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Simon the Jester cover

Simon the Jester

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Simon de Gex, a wealthy and successful MP, is diagnosed with a terminal illness and decides to use his last few months using his wealth and influence to do good. In particular, he determines to guide his protégé and friend, Dale, away from an unfortunate relationship with Lola Brandt, a lady with an unsuitably colourful background. The book follows what happens to Simon in his quest – and also what further happens when an operation unexpectedly restores his health. (Summary by Simon Evers)     [chương_files]  

Essays Irish and American cover

Essays Irish and American

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From the noted artist and father of the celebrated Irish poet William Butler Yeats comes this short collection of essays on the literary life of their age. Included are two short biographical remembrances of the author. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Monica - Complete cover

Monica – Complete

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Monica was happy at Trevlyn, with her father and step-brother. But what would happen to them when the estate passed to a distant cousin, entailed as it was to the male line? Could she bear to see her invalid brother torn from his home? Should she marry this distant cousin, and thus ensure her and her brother the right to remain at Trevyln? Could she love him? And what about his dislike of her old childhood friend? Was there more to the situation than she knew? (Summary by Krista Zaleski)     [chương_files]  

Camp Fire Girls Across the Seas cover

Camp Fire Girls Across the Seas

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In this next volume of the Camp Fire Girls’ Series, several years have intervened between it and the previous book and the girls are introduced under very different influences and circumstances. Just how many of them have crossed the seas and for what purposes, and how the old Camp Fire influence still follows them, it is the plan of this story to reveal.     [chương_files]  

Dogs and Puppies cover

Dogs and Puppies

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From the author of the popular “Billie Whiskers” books, comes this short collection of stories about — well, dogs and puppies. Let’s meet Gypsy, Pretty, Punch, Buster, Patsy, and Beans. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Gadsby cover


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Fifty-year-old John Gadsby is alarmed by the decline of his hometown, Branton Hills, and rallies the city’s young people to form an “Organization of Youth” to build civic spirit and improve living standards. Gadsby and his youthful army, despite some opposition, transform Branton Hills from a stagnant municipality into a bustling, thriving city. The story begins around 1906 and continues through World War I, Prohibition, and President Warren G. Harding’s administration. “Gadsby” is a lipogram – a whole novel of some 50.000 words without a single instance of the letter E. When it first appeared in 1939 it was hardly noticed by the general public, but a modern reviewer called it “probably the most ambitious work ever attempted in this genre”. Hardcopies of the book are extremely rare and sell for thousands of dollars. (Summary by Availle and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Safo cover


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Juan, joven provinciano, conoce a Safo una mujer de los bajos fondos de París bastante mayor que él pero que sigue siendo bellísima. Entre ellos se establece una tormentosa relación de la que Juan se ve imposibilitado para salir. A pesar de la época en que fue escrita, Safo, bien podría representar a la mujer contemporánea. – Summary by Montse González     [chương_files]  

Gloria, Parte 2 cover

Gloria, Parte 2

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En esta segunda parte de “Gloria” el autor narra los hechos acaecidos luego de la muerte que desenlaza el primer libro, revelando secretos y circunstancias que si de algún modo asomaban en el libro anterior, aquí son detalladas todas. Se relevan también en esta narración los sentimientos mas profundos que pueden despertar dos religiones “antiguamente antagónicas” y las consecuencias fatales que el fanatismo pudiera provocar. Al igual que la primera entrega, este libro tiene un desenlace trágico en los protagonistas, finalizando el autor con una reflexión moral y social sobre la trama principal de su obra: la religión. Resumen por kendalrigans.     [chương_files]  

Recording Angel cover

Recording Angel

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“The Recording Angel,” by Edwin Arnold Brenholtz, is one of the earliest examples of an American proletarian novel, a work intended to promote social reform or political revolution among the working classes. The story’s themes of economic inequality between producers and consumers, political collusion within the upper classes, and the loss of the middle class ring particularly true today, especially in a global context. Billed as a “romance of the future,” the plot of this fictional account of class struggle between workingmen and trust magnates of the new industrial economy hinges on a unique electric machine, which did not exist in 1905, but is quite common today. Besides writing at least four books, the author was a prolific poet and frequent contributor to the International Socialist Review. He corresponded with a variety of personalities, including the poet Edwin Markham, labor leaders Theodore and Eugene Debs, controversial activist and minister George D. Herron, and writer Samuel Clemens. – Summary by Andru Bemis     [chương_files]  

Ticket to Adventure cover

Ticket to Adventure

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Starting a new homestead in Alaska is filled with adventures. A stolen herd of Reindeer, a great dogsled race, a strange phantom dog, fun airplane rides into the wilderness and even finding a long-lost grandfather. (Summary by Dawn Larsen)     [chương_files]