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Stories from the Faerie Queene cover

Stories from the Faerie Queene

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The object of this volume is to excite interest in one of the greatest poems of English literature, which for all its greatness is but little read and known–to excite this interest not only in young persons who are not yet able to read “The Faerie Queene,” with its archaisms of language, its distant ways and habits of life and thought, its exquisite melodies that only a cultivated ear can catch and appreciate, but also in adults, who, not from the lack of ability, but because they shrink from a little effort, suffer the loss of such high and refined literary pleasure as the perusal of Spenser’s masterpiece can certainly give. (From the Author’s introduction)     [chương_files]  

Selection of Australian Poetry and Prose cover

Selection of Australian Poetry and Prose

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A collection of Australian writing from the public domain.     [chương_files]  

From October to Brest-Litovsk cover

From October to Brest-Litovsk

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This account by Trotsky is of the events in Russia from the October Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd, to his signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty with Germany on 3rd March 1918 which took Russia out of the First World War. The treaty exacted heavy losses for Russia in terms of annexations of land and financial indemnities to Germany. In this extended essay, Trotsky argues the reasons as to why he decided to sign what appears to be a disastrous agreement for Russia. (Summary by Rebecca)     [chương_files]  

Swiss Family Robinson (Version 2) cover

Swiss Family Robinson (Version 2)

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First published in 1812, The Swiss Family Robinson may sometimes seem old-fashioned to modern readers, especially the family’s attitude toward wildlife (if it moves, shoot it). However, it’s a truly exciting adventure and a timeless story of warm and loving family life. As the narrator says: “It was written… for the instruction and amusement of my children… Children are, on the whole, very much alike everywhere, and you four lads fairly represent multitudes… It will make me happy to think that my simple narrative may lead some of these to observe how blessed are the results of patient continuance in well-doing, what benefits arise from the thoughtful application of knowledge and science, and how good and pleasant a thing it is when brethren dwell together in unity, under the eye of parental love.” Written by Swiss pastor Johann David Wyss and edited by his son Johann Rudolf Wyss (this edition lists J.R. as the author), the novel was intended to teach his four sons about family values, good husbandry, the uses of the natural world, and self-reliance. It’s fun to think of the long-ago author reading his own books of natural history and creating this novel to share his interests with his boys. (summary by Kara)     [chương_files]  

Puck of Pook's Hill cover

Puck of Pook’s Hill

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Puck of Pook’s Hill is a children’s book by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1906, containing a series of short stories set in different periods of history. The stories are all told to two children living near Pevensey by people magically plucked out of history by Puck. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

History of Robinson Crusoe cover

History of Robinson Crusoe

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A 6-page digest of Defoe’s famous work for young readers (Summary by Dennis Sayers)     [chương_files]  

Give Me Liberty cover

Give Me Liberty

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This speech was given March 23, 1775, at St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having singlehandedly convinced the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. In attendance were Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, the crowd, upon hearing the speech, jumped up and shouted, “To Arms! To Arms!” (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Open Library cover

Open Library

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Text of the speech given by Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, at the launch of the Open Library in October 2005. LibriVox was invited to the launch, and produced audio recordings for “An International Episode,” and “Old Christmas,” two of the first books scanned into the Open Library collection. (Summary by Hugh)     [chương_files]  

Magic of Oz cover

Magic of Oz

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L. Frank Baum’s last beloved Oz book before his death, this story deals with the discovery of a powerful magic word by a young boy from Oz, who immediately is plunged head-first into adventure through his discovery. (Summary by Piper Hale)     [chương_files]  

Tom Swift and His War Tank cover

Tom Swift and His War Tank

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Tom Swift, that prolific youthful inventor, is engaged in trying to help the Allies win WWI. After reading newspaper accounts of the British tanks, Tom takes a sheet of paper and sets out to design a better one from scratch. And fortunately, he can throw the whole family business behind his venture. He has two problems: First, his friends and acquaintances are questioning his patriotism because he hasn’t enlisted as a rifleman for the front lines. Even his girl is worried his blood isn’t true-blue. But that’s because he is developing his tank in secret, and they don’t know he’s concentrating on winning the war the American way, with machines. The second problem is that the German spies have penetrated the secret of what is being built in the high-security shop on the Swift property. And they will stop at nothing to steal its design – not kidnapping Tom, and not kidnapping the tank itself, complete with crew. Tom and his buddies had better work fast, or the American riflemen are going to find the Kaiser’s soldiers using American-designed tanks against them! (Summary by Mark F. Smith)     [chương_files]