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Peter Pan (Version 5) cover

Peter Pan (Version 5)

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This delightful book about the Darling children and a boy named Peter, is what started it all. The writing of J.M. Barrie is whimsical and funny throughout but his understanding of children and their imaginations is what sets it apart. (Summary by phil chenevert)     [chương_files]  

Book of This and That cover

Book of This and That

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From the pen of the Irish poet and essayist, Robert Lynd, comes a collection of humorous and satirical essays on topics as wide ranging as stupidity, Christmas, spring fashions, and the beauty of statistics. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Harry Dee; or Making it Out cover

Harry Dee; or Making it Out

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Harry Dee, a nervous, sensitive boy, given to somnambulism, arrives at St. Maure’s following his experiences involving the murder of his rich uncle. Tom Playfair and Percy Wynn help to restore Harry to his former self, which includes solving “The Mystery of Tower Hill Mansion.” This is the last book of the three of Fr. Finn’s famous trio. (Summary by Maria Therese)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 016 - Crime cover

Coffee Break Collection 016 – Crime

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This is the sixteenth collection of our “coffee break” series, involving public domain works that are between about 3 and 15 minutes in length. These are great for study breaks, commutes, workouts, or any time you’d like to hear a whole story and only have a few minutes to devote to listening. The theme for this collection is “Crime”, where crime or criminals are significant. Librivox readers have chosen a combination of social commentaries, newspaper reports of true crimes and criminals, letters, fictional accounts of the life of the criminal and short ‘whodunnit’ mysteries. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Billy Whiskers at Home cover

Billy Whiskers at Home

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This is one in the beloved series of Billy Whisker books. a lovable goat whose adventures always entertain. Of course, adventure for Billy usually means trouble. From the Brazilian bullfight and butting contests to what happens on Thanksgiving Day, there is always laughter. We won’t even talk about the ginger cookies! But then, Billy can also be a hero, along with his cat and dog friends, Stubby and Button, who save a life. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Coco Bolo: King of the Floating Island cover

Coco Bolo: King of the Floating Island

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Sisters Margaret and Frances wait for their younger brother Edward to go for a nap before embarking on the adventure of trying to stand on the heads of their shadows. Daddy sees them and encourages them to chase further adventures of childhood, little suspecting where they will take them. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Tad Coon's Tricks cover

Tad Coon’s Tricks

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Tad Coon is always in trouble with all his tricks. Follow his adventures with Nibble the Rabbit, Stripe the Skunk, Doctor Muskrat, and his other friends. What is going on in the hen house? This is one of the Told at Twilight Stories by John Breck. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 057 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 057

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Fifteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Natural cataclysm is the subject of several readings: the 1899 Alaskan earthquake, which uplifted cliffs at Yakutat Bay 47 feet; a terrifying forest fire in Northern Wisconsin in 1899; the fiery sunsets which followed the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883; a storm at sea which sank the English frigate Anson in 1807; and the explosion of a hydrogen-filled dirigible over Chicago in 1919. Natural beauty, also a topic, includes a guide to the Antrim coast of Ireland, observations on Black Walnut trees and the communal life of Yellow-Jacket wasps, and an essay on how to paint reflections. Two colloquies of Erasmus explore a young woman’s choice to become a nun and the “preposterous judgments” of people who value the names of things more than the Things themselves. Progress–envisioned as the age of electricity; changes in burglary; and Nostradamus’ prognostications for the future round out the volume. -summary by Sue Anderson Elizabeth G. Peckham was the co-author of “Communal Life of Yellow-Jacket Wasps” Fifty Quatrains of Nostradamus was translated by Theophilus de Garencières     [chương_files]  

Boy Scouts at the Battle of Saratoga cover

Boy Scouts at the Battle of Saratoga

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Three young men, Dan, Joe and Late, are on an errand for General Schuyler. They are to meet up with a mysterious stranger, who gives them reports of enemy movements. All of this information will help the American army in the Battle of Saratoga. Herbert Carter is one of many pseudonyms used by St George Rathborne.     [chương_files]  

Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing cover

Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing

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Mary Webb was a novelist and poet and two of her novels “Gone to Earth” and “Precious Bane” have been successfully adapted for film and television. She was passionate about nature and particularly the Shropshire countryside where she grew up and spent much of her life. At the age of 20, she was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease known as Graves’ disease, a thyroid condition. She was often confined to her bed but came to believe that her love of and connection with nature helped in her healing. “The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing” published in 1917 is a collection of essays which celebrate the natural world with poetic and descriptive brilliance. It was actually written some years earlier while she was recovering from her first bout of illness. Her dedication for the book reads: TO THE WEARY AND WOUNDED IN THE BATTLE OF LIFE THIS LITTLE BOOK IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED – Summary by Noel Badrian     [chương_files]