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Miscellany of Men cover

Miscellany of Men

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Gilbert Keith Chesterton was among the world’s most prolific writers who incorporated relentless logic, wonderful humor, and a clear view of truth into an amazing tool for exposing the foolishness of the policies of the world around him through the device of paradox. It is always great fun, and certainly always a learning experience to read Chesterton. A Miscellany of Men may be his hardest work to define, as it deals with a huge array of issues, using “personal types” as illustration. It would only be bewildering, if there was not these common threads: First that these types still exist, and the same faulty reasoning applies to issues of our day, and second, that underlying all of this is a firm and reasoned defense of democracy in a sense very close to that of the American Founding Fathers. (Summary by Ray Clare)     [chương_files]  

Defendant cover


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A collection of reprinted articles on a wide-range of subjects, all in the unique style of G. K. Chesterton. Using wit, paradox, and good humor he “defends” a series of seeming harmless things that need no defense, and in so doing he exposes many of the broken assumptions and dogmatic notions of secular humanism and other trends of his age and of ours. (Summary by Ray Clare)     [chương_files]  

Peter and Wendy cover

Peter and Wendy

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Peter and Wendy tells the classic story of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy who can fly, and his adventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy and her brothers, the fairy Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys, the Indian princess Tiger Lily, and the pirate Captain Hook. (Introduction modified from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

King Arthur's Knights: The Tales Retold for Boys & Girls cover

King Arthur’s Knights: The Tales Retold for Boys & Girls

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This book is an attempt to tell some of the stories of King Arthur and his Knights in a way which will be interesting to every boy and girl who loves adventures. (Introduction by Henry Gilbert)     [chương_files]  

Bob the Castaway cover

Bob the Castaway

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Frank V Webster was a pseudonym controlled by the Stratemeyer Syndicate, the first book packager of books aimed at children. This pseudonym was used on books for boys from the early 1900s through the 1930s. Bob the Castaway follows the antics of young prankster Bob Henderson, his parents futile attempts to get him to mend his ways, and his subsequent nautical adventures. (Introduction by Nigel Boydell)     [chương_files]  

Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies cover

Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies

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The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies is the first book in the 12 part series by Frank Gee Patchin. (Summary by ashleighjane) Next book in the series: The Pony Rider Boys Texas     [chương_files]  

Zip, the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier cover

Zip, the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier

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Zip, a little fox terrier, lives in the town of Maplewood in the house of his owner, Dr. Elsworth. Each day when Dr. Elsworth drives his carriage to visit his patients, Zip goes along with him so that he can keep the doctor company and, most importantly, visit with the other animals in the town. Zip likes to find out all the latest news so that he can tell it to his best friend, Tabby the cat, who also lives with Dr. Elsworth. However, he also finds himself getting into mischief, whether it’s trying to solve a burglary, sneaking fried chicken from a picnic, getting stuck in a stovepipe or fighting with Peter-Kins the monkey. Zip is one dog who never has a dull day. (Summary by Lee Ann Howlett.)     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 03. March 1896 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 03. March 1896

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the March Number. It includes the following articles, along with a few miscellaneous notes: * The So-Called Jeannette Relics, by Professor William H. Dall * Nansen’s Polar Expedition, by General A. W. Greely * The Submarine Cables of the World, by Gustave Herrle * Peter Cooper and Submarine Telegraphy * The Russo-American Telegraph Project of 1864-67, by Professor William H. Dall * Survey and Subdivision of Indian Territory, by Henry Gannett * Free Burghs in the United States, by James H. Blodgett     [chương_files]  

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 003 cover

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 003

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A collection of ten short nonfiction works in the public domain. The essays, speeches and reports included in this collection were independently selected by the readers, and the topics encompass history, politics science and religion. Included in this collection are Martin Luther’s “Ninety-five Theses,” Jefferson Davis’ speech before the United States Senate in 1861 “On Withdrawing from the Union,” William E. Gladstone’s address delivered in the House of Commons in 1893 on “Irish Home Rule” and Wendell Phillips speech in 1837 in Fanuiel Hall in Boston regarding “The Murder of Lovejoy.” You will also find here an epistolary essay by François Marie Arouet de Voltaire “On Lord Bacon,” a letter from Samuel Clemens commenting on the inclusion of Jesus in the list of “One Hundred Greatest Men,” “On Applauding Preachers” by Saint John Chrysostom, an essay by Alice Meynell on “Solitude,” and the entry on Captain Edward Teach (aka Blackbeard) from “The Pirates Who’s Who” by Philip Gosse. (summary by J. M. Smallheer) The Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther, was translated by R. S. Grignon.     [chương_files]  

Frankenstein oder der moderne Prometheus cover

Frankenstein oder der moderne Prometheus

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Frankenstein oder Der moderne Prometheus … erzählt die Geschichte des jungen Schweizers Viktor Frankenstein, der an der damals berühmten Universität Ingolstadt einen künstlichen Menschen erschafft, und später von seiner Kreatur verfolgt wird, welche aus Rache nach und nach seine Familienmitglieder ermorden möchte. Viktor Frankenstein erzählt dem Leiter einer Forschungsexpedition, zugleich Eigner des Schiffes, das ihn in der Arktis rettet, seine Geschichte während das Monster in der Nähe lautert … Die Handlung wird durch eine Mischung aus Briefroman und klassischer Ich-Erzählsituation vermittelt. Die Figur des Viktor Frankenstein ähnelt damit sowohl dem ‘literarischen’ Faust als auch dem Prometheus aus der griechischen Mythologie. Der Roman wird so zu einem Lehrstück, gibt Frankenstein doch deutlich zu verstehen, dass seine Erzählung auch eine Warnung an den Zuhörer und damit auch die Leser sein soll: Er warnt vor einer entgrenzten menschlichen Vernunft, die sich selbst zu Gott macht und sich anmaßt, lebendige Materie zu schaffen. (Original: Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus) ist ein Roman von Mary W. Shelley, der 1818 erstmals anonym veröffentlicht wurde. (Zusammenfassung von wiki und crowwings)     [chương_files]