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Motor Boat Boys' River Chase cover

Motor Boat Boys’ River Chase

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The Motor Boat Boys, by Louis Arundel, is a series of adventure books for boys The series featured six teen-aged boys of the Motor Boat Club, and their adventures on various waterways. This is the sixth book in the series. (Summary by Lynne Thompson)     [chương_files]  

Box-Car Children cover

Box-Car Children

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Four children: Henry, Jess Violet and Bennie. They are living alone in a stranded boxcar. They find items they need from the dump and a stray dog whom they name Watch. Henry earns money by working for a man named Dr. McAllister and his mother, Mrs. McAllister. But, while they are living their daily lives, little do they know that the McAllisters are watching their every move. (Summary by francesb)     [chương_files]  

Outdoor Chums in the Big Woods cover

Outdoor Chums in the Big Woods

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“That looks like a challenge, Frank.” “It was well fired, at any rate, Bluff!” “I should say yes, because it knocked my hat clear off my head. Do we stand for that sort of thing, or shall we accept the dare?” “There are half a dozen and more of the enemy against four Outdoor Chums, but what of that? This is the first snow of the fall, with a real tang in the air. Say yes, Frank, and let’s get busy!” “Here are Bluff and Jerry ready to eat up that crowd in a snowball fight. What do you say, Will?” “Oh, count me in, because I can see they’re just spoiling for it!” exclaimed the fourth boy in the party, who did not look quite so hardy as his comrades, although no weakling. “Well, I should think it’d be a shame to miss it, when the snow is just soft enough to handle easily,” and Jerry Wellington held up a big round ball he had quickly manipulated in his practiced hands. “That settles it. Everybody get busy making a supply of ammunition. Then we’ll charge their line, and give them as good as they send!” (Summary by Author in Chapter 1 – The Snowball Battle)     [chương_files]  

Meg of Mystery Mountain cover

Meg of Mystery Mountain

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Jane Abbott, tall, graceful and languidly beautiful, passed through the bevy of girls on the wharf below Highacres Seminary with scarcely a nod for any of them. Closely following her came three other girls, each carrying a satchel and wearing a tailored gown of the latest cut. Although Esther Ballard and Barbara Morris called gaily to many of their friends, it was around Marion Starr that all of the girls crowded until her passage way to the small boat, even then getting up steam, was completely blocked. Jane, when she had crossed the gang plank, turned to find only Esther and Barbara at her side. A slight sneer curled her lips as she watched the adulation which Merry was receiving. Then, with a shrug of her slender shoulders that was more eloquent than words, the proud girl seated herself in one of the reclining deck chairs and imperiously motioned her friends to do likewise. “It’s so silly of Merry to make such a fuss over all those girls. She’ll miss the boat if she doesn’t hurry.” Marion had evidently thought of the same thing, for she laughingly ran up the gang plank, her arms filled with candy boxes, bouquets and magazines, gifts of her admiring friends. Depositing these on a chair, she leaned over the rail to call: “Good-bye, girls! Of course I’ll write to you, Sally, reams and reams; a sort of a round-robin letter to be sent to the whole crowd.” (Summary by Grace May North)     […]

Idle Ideas in 1905 cover

Idle Ideas in 1905

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Back in 1905 Jerome K. Jerome shared his thoughts on a variety of subjects, including “Should Women Be Beautiful?”, “Should Soldiers Be Polite?” and “Is The American Husband Made Entirely Of Stained Glass?”. Each subject is analysed and commented on in the witty and satirical style we’ve grown to expect from the author.     [chương_files]  

Tale of Miss Kitty Cat cover

Tale of Miss Kitty Cat

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The rats and the mice thought that Miss Kitty Cat was a terrible person. She was altogether too fond of hunting them. They agreed, however, that in one way it was pleasant to have her about the farmhouse. When she washed her face, while sitting on the doorsteps, they knew—so they said!—that it was going to rain. And then Mrs. Rat never would let her husband leave home without taking his umbrella. As a rule Miss Kitty Cat didn’t look at all frightful. Almost always she appeared quite unruffled, going about her business in a quiet way and making no fuss over anything. Of course when old dog Spot chased—and cornered—her, she was quite a different sort of creature. Then she arched her back, puffed her tail out to twice its usual size, and spat fiercely at Spot. He learned not to get within reach of her sharp claws, when she behaved in that fashion. For old Spot had a tender nose. And no one knew it better than Miss Kitty Cat. (Summary by Arthur Scott Bailey)     [chương_files]  

Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon cover

Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon

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Yee-Haaww! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again. The boys are back home, but as they are chopping wood, it is decided that they need a new adventure out west. Mr. Perkin’s, Walter’s dad, has suggested the Grand Canyon. So, meeting Professor Zepplin on the way, they set out on the train for Arizona. (Summary by Ann Boulais) Previous book in the series: The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico Next book in the series: The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers     [chương_files]  

Seven Sleuths' Club cover

Seven Sleuths’ Club

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Some girls from a day school started a club called Spread Sunshine Club, but change the name when they decide to find some mysteries to solve. They add another girl to their club and before they realize a mystery has began! This is a book by the same author of Bobs, a Girl Detective. She had another writing name. (Summary by peppersnoodles93)     [chương_files]  

Davy and the Goblin cover

Davy and the Goblin

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Eight-year-old Davy reads Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and begins to get very sleepy. Suddenly a goblin appears in the fire and takes Davy on a “believing voyage” much like Alice’s own adventures in Wonderland, where he meets many characters from fantasy and literature. (Summary by ElleyKat)     [chương_files]  

Treaty with China cover

Treaty with China

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“A good candidate for ‘the most under-appreciated work by Mark Twain’ would be ‘The Treaty With China,’ which he published in the New York Tribune in 1868. This piece, which is an early statement of Twain’s opposition to imperialism and which conveys his vision of how the U.S. ought to behave on the global stage, has not been reprinted since its original publication until now.” (the online, open-access “Journal of Transnational American Studies” published it in the spring, 2010). (Introduction by Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Twain scholar and Director of American Studies at Stanford University, used by permission) (Transcription by Martin Zehr for the Journal of Transnational American Studies, American Cultures and Global Contexts Center, UC Santa Barbara –     [chương_files]