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Yet Again cover

Yet Again

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This is a diverse collection of essays by English writer Max Beerbohm, whose circle included such famous men as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Ezra Pound, and Somerset Maugham. The essays vary considerably in character and subject. They include, among others: a spoof on the bumbling and inarticulate nature of oratory in the House of Commons; a discussion of the writings of James Whistler, the impressionist painter (which Beerbohm considers widely neglected and under-rated); a humorous consideration of why the King of England should make a royal visit to Switzerland; and a description of the delights of frequent attendance at British courts of justice. The author was among England’s best known artists; Section Twenty-Two contains humorous (as well as critical) discussions of nine works of art, including paintings by Reubens, Corot, and Bellini. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem cover

For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem

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In all history, there is no drama of more terrible interest than that which terminated with the total destruction of Jerusalem. Had the whole Jewish nation joined in the desperate resistance made, by a section of it, to the overwhelming strength of Rome, the world would have had no record of truer patriotism than that displayed, by this small people, in their resistance to the forces of the mistress of the world. Unhappily, the reverse of this was the case. Except in the defense of Jotapata and Gamala, it can scarcely be said that the Jewish people, as a body, offered any serious resistance to the arms of Rome. The defenders of Jerusalem were a mere fraction of its population–a fraction composed almost entirely of turbulent characters and robber bands, who fought with the fury of desperation; after having placed themselves beyond the pale of forgiveness, or mercy, by the deeds of unutterable cruelty with which they had desolated the city, before its siege by the Romans. They fought, it is true, with unflinching courage–a courage never surpassed in history–but it was the courage of despair; and its result was to bring destruction upon the whole population, as well as upon themselves. Fortunately the narrative of Josephus, an eyewitness of the events which he describes, has come down to us; and it is the storehouse from which all subsequent histories of the events have been drawn. It is, no doubt, tinged throughout by his desire to stand well with his […]

Hopalong Cassidy's Rustler Round-Up cover

Hopalong Cassidy’s Rustler Round-Up

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In a little town of Buckskin, population 100, or 200 depending on who did the counting, all kinds of trouble is brewing. See, there was a rivalry going on between Buckskin and a nearby town, Perry’s Bend. That rivalry had turned sour, and involved the four nearby ranches. Hopalong Cassidy lives on the Bar-20, and the cows from the C 80 were mixing with his herd. There are gun fights, barroom brawls and stampedes to make live exciting out there on the Texas-New Mexico line!     [chương_files]  

Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea cover

Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea

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This is the 11th in the original series of books about the Bobbseys — two sets of twins in one family, solving mysteries and having adventures. Bert and Nan are 12, Flossie and Freddie are six. There is a father who works, a mother who stays home, a cook, a handyman, and an assortment of animals. – Summary by Nan Dodge     [chương_files]  

Shasta Of The Wolves cover

Shasta Of The Wolves

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She-wolf Nitka finds an abandoned Native American baby and raises him with her cubs. Shasta learns the wolf ways and meets his kin, where he learns his true history. Eventually he can walk with the wolves and his human kin, which leads to more adventures. (Kirk Ziegler)     [chương_files]  

Camp Fire Girls Amid the Snows cover

Camp Fire Girls Amid the Snows

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Betty and Esther are having another camping adventure in the New Hampshire hills, but this time it is the dead of winter. They are stuck with an overturned sleigh in the middle of a snowstorm! That is just the beginning of the problems that need to be overcome by these two smart girls! (Summary by Ann Boulais)     [chương_files]  

Five Children and It (Version 5) cover

Five Children and It (Version 5)

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The book follows the journey of five children who discover a mysterious creature (called by them as It) who grants them their wishes. Join in as they ask for the craziest of wishes, which are granted true for a day! – Summary by bhavya     [chương_files]  

Missing Formula cover

Missing Formula

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Orphan Anne Fairaday faces a life of poverty upon the death of her father. The only thing that can prevent it is finding his latest experiment. She enlisted her new found friend, Madge Sterling, an outdoors girl who has a knack for finding missing things. But they must race against time as there are also several people who will stop at nothing to get it first. (Summary by Mary Escano)     [chương_files]  

Confessions of a Book-Lover cover

Confessions of a Book-Lover

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“I am of the company of book men who read simply for the love of it,” confesses E. Walter Walters, in this gently written tome. Walters documents his habit of “book fishing–” seeking and finding quality volumes in the discount binds at his booksellers, and as a connoisseur of wine might match varieties with courses, he matches his books with the contexts in which he reads them–in the garden, in the bedroom, with friends. He also provides a list of his favorite authors (mostly 19th century United Kingdom) and favorite books, as well as favorite characters from the books he has read, not in a way to impose his choices on other readers, but to share his own personal experiences. (summary by Dr. P. Gould)     [chương_files]  

Cave In the Mountain cover

Cave In the Mountain

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Edward Sylvester Ellis was a major American author during the era of inexpensive fiction of the nineteenth century (dime novels). Because he wrote under dozens of pseudonyms, as well as under his own name, it is virtually impossible to know exactly how many books he wrote, but it is believed to be in the hundreds. He specialized in boys’ stories, inspirational biography, and history for both children and adults. (From This is a western, set in the Pecos River valley in the late 19th century, post Civil War era. This is the sequel to “In the Pecos Country”, and the second half of the same story, begun in that book.     [chương_files]