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Tale of the Tow-Path cover

Tale of the Tow-Path

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All work and no play makes 14-year-old Joe Gaston run away. He’s also falsely branded as a horse-thief by his own father. This heart-warming story tells of Joe’s wanderings and life on the tow-path, of finding Old Charlie and the real horse-thief, how his name is cleared, and his return home. This book, published in 1892, is the third written by Homer Greene, whose primary profession was law. His novels generally include a legal transgression with an interrogation or court-room scene. (Summary by Donald Cummings)     [chương_files]  

Dave Dashaway and His Giant Airship cover

Dave Dashaway and His Giant Airship

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How the Giant Airship was constructed and how the daring young aviator and his friends made the hazardous journey through the clouds from the new world to the old, is told in a way to keep the reader spellbound. (As published by Cupples & Leon, New York, NY, 1913)     [chương_files]  

Road cover


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Jack London credited his skill of story-telling to the days he spent as a hobo learning to fabricate tales to get meals from sympathetic strangers. In The Road, he relates the tales and memories of his days on the hobo road, including how the hobos would elude train crews and his travels with Kelly’s Army. – Summary by Barry Eads     [chương_files]  

Gettysburg Address 150th Anniversary cover

Gettysburg Address 150th Anniversary

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On Thursday, November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln gave a brief address at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech is now considered one of the greatest in American history and one of the finest examples of English public oratory. To mark its 150th anniversary, Librivox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of the Gettysburg Address. (from Wikipedia and LA Walden)     [chương_files]  

Hunters of the Hills cover

Hunters of the Hills

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“The Hunters of the Hills” is the first volume of a series dealing with the great struggle of France and England and their colonies for dominion in North America, culminating with the fall of Quebec. It is also concerned to a large extent with the Iroquois, the mighty league known in their own language as the Hodenosaunee, for the favor of which both French and English were high bidders. In his treatment of the theme the author has consulted many authorities, and he is not conscious of any historical error. – Summary taken from the Preface     [chương_files]  

Submarine Boys and the Spies cover

Submarine Boys and the Spies

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It is a wonderful December day in Spruce Beach, FL, and everyone is waiting, waiting for something special that has been promised. The “Benson”, the fast submarine built by the Pollard Submarine Boat Company, is set to arrive. But, there are more people who are interested in the “Benson” than those picnicking on the beach. Who could they be? (Ann Boulais)     [chương_files]  

Areopagitica (Version 2) cover

Areopagitica (Version 2)

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The noblest and most extensive defense of freedom of the press in English. Although Milton was sufficiently practical to serve as a censor of books himself when his opposition to this practice was ignored by the government, he never lost his conviction that the best way to battle falsehood was to let it have its say and be defeated by the superior power of truth. Strangling infants in the cradle was simply not his style. In this long essay, in the form of a five-part Classical oration addressed to Parliament (the counterpart of the Areopagus or council of elders in ancient Athens), he brings to bear on this subject a wide variety of arguments, including antique precedents, philosophical and religious considerations, and his own experience as a published author. The document presents the portrait of the idealistic core of the British republic struggling against the political expediency that upholds the government. (Summary by Thomas Copeland)     [chương_files]  

Coffee Break Collection 028 - Hobbies cover

Coffee Break Collection 028 – Hobbies

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This is the 28th Coffee Break Collection, in which Librivox readers select and read stories or poems, fiction or non-fiction pieces of fifteen minutes’ duration or less, suitable for short commutes and coffee breaks. The subject for this collection is “HOBBIES”… and the collection is full after 20 pieces have been submitted.     [chương_files]  

Gorilla Hunters cover

Gorilla Hunters

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Ralph Rover is happily at home from his adventure on The Coral Island and wondering if he should settle down when he receives a visit from an eccentric stranger that won’t give his name. This visit starts him on a string of adventures that find him getting charged by rhinoceroses, chased by African natives, and facing down a larger-than-life gorilla on his own. Of course, this is only the start of his adventure in to the land of the gorillas. Please note: this book has some words now considered derogatory, which are used in a generic way without any derogatory meaning. At the time the book was written, these words were normal language. I have endeavored to read them as such–words that were perfectly suitable in the context of their day. (Summary by Adele de Pignerolles)     [chương_files]  

Rip Foster Rides the Gray Planet cover

Rip Foster Rides the Gray Planet

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“Foster, Lieutenant, R. I. P.,” blared the voice horn, and five minutes later Rip Foster was off into space on an assignment more exciting than any he had ever imagined. He could hardly believe his ears. Could a green young Planeteer, just through his training, possibly carry out orders like these? Sunny space, what a trick it would be! From the moment Rip boards the space ship Scorpius there is a thrill a minute. He and his nine daring Planeteers must cope with the merciless hazing of the spacemen commanding the ship, and they must outwit the desperate Connies, who threaten to plunge all of space into war. There are a thousand dangers to be faced in high vacuum—and all of this while carrying out an assignment that will take every reader’s breath away. – Summary by Original book cover     [chương_files]