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Impresiones y paisajes cover

Impresiones y paisajes

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Libro de viajes de Federico García Lorca, donde recoge sus impresiones y pensamientos íntimos ante la contemplación de distintos lugares de la geografía española que recorrió en su juventud y que como él mismo decía “[i]los recuerdos de viaje son una vuelta a viajar, pero ya con más melancolía y dándose cuenta más intensamente de los encantos de las cosas. (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Kim cover


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Kim is a fabulous adventure story set in India during the former British Empire. It tells the story of a street-wise but (in typical Kipling fashion) highly moral Anglo-Indian boy who becomes enmeshed the “the Great Game” -– the competition between Britain and Russia for control over Asia. Taking time off from his role as the traveling companion of an aged Tibetan lama, the boy is trained as a spy, matches wits with various evildoers, and wins out in the end. So much more than just a spy story, Kim is one of the most enjoyable books that you will ever read — or have read to you. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, India. He was the author of many short stories and novels including The Jungle Book. (summary by Adrian Praetzellis)     [chương_files]  

Track of the "Typhoon" cover

Track of the “Typhoon”

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In 1920, William Nutting, editor of Motor Boat Magazine and an experienced sailor, commissioned his friend, legendary naval architect William Atkin, to design a boat for an Atlantic crossing. The nominal goal of the voyage was to compete in the yacht races off Cowes, England, but Nutting and Atkin also wanted to prove that one could cross a large ocean in what was then considered a very small vessel. The result was “Typhoon,” a 45-foot ketch in which Nutting and a few friends completed a three-week crossing of the North Atlantic, followed by some racing and cruising in Europe, and a return to New York via the southern route. This book chronicles the entire adventure. Four years later, Nutting was lost at sea on a voyage in a different vessel. (Summary by Alan Dove)     [chương_files]  

Dorothy Dale's Camping Days cover

Dorothy Dale’s Camping Days

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So the parties separated and then Dorothy was free to leave her hiding place. She longed to tell her friends the strange story, but she knew that the finding of Tavia was the one and only thing to be thought of just then. “Are you sure that this is the direction in which the boys went?” asked Nat, with something like a sigh. Dorothy looked over the rough woodland. “No,” she said, “there was a swamp, for I distinctly remember that they picked their way through tall grass, and about here the grass is actually dried up.” (Extract from Chapter 26) Books in this series: Dorothy Dale: A Girl of Today (1908) Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School (1908) Dorothy Dale’s Great Secret (1909) Dorothy Dale and Her Chums (1909) Dorothy Dale’s Queer Holidays (1910) Dorothy Dale’s Camping Days (1911) Dorothy Dale’s School Rivals (1912) Dorothy Dale in the City (1913) Dorothy Dale’s Promise (1914) Dorothy Dale in the West (1915) Dorothy Dale’s Strange Discovery (1916) Dorothy Dale’s Engagement (1917) Dorothy Dale to the Rescue (1924)     [chương_files]  

Rinkitink in Oz cover

Rinkitink in Oz

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Rinkitink in Oz is the tenth book in the Oz series written by L. Frank Baum, first published in 1916. It was originally written in 1905 as a stand alone fantasy work and subsequently rewritten as an Oz book. Therefore, most of the action takes place outside of Oz in neighboring fairy countries. It tells the story of Prince Inga’s quest to rescue his parents from captivity after his island home is ravaged by enemies. With the help of three magical pearls and the more dubious assistance of the excessively jolly King Rinkitink and his surly goat, Bilbil, his travels lead him to the underground caverns of the Nome King where he is united with some people from Oz who help him to free his parents and restore his island kingdom. (description written by Judy Bieber)     [chương_files]  

Peaks of Shala cover

Peaks of Shala

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This book was published in 1923. From the author’s own Introduction: “I would not have this book considered too seriously. It is not an attempt to untangle one thread in the Balkan snarl; it is not a study of primitive peoples; it is not a contribution to the world’s knowledge, and I hope no one will read it to improve the mind. It should be read as the adventures in it were lived, with a gayly inquiring mind, a taste for strange peoples and unknown trails, and a delight in the unexpected. Here I give you only what I saw, felt, and most casually learned while adventuring among the tribes in the interior northern Albanian mountains…” Three brave American Zonyas (women) venture into the mountains of Northern Albania at a time not long after the Great War, when the boundaries (and even the right to exist) of the Balkan states were still hotly disputed. The author tells us why: “the people are living as they lived twenty centuries ago, before the Greek or the Roman or the Slav was ever known. There are prehistoric cities up there, old legends, songs, customs that no one knows anything about. No stranger’s ever even seen them.” What better reason to risk life, health, and limb? (Summary by Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas cover

Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas

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Tom Swift is an inventor, and these are his adventures. The locale is the little town of Shopton in upstate New York, near Lake Carlopa. While some of Tom’s inventions are not well-founded in a scientific sense, others elaborated developments in the news and in popular magazines aimed at young science and invention enthusiasts. Presenting themselves as a forecast of future possibilities, they now and then hit close to the mark. Some predicted inventions that came true include “photo telephones”, vertical takeoff aircraft, aerial warships, giant cannons, and “wizard” cameras. However some other devices, such as magnetic silencers for motors, have not appeared yet. -adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline     [chương_files]  

Ozma of Oz cover

Ozma of Oz

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Ozma of Oz was the third title in the Oz series by L. Frank Baum. In this book Dorothy is shipwrecked and lands on the shores of a fairy country that adjoins Oz, the land of Ev. There she meets Tiktok, a wind up mechanical man, a talking chicken, Billina, and Ozma, the girl ruler of Oz who is leading a quest to rescue the royal family of Ev from their captivity by the Nome King. Dorothy is also reunited with her old friends, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. Together the adventurers travel to the Nome King’s underground kingdom and have many exciting adventures before returning to Oz, and for Dorothy, eventual return to her family in the “civilized” world. (description by Judy Bieber)     [chương_files]  

Through the Looking-Glass (version 2) cover

Through the Looking-Glass (version 2)

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The sequel to “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” finds Alice back in Wonderland and a piece in a surreal chess game. This weird and wonderful book includes the poems “Jabberwocky” and “The Walrus and the Carpenter,” a talking pudding, and that immortal line “Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow, but never jam today.” Lewis Carroll was the nom de plume of Charles Dodgson (1832-1890) an Anglican clergyman, photographer, and mathematician.     [chương_files]  

Gold Hunting in Alaska cover

Gold Hunting in Alaska

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In 1898, naturalist, Joseph Grinnell joins a company of twenty men bound for Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, from California aboard the schooner Penelope. With the trained eye of a scientist and with a flair for prose and poetry, he documents the adventures of this group of gold hunters before they return a year and a half later. This account gives valuable insights into the Alaskan culture of that time and the hardships of those searching for the fortunes of gold. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]