Collections are themed anthologies, selected and read by Librivox readers. Each short piece is fifteen minutes long, or less — perfect for coffee breaks, commutes and work outs. Essays, prose, fiction, non-fiction, poetry — who knows what gems will be uncovered? Spring is the time we see plants and flowers, dormant over the cold winter months, burst into life; and they make their appearance here. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Ali Baba en de veertig roovers cover

Ali Baba en de veertig roovers

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Ali Baba vindt een schat van roovers en neemt een deel van de schat weg. Uiteraard willen de roovers wraak nemen. – Summary by Marcel Coenders     [chương_files]  

Dos años de vacaciones cover

Dos años de vacaciones

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Un grupo de niños sufre un naufragio y se ve obligado a sobrevivir en condiciones extremas. – Summary by Tux     [chương_files]  

Practice and Theory of Bolshevism cover

Practice and Theory of Bolshevism

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This book records Bertrand Russell’s impressions of the new regime after a 1920 visit to Russia following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, including his meetings with Lenin, Trostky, and Gorky. It includes a chapter that was authored by Dora Black, educational theorist and feminist author, and Russell’s spouse. This chapter was unfortunately removed in the second edition, which was issued after Dora and Bertrand divorced. This recording is dedicated to my darling wife, Jill. Happy Hanukkah and Happy 2020! – Summary by Landon D. C. Elkind     [chương_files]