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Trois mois sous la neige: journal d'un jeune habitant du Jura cover

Trois mois sous la neige: journal d’un jeune habitant du Jura

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Un jeune homme pris dans la neige avec son grand-père et un chèvre doit se débrouiller pour survivre l’hiver. A young boy is snowed in with his grandfather and a goat in a summer hut in the Jura mountains. He must use all his resources and develop new ones to have a hope of survival. – Summary by czandra     [chương_files]  

True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World cover

True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World

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The Arctic has always been a fascinating area for us. This is true today just as much as in Adolphus Greely’s time. In 1912, Greely published this volume of notable Arctic explorations and the explorers. The modern reader can follow a very readable account of the successes and failures of these early explorers comfortably from the armchair, and learn a lot of history in the processes. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers cover

In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers

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In the Hands of the Cave-Dwellers is a classic adventure where the hero is an American sailor who saves a young Mexican from thugs. The story spreads to an Indian attack, the loss of the heroine to cave dwellers, her rescue, and the eventual happiness of hero and heroine who have overcome adversity. – Summary by Publisher     [chương_files]  

Hearts of Three cover

Hearts of Three

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Francis Morgan, a wealthy heir of industrialist and Wall Street maven Richard Henry Morgan, is a jaded young New Yorker. When his father’s business partner Thomas Regan suggests that Francis take a holiday in Central America, ostensibly to search for the treasure of the Morgans’ legendary ancestor, Francis thinks it’s a splendid idea. But he never suspects what adventures await across the border… – Summary by Goodreads Cast List: Narrator: Lynette Caulkins Francis Morgan: john warren hart Henry Morgan: Benjamin Tucker Leoncia Solano: Krista Zaleski Parker and Priest of the Sun: James R. Hedrick Thomas Regan: John Payton Señor Álvarez Torres and Yi Poon: Wayne Cooke Señor Mariano Vercara è Hijos and Bascom: Greg Giordano Enrico Solano and Lieutenant Parsons: Todd Alesandro Solano: Ted Perkins Martinez Solano, Gendarme, Overseer Ramirez: redrun Alvarado Solano: Andrew Gaunce Ricardo Solano, Juchitán Haciendado: Inkell Solano Maid: Eileen Ellen Solano Servant 1, Trefethen’s Sailor, Carib, Haciendado 3, Caroo, and Newspaper Pedlar: David Purdy Solano Servant 2, Percival, Carib, Old Buccaneer Henry Morgan, Guillermo, Panamanian Judge, Lost Soul, and Canoe Indian: John Kennard Mayan Lad and José, a Mayan youth: Elijah Fisher Captain Trefethen: Max Magnus Carib: Yuqing Pedro Zurita and Police Lt. Burns: Scott Caulkins Rafael and Charlie Tippery: Elsie Selwyn Ignacio and Blind One’s Leader: Joe Bergin Augustino, Capitán Rosaro, and Johnny Pathmore: Bill Mosley Haciendado 2 and Vicente: Major Toast Oil Man and Peter McGill: Archives27 Beleaguered Peon and Bear Broker: Beeswaxcandle The Blind Brigand: Larry Wilson The Blind One’s Daughter: Eliza Old […]

Men of Iron (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) cover

Men of Iron (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)

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“The year 1400 opened with more than usual peacefulness in England. Only a few months before, Richard II—weak, wicked, and treacherous—had been dethroned, and Henry IV declared King in his stead. But it was only a seeming peacefulness, lasting but for a little while; for though King Henry proved himself a just and a merciful man—as justice and mercy went with the men of iron of those days—and though he did not care to shed blood needlessly, there were many noble families who had been benefited by King Richard during his reign, and who had lost somewhat of their power and prestige from the coming in of the new King. …Their plan had been to fall upon the King and his adherents, and to massacre them during a great tournament, to be held at Oxford. But Henry did not appear at the lists; whereupon, knowing that he had been lodging at Windsor with only a few attendants, the conspirators marched thither against him. In the mean time the King had been warned of the plot, so that, instead of finding him in the royal castle, they discovered through their scouts that he had hurried to London, whence he was even then marching against them at the head of a considerable army. So nothing was left them but flight. Some betook themselves one way, some another; some sought sanctuary here, some there; but one and another, they were all of them caught and killed. The Earl of Kent—one time Duke of […]

Charwoman's Shadow cover

Charwoman’s Shadow

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Delightfully imaginative, somewhat similar to Dunsany’s blockbuster fantasy novel, The King Of Elfland’s Daughter (and published just two years after it), this equally entertaining, verbally voluptuous tale brings us in touch with the heraldry, artistry, and superstitions of the bygone Golden Age of Spain; with the magical arts of ancient times– alchemy, wizardry, potions, forest creatures that go bump in the night, quests for esoteric knowledge, use of the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Catholic church’s war against the ‘Black Art”. Above all, Dunsany explores the many mysterious properties of shadows, and warns what havoc might befall you if you lose yours. Published in 1926. (Summary by Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

Romance of Polar Exploration cover

Romance of Polar Exploration

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While stories of the Polar explorers and their efforts to reach the Poles have been told again and again, the constant renewal of expeditions adds, every year, fresh incidents to the record, until it may almost be said that the fascination of the frozen regions is as inexhaustible as the list of Polar heroes is illimitable. Nor is the interest confined solely to the achievement of modern explorers. However great the results of their exertions may be, the fact that, in spite of all the advantages conferred by recent scientific discovery and modern appliances, the explorers of to-day have failed to penetrate the uttermost secrets of the worlds of ice, renders more impressively heroic the struggles of the earlier travellers, whose equipment, viewed in comparison with that of modern man, was apparently so inadequate and often inappropriate. No series of Polar adventure stories would be complete without a prominent place being given to the earlier explorers, and especially to that British hero, Franklin, whose name is so inseparably associated with the history of Arctic exploration. The account of his daring voyages and of his tragic end, at the moment of victory, has already been given in many a form; but the tale is one which will stand re-telling for generations yet to come. In the present instance it has been of necessity briefly written, but in such a manner as will, it is hoped, without loss of interest, render clear a comparison of the conditions under which he and his […]

Moon-Face and Other Stories cover

Moon-Face and Other Stories

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Well-known and well-regarded author Jack London, known for adventurous stories of the outdoors such as Call of the Wild and White Fang shows us a broader scope of interest in his short stories which here run the gamut from darkly comic tales of murder most foul to light and frothy tales of newspapermen (and women) and from crackling sci-fi to stories of sinister shadowy organizations and spiritualism, London illustrates the many talents he holds as a writer beyond his tales of the frozen north. (Summary by Ben Tucker)     [chương_files]  

Journey into the Interior of the Earth (Version 2) cover

Journey into the Interior of the Earth (Version 2)

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A German scientist discovers an ancient runic message, which when translated proves to be a map to the center of a hollow Earth! The professor and his nephew then embark on a dangerous adventure down an Icelandic volcano to explore an unknown world in the interior of the Earth. – Summary by the reader     [chương_files]  

Wounded Name cover

Wounded Name

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Laurent de Courtomer, the son of a French aristocratic emigré and an Englishwoman, returns to France upon the Bourbon restoration following Napoleon’s defeat in 1814. He meets a young Breton Royalist officer who quite turns his head with hero worship: Aymar de la Rocheterie. But when Napoleon escapes from Elba and war breaks out again, Laurent meets Aymar again, severely wounded and under suspicion of treason. As Laurent nurses him back to health, the evidence against Aymar seems to become worse and worse. Will Aymar be able to clear his name, and will Laurent’s devotion to him remain unshaken? – summary by Elin     [chương_files]