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Billy Whiskers in France cover

Billy Whiskers in France

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Billy Whiskers is in France, but he is homesick. Of course, he makes new friends and entangles himself in many adventures. He has encounters with nurses, farmers, and a terrible wharf rat. Why is he at a dog cemetery? Why is there a submarine explosion? Join our favorite goat on his adventures in France. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil cover

Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil

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Dies ist die Geschichte des 14-jährigen Niels Holgersen, der von einem Kobold, den er ärgert, selbst auf Koboldgröße geschrumpft wird. Mit der Hausgans Martin, die sich einem Schwarm Wildgänsen anschließt, fliegt er durch ganz Schweden bis zu den Brutgebieten der Gänse im nördlichen Lappland und wieder zurück. Unterwegs erlebt er viele Abenteuer, wird erwachsener und lernt im Umgang mit den Tieren, ein besserer Mensch zu sein. Dieses Buch ist ein Abenteuerroman und ein Entwicklungsroman, gleichermaßen ein Buch für Kinder und Erwachsene. Selma Lagerlöf erhielt wohl auch für den Niels Holgersen 1909 als erste Frau den Literaturnobelpreis. Dies ist der zweite von zwei Teilen. (Zusammenfassung von Sonja)     [chương_files]  

Billy Whiskers' Adventures cover

Billy Whiskers’ Adventures

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Billy Whiskers, Stubby and Button return from France to New York where new adventures await our favorite goat and his friends. Trouble is sure to turn up in all sorts of places – at school, an unexpected shower, up in a dirigible and in Chicago. Who are the old crow and the elephant? – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Uses of Diversity cover

Uses of Diversity

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A collection of 35 essays by G.K. Chesterton originally published in his weekly columns in “The Illustrated London News” and the “New Witness”. The subjects vary greatly from lamp posts to Jane Austen’s Emma, from “On Pigs as Pets” to Mormonism and Christian Science. (Summary by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Plum Pudding: Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned cover

Plum Pudding: Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned

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Chrisopher Morley was an American literary luminary whose prolific writings included novels, essays, poetry, plays and great journalistic output. This collection of essays is wide ranging in topics, many with his characteristic wit. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp cover

Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp

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This is the fourth book in the “Outdoor Girls” series. In this story, the scene is shifted to a winter season. The girls have some jolly times skating and ice boating, and visit a hunters’ camp in the big woods. (From an old advertisement)     [chương_files]  

Art of Letters cover

Art of Letters

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From the pen of the Irish poet and essayist, Robert Lynd, comes a collection of humorous and satirical essay on the literary scene of his day with critiques of poets and and poetry, ranging from Pepys to Walter de la Mare. He even examines criticism itself. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 059 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 059

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Sixteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Volume 59 contains an eclectic mix of readings, ranging from a description of a Coney Island elephant colossus to meditations on mental telepathy and baseball. Philosophical essays by Leibniz, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Francis Bacon and William Blake touch on the topics of truth, prejudice, poetic genius, suicide, and preparation for a Christian life. An educator at a women’s college in the early 1920’s bemoans the decline in the way high school girls dress for school and recommends a “serge jumper dress, made with a washable under blouse.” In the same span of years, a female reporter, going undercover to research conditions in the Detroit House of Corrections has herself arrested and is “stripped to the skin and searched for narcotics” and then made to don prison garb: “a faded gingham coverall, prison-made and drab.” A medical doctor, writing in the 1870’s, examines the connection between clean living and longevity, while a historian discusses how slave labor was employed in the salines of Southern Illinois. Native American Indian speech patterns are explored in an essay on the evolution of language, while a a chapter from a children’s science book explains what happens “when the dew falls.” Lastly, a spirited defense of the Bodleian as a research institution rather than a circulating library rounds out this volume of the nonfiction collection. Preparation for a Christian Life III was translated by Lee M. Hollander.     [chương_files]  

Red Cross Girls on the French Firing Line cover

Red Cross Girls on the French Firing Line

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This is the second in a series of captivating period historic romance and adventure books entitled “The Red Cross Girls.” The series trails four American girls who serve as Red Cross nurses during WWI in Europe. This time, Eugenia, a prim and proper New Englander, has a romance with a handsome Frenchman. Will it be a happily-ever after? The sequence of books gives perception into women’s changing roles in society, although the progress of change is far from complete. (Source: paperback book jacket)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 017 - Health and Fitness cover

Coffee Break Collection 017 – Health and Fitness

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This is the seventeenth Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select English language public domain works of about 15 minutes or less in duration — perfect to listen to during commutes, workouts or coffee breaks. The topic for this collection is health and fitness… views on these, including physical activity, nutrition and sport, have changed drastically over the years. Readers have chosen selections on subjects ranging from judo and walking to advice for the nutrition and education of children, Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]