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Tree of Appomattox cover

Tree of Appomattox

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“The Tree of Appomattox” concludes the series of connected romances dealing with the Civil War, begun in “The Guns of Bull Run,” and continued successively through “The Guns of Shiloh,” “The Scouts of Stonewall,” “The Sword of Antietam,” “The Star of Gettysburg,” “The Rock of Chickamauga” and “The Shades of the Wilderness” to the present volume. It has been completed at the expense of vast labor, and the author has striven at all times to be correct, wherever facts are involved. So far, at least, no historic detail has been challenged by critic or reader. More than half a century has passed since the Civil War’s close. Not many of the actors in it are left. It was one of the most tremendous upheavals in the life of any nation, and it was the greatest of all struggles, until the World War began, but scarcely any trace of partisan rancor or bitterness is left. So, it has become easier to write of it with a sense of fairness and detachment, and the lapse of time has made the perspective clear and sharp. However lacking he may be in other respects, the author perhaps had an advantage in being born, and having grown up in a border state, where sentiment was about equally divided concerning the Civil War. He was surrounded during his early youth by men who fought on one side or the other, and their stories of camp, march and battle were almost a part of the air he […]

Uncommercial Traveller cover

Uncommercial Traveller

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The Uncommercial Traveller is a collection of literary sketches and reminiscences written by Charles Dickens. In 1859 Dickens founded a new journal called All the Year Round and the Uncommercial Traveller articles would be among his main contributions. He seems to have chosen the title and persona of the Uncommercial Traveller as a result of a speech he gave on the 22 December 1859 to the Commercial Travellers’ School London in his role as honorary chairman and treasurer. The persona sits well with a writer who liked to travel, not only as a tourist, but also to research and report what he found; visiting Europe, America and giving book readings throughout Britain. He does not seem content to rest late in his career when he had attained wealth and comfort and continued travelling locally, walking the streets of London in the mould of the flâneur, a ‘gentleman stroller of city streets’. He often suffered from insomnia and his night-time wanderings gave him an insight into some of the hidden aspects of Victorian London, details of which he also incorporated into his novels. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Dorothy Dixon and the Mystery Plane cover

Dorothy Dixon and the Mystery Plane

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Young peoples book of adventure in aviation with young women in the lead rolls. This is in the earlier days of aviation. – Summary by Susan Morin     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 024 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 024

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A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were independently chosen by the readers, and the topics encompass gardening, military history, humor, climate change, travel and religion. (summary by J. M. Smallheer)     [chương_files]  

Submarine Boys' Trial Trip cover

Submarine Boys’ Trial Trip

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The torpedo submarine’s inventor, Jack Farnum, is looking for investors to help him kick his new shipyard into high gear. He already has his crew set, with sixteen year old Jack Benson as the captain, and his friend Hal Hastings running the engines. But, there may be some changes to the crew of the Pollard on the horizon. – Summary by Ann Boulais     [chương_files]  

Boy Chums in the Florida Jungle cover

Boy Chums in the Florida Jungle

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Late entry in the Boy Chums series set in WWI-era Florida focuses on four working-class adventurers: young adults Charley & Walter, manservant Chris, and man of the world, Captain Westfield. Has the distinction of Chris being black; he’s a stereotype for sure but is pretty much treated as an equal, like a grown-up Buckwheat — with a dry sense of humor — from the Our Gang comedies.. – Summary by BellonaTimes     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 022 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 022

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A collection of nineteen short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were independently chosen by the readers, and the topics encompass history, politics, science, women’s rights, pirates, vampires, philosophy, and religion. (summary by J. M. Smallheer)     [chương_files]  

Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat cover

Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat

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Otherwise known as ‘Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure’, is Volume 4 in the original Tom Swift novel series. Tom persuades his father to use his own submarine to hunt for treasure on a sunken ship. The book follows his adventures in this pursuit. – Summary by Claire Schreuder     [chương_files]  

Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (version 2) cover

Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (version 2)

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Doctor Dolittle and his friends travel to South America to meet the greatest naturalist in the New World. A note to listeners: This book was written in a different time, and as such, contains language and sentiments that are offensive to modern sensibilities. – Summary by Karen Savage     [chương_files]  

Neighbors - Life Stories of the Other Half cover

Neighbors – Life Stories of the Other Half

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These stories have come to me from many sources—some from my own experience, others from settlement workers, still others from the records of organized charity, that are never dry, as some think, but alive with vital human interest and with the faithful striving to help the brother so that it counts. They have this in common, that they are true. For good reasons, names and places are changed, but they all happened as told here. I could not have invented them had I tried; I should not have tried if I could. For it is as pictures from the life in which they and we, you and I, are partners, that I wish them to make their appeal to the neighbor who lives but around the corner and does not know it.(Summary from the Preface by Jacob A. Riis)     [chương_files]