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Recording Angel cover

Recording Angel

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“The Recording Angel,” by Edwin Arnold Brenholtz, is one of the earliest examples of an American proletarian novel, a work intended to promote social reform or political revolution among the working classes. The story’s themes of economic inequality between producers and consumers, political collusion within the upper classes, and the loss of the middle class ring particularly true today, especially in a global context. Billed as a “romance of the future,” the plot of this fictional account of class struggle between workingmen and trust magnates of the new industrial economy hinges on a unique electric machine, which did not exist in 1905, but is quite common today. Besides writing at least four books, the author was a prolific poet and frequent contributor to the International Socialist Review. He corresponded with a variety of personalities, including the poet Edwin Markham, labor leaders Theodore and Eugene Debs, controversial activist and minister George D. Herron, and writer Samuel Clemens. – Summary by Andru Bemis     [chương_files]  

Ticket to Adventure cover

Ticket to Adventure

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Starting a new homestead in Alaska is filled with adventures. A stolen herd of Reindeer, a great dogsled race, a strange phantom dog, fun airplane rides into the wilderness and even finding a long-lost grandfather. (Summary by Dawn Larsen)     [chương_files]  

Klaasje Zevenster, deel 2 cover

Klaasje Zevenster, deel 2

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Een groepje Leidse studenten viert een gezellige Sinterklaasavond in de jaren ’20 van de 19e eeuw, als er onverwachts een pakketje aan de deur bezorgd wordt. Tot ieders grote verrassing vinden ze daarin een baby. Zij besluiten zich als groep over het meisje te ontfermen, en ze noemen haar Klaasje Zevenster. Deze roman, een bestseller bij de verschijning in 1866, verhaalt over de lotgevallen van de vondeling. Dit is deel 2. Klaasje (nu Nicolette genoemd) is een jaar of twintig oud en heeft haar kostschool opleiding afgerond. Zij logeert tijdelijk bij een van haar ‘vaders’, die inmiddels dominee is in het dorp bij het kasteel van een van haar andere ‘vaders’, die graaf is. Haar aanwezigheid geeft, direct en indirect, aanleiding tot allerlei verwikkelingen. Maurits, de halfbroer van de graaf, wordt verliefd op Nicolette. Ook de plaatselijke belastingontvanger, een weduwnaar van middelbare leeftijd, heeft een oogje op haar. Maurits’ vriend Drenkelaer daarentegen heeft duistere plannen rond een rijke freule uit de buurt. (Samenvatting door Anna Simon) Andere delen: Deel 1 Deel 3-5: nog niet klaar     [chương_files]  

Oration by Frederick Douglass Delivered on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument, April 14, 1876 cover

Oration by Frederick Douglass Delivered on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the Freedmen’s Monument, April 14, 1876

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This is the speech given by Fredrick Douglass at the unveiling of the Freedmen’s Monument in Lincoln Park, Washington DC, April 14, 1876 along with the appendix which includes additional information about the order of the events and the story of the beginning of the collection of funds. – Summary by Edward Graham V     [chương_files]  

Bab Ballads cover

Bab Ballads

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The Bab Ballads are a collection of light verse by W. S. Gilbert, illustrated with his own comic drawings. Gilbert wrote the Ballads before he became famous for his comic opera librettos with Arthur Sullivan. In writing the Bab Ballads, Gilbert developed his unique “topsy-turvy” style, where the humour was derived by setting up a ridiculous premise and working out its logical consequences, however absurd. The Ballads also reveal Gilbert’s cynical and satirical approach to humour. They became famous on their own, as well as being a source for plot elements, characters and songs that Gilbert would recycle in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas. The Bab Ballads take their name from Gilbert’s childhood nickname, and he later began to sign his illustrations “Bab”. (summary from Wikipedia) e-text with illustrations     [chương_files]  

hombre invisible cover

hombre invisible

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El hombre invisible (The Invisible Man es el título original en inglés) es una novela de ciencia ficción escrita por H. G. Wells. La obra fue originalmente publicada en entregas en la revista Pearson’s Magazine en 1897 y como novela el mismo año. El hombre invisible nos muestra las contradicciones de un joven y brillante científico que, tras largas jornadas de agotadores experimentos, descubre la forma de hacerse invisible. Sin embargo, trastornado por los sufrimientos y el acoso a que se ve sometido, abandona todo escrúpulo y trata de emplear su descubrimiento para enriquecerse y dominar, sin detenerse ante la violencia y el engaño. Novela fantástica y un tanto amarga, subraya los potenciales peligros de una ciencia mal utilizada. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]  

Billie Bradley and the School Mystery cover

Billie Bradley and the School Mystery

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How Billie clears up a mystery in which she is apparently implicated makes delightful reading. (From old ad) This is the eighth book in the “Billie Bradley” series, a mystery series for girls.     [chương_files]  

Love in a Mask, or Imprudence and Happiness cover

Love in a Mask, or Imprudence and Happiness

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Love in a Mask, or Imprudence and Happiness, is an entertaining short novel by Honoré de Balzac, unpublished in his lifetime. Beginning with a flirtatious conversation at a masked ball, Balzac introduces his two main characters, a beautiful wealthy young widow and a gallant cavalry officer, and demonstrates his creative genius with deft plot twists of hidden identity and romantic intrigue. The translation is by Alice M. Ivimy. –Lee Smalley     [chương_files]  

Three Lives cover

Three Lives

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Three Lives tells the stories of three women from the same fictitious town of Bridgeport. The first story is of Anna, a servant to the wealthy, or those who seem to be wealthy. She finds herself taking on “projects” in an effort to better the people around her. Story number two is of Melanctha, a mixed-race character who is looking for ways to increase her knowledge and power over others, but mostly finds herself dealing with rejection and betrayal. The final story is of Lena, a German immigrant who leads a rather ordinary life as a married woman. – Summary by KHand     [chương_files]  

Mulato cover


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Marco do Naturalismo no Brasil, O Mulato foi o segundo romance de Aluísio Azevedo, publicado em 1881. Retrata um pouco do racismo da época, tendo como cenário principal a cidade de São Luís do Maranhão. Raimundo, personagem criado pelo escritor para declarar esse movimento de cor, é filho de escravo, médico formado na Europa, e assume uma postura que questiona ocomportamento da alta sociedade em relação à raça negra. – Summary by Adriana Sacciotto     [chương_files]