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My Friend Annabel Lee cover

My Friend Annabel Lee

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Published in 1903, this selection of dialogues by Mary MacLane entails a mystery of wondering who she is speaking with. Is it the statue she describes at first? Is it an imaginary friend? Is it the author’s alter-ego? Or perhaps, is it a friend she knows in-the-flesh whom the author wished no one to recognize the identity of? These questions are never truly answered for how could a statue send word by postal mail or know some of the deeper vulnerabilities of the author without her knowing them herself? In these talks between herself and Annabel Lee come glimmerings of another time, discussions in the whimsy of personal stories, happenings in the neighbourhood, and the reflections in the deeper meaning of life as well as the bonds of friendship. – Summary by Daryl Wor     [chương_files]  

Páginas Recolhidas cover

Páginas Recolhidas

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Páginas Recolhidas é um livro de contos de Machado de Assis, lançado em 1899. A obra traz alguns dos mais interessantes contos escritos pelo autor, como “Missa do Galo”, “O Caso da Vara”, “Ideias de Canário” e “O Dicionário”. Também fazem parte do livro textos diversos, como “A Estátua de José de Alencar” – discurso proferido por Machado de Assis na cerimônia de lançamento da pedra fundamental da estátua do indianista brasileiro, e “O Velho Senado”, que retrata pormenores curiosos da vida política brasileira ao final do século XIX. Summary by Rogerio Maciel     [chương_files]  

Gloria, Parte 1 cover

Gloria, Parte 1

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“Gloria” es una novela que relata las costumbres católicas de los españoles desde épocas remotas, especialmente narra la religiosidad de una bella dama, hija de un hombre ilustre en el pueblo de Ficóbriga, quien habiendo recibido dicha doctrina desde su nacimiento, pone en duda sus creencias; y ya en su adultez sus dudas incrementan cuando encuentra el amor de su vida, quien será el protagonista de su mayor fortuna y desgracia. (Summary by Kendal Rigans)     [chương_files]  

Patrician cover


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The book revolves around the story of two love affairs. Miltoun (an aspiring politician) proposes to Mrs Audrey Noel, only to find that she is not a widow as everyone supposes, but that her husband is still alive and therefore the match is impossible. Meanwhile, Miltoun’s younger sister Barbara develops an equally unwise romance with the rebellious Courtier. The story of what happens to these ill-matched pairs is played out against a brilliant portrayal of the Victorian upper class, its snobbery and its concerns. (The patrician in the title refers to Miltoun, who is thus called by Courtier, whose politics are the opposite to his.) Summary by Simon Evers     [chương_files]  

Clemencia cover


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Esta novela está situada en Guadalajara, México, en 1863. Se trata de amor, política y traición. Resumen de kathrinee.     [chương_files]  

Slayer of Souls cover

Slayer of Souls

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Tressa Norne is an American living in China. After her life was spared during a revolution in the area, Tressa finds herself taken as a slave and forced to serve Erlik, a demon-god, and his cult. She ends up escaping back to America, but only to find that she is being followed by the Secret Service, and her former masters. (Ann Boulais)     [chương_files]  

Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism cover

Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism

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A collection of essays by American critic Clayton Hamilton concerning theatre & dramatic practices, and the criticism thereof, from an early 20th century perspective. – Summary by Andrew Gaunce     [chương_files]  

Cumbres Borrascosas cover

Cumbres Borrascosas

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Cumbres Borrascosas, es considerada una de las obras maestras de la literatura inglesa. Narra la historia de amor entre Heatchliff y Catherine. Heatchcliff es un niño huérfano que el señor Earnshaw, padre de Catherine, lleva a “Cumbres Borrascosas” para criarlo como si fuera hijo suyo. Entre Catherine y Heathcliff nace una gran amistad, sin embargo el hermano de Catherine, Hindley, no pierde ocasión de humillar al niño. Con el tiempo esta amistad entre ambos niños,va transformándose en un amor tan intenso como turbulento… (Montse González)     [chương_files]  

Rain-Girl cover


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Richard Beresford has recently returned from the WW-I trenches. He feels he can’t go back to his old life in the Foreign Office. Instead, he sells all his possessions (except his books), and sets off on a tramp through the countryside. On the very first day he meets a mysterious girl with enchanting grey eyes, sitting on a gate, in the rain. They inadvertently get separated before he finds out her name, but he is determined to find her again. Romantic comedy from 1919, by the author of “Patricia Brent, spinster”. – Summary by Anna Simon     [chương_files]  

Some Everyday Folk and Dawn cover

Some Everyday Folk and Dawn

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It is 1904 and women’s suffrage has hit the small town of Noonoon. Though the election campaigners preen themselves for the women’s vote, the fight isn’t entirely won, for the male residents are bristling at this threat to their supremacy. And down at Clay’s there are other problems too: Dawn is now a young woman and in these days of slender chances Grandma Clay must keep an eye on the marriage market. But Dawn, lively and outspoken wants a career on the stage. – Summary by Trove – National Library of Australia     [chương_files]