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Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue in the Big Woods cover

Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue in the Big Woods

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Bunny Brown and his little sister, Sue, have been having adventures and fun, and getting into scrapes, since the early 1900s. From Chapter One: “Bunny Brown and his sister Sue were at Camp Rest-a-While with their father and their mother. They had come from their home in Bellemere to live for a while in the forest, on the shore of Lake Wanda, where they were all enjoying the life in the open air. They had journeyed to the woods in an automobile, carrying two tents which were set up under the trees. One tent was used to sleep in and the other for a dining room. There was also a place to cook…” This is Volume 6 of the Bunny Brown series. This book contains racial prejudices that were once commonplace. They are retained, as originally written in this recording, because to do otherwise would be to deny they existed. – Summary by Nan Dodge     [chương_files]  

Interpretation of Keats's Endymion cover

Interpretation of Keats’s Endymion

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Endymion is the largest work by John Keats and was composed between April and November 1817. When it was published in April 1818 the critical reception was almost universally hostile. Since that time, many readers have found the poem dense and inaccessible, and have preferred to focus on the occasional gems of poetic commentary for which it has become famous. Feeling that the poem was both undervalued and misunderstood, in 1919 Professor Clement Notcutt published a lengthy essay, which could be considered a “user’s guide” to Endymion. He sums up his intent in the introduction: A careful study of Endymion made some ten years ago led to the conclusion that there was more of allegorical significance in the poem than had hitherto been recognised, but the effort to trace that significance was only partially successful. Further study since that time has gradually opened up the way to the interpretation that is worked out in the following pages. It is probable that there are details in the story the meaning of which still lies hidden, but it may at least be hoped that enough has been discovered to win for the poem its rightful place among the not very numerous examples in English poetry of well-wrought allegory. In 1921 Notcutt published a further essay entitled: The Story of Glaucus in Keat’s Endymion. – Summary by Algy Pug     [chương_files]  

Haworth's cover


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The story of an inventor’s son, who tries to prevent him and a couple other characters from being taken into poverty by the man of the house who is drinking away the money, while trying to inherit their grandmother’s money. – Summary by ej400     [chương_files]  

Children cover


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Alice Meynell was an English essayist, critic, and poet who was also a leading suffragist, serving as vice-president of the Women Writers’ Suffrage League, She and her husband Wilfrid Meynell were active in publishing and editing literary works including helping to launch the first works of Francis Thompson, author of “Hound of Heaven.” This is a collection of her essays on children. The opening line for the first essay sets the stage. “To attend to a living child is to be baffled in your humour, disappointed of your pathos, and set freshly free from all the pre-occupations.  You cannot anticipate him.” – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Pee-Wee Harris (Version 2) cover

Pee-Wee Harris (Version 2)

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Last summer I went down to where my uncle lives and spent vacation there and I had a peach of a time and all the things I did are told in the first story, but there are a lot of things left over and I’m going to tell these in another story. There are snakes and peach orchards and everything down there. Then comes the second story and that’s about a dandy mistake I made. Gee whiz! I’ve made better mistakes than any feller in our troop. I didn’t make it on purpose, but anyway it led to a lot of dandy adventures. That’s one good thing about mistakes, anyway. But one thing sure, if I had got into the right automobile I would have just gone about two blocks. So that shows that the wrong one may even be better than the right one. Only you bet I’m not going to tell you all about that story here. Then comes the third one and that’s the one where I started the Pollywog Patrol. It didn’t last long, but that’s all right, because pollywogs don’t last long. It wasn’t a full patrol, except we were full of dessert—three helpings. If you want plenty of dessert you’d better read that story. After that story comes the fourth one and there’s where I made the dandiest mistake I ever made. Another feller helped me make it. On account of that mistake a girl was good and sorry for the way she treated […]

Minstrel Weather cover

Minstrel Weather

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A series of poetically written meditations on the seasons and other nature subjects. Or “ …Minstrel Weather, a series of open-air vignettes which circle the zodiac with the attentive eye of a naturalist and the enchanted ardor of a poet.” – Summary by Christopher Morley, Modern Essays, 1921, and David Wales     [chương_files]  

T. Tembarom cover

T. Tembarom

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The story of a Boy living in New York as a street waif, who sells newspapers eventually finds himself to be the heir of an ancient manor. The kids at school never understood what the “T” was for in his name, and he didn’t tell them. Does that have something to do in the story? And what about this ancient manor? Summary by Elijah Fisher     [chương_files]  

Boy Scouts in the Rockies cover

Boy Scouts in the Rockies

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Starting off their trip to the Rockies with Step-Hen getting bitten by a snake, then Allan stepping on a bear trap, the Silver Fox Patrol is in for a big adventure! Thad has a lot to do looking after these boys, but with a lost mine to look for, and bad guys hanging around, there will many more close calls for everyone involved! Herbert Carter is one of many pseudonyms used by St George Rathborne.     [chương_files]  

And Even Now cover

And Even Now

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This is a diverse collection of essays by English writer Max Beerbohm, whose circle included such notables as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Ezra Pound, and Somerset Maugham. Much of Beerbohm’s work was humorous, including parodies of various aspects of the upper class life into which he was born. Some of these pieces are humorous, some philosophical, and some even sad. They include, for instance: a frankly self-critical piece on the pomposity and self-importance of his early literary ambitions; a half-eager, half-repining essay on a missing and uncompleted portrait of the great German writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; and a funny, but politically critical essay on “the servant question.” (Summary by Kirsten Wever.)     [chương_files]  

London Impressions cover

London Impressions

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Alice Meynell was an English essayist, critic, and poet who was also a leading suffragist, serving as vice-president of the Women Writers’ Suffrage League, She and her husband Wilfrid Meynell were active in publishing and editing literary works including helping to launch the first works of Francis Thompson, author of “Hound of Heaven.” The Meynell’s later converted to Roman Catholicism. These essays are very evocative for anyone who has, or wants to visit London, capturing the atmosphere of the late nineteenth century. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]