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In the Arctic Seas cover

In the Arctic Seas

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In 1857, Lady Jane Franklin, the wife of Sir John Franklin, who went missing with his entire crew during his 1845 expedition to discover the Northwest Passage, commissioned Captain Francis McClintock to investigate what had happened to the expedition, and purchased for him the small steam yacht known as the ‘Fox’. This is McClintock’s own account of the two year voyage of the ‘Fox’. Following an initially unsuccessful attempt to cross the Davis Strait, the ‘Fox’ was forced to spend the first winter trapped in the sea-ice off the coast of Greenland. After the next year’s thaw, McClintock eventually reached the islands of the Canadian Arctic, where an extensive search finally revealed the grisly truth of the fate of Franklin. (Summary by Patrick Eaton)     [chương_files]  

Galactic Patrol cover

Galactic Patrol

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Galactic Patrol is the third book in the Lensmen stories, and the first book to feature Kimball Kinnison, the action hero of several books in the series. It chronicles the beginning of Kinnison’s adventures, starting with graduation from the Galactic Patrol Academy and becoming a Lensmen. Kinnison then pursues the Boskonians, a group of galactic pirates who have armed their ships with explosive artillery and are reeking havoc. – Summary by Harley James     [chương_files]  

Teen-Age Super Science Stories cover

Teen-Age Super Science Stories

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Suspenseful stories about space travel and exploration of other planets. – Summary by TR Love     [chương_files]  

Automobile Girls at Newport cover

Automobile Girls at Newport

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Published in 1910, the young sisters, Barbara and Mollie Thurston, are being invited by their skilled friend, Ruth Stuart, to go on a real-life adventure in a motor car, for Ruth is a girl who actually can drive a motor car, to Newport with a chaperone, Aunt Sallie, and friend Grace Carter. Horse shenanigans come into play as well as protecting themselves from a burglary. Many hopes arise in their revels as well as wondering if or when women shall get “the vote”. Much culminates in the upcoming tennis tournament taking place at their destination and the danger of a jewel thief amidst them, which carries the girls into further excitement. (Summary by Daryl Wor)     [chương_files]  

Inca Lands cover

Inca Lands

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Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale Makes the Greatest Archaeological Discovery of the Age by Locating and Excavating Ruins of Machu Picchu on a Peak in the Andes of Peru. There is nothing new under the sun, they say. That is only relatively true. Just now, when we thought there was practically no portion of the earth’s surface still unknown, when the discovery of a single lake or mountain, or the charting of a remote strip of coast line was enough to give a man fame as an explorer, one member of the daredevil explorers’ craft has “struck it rich.” Struck it so dazzlingly rich, indeed, that all his confrères may be pardoned if they gnash their teeth in chagrin and turn green with envy. The lucky man is Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale, he whose hobby is South America. He has just announced that he has had the superb good fortune to discover an entire city, two thousand years old, a place of splendid palaces and temples and grim encircling walls, hidden away so thoroughly on the top of a well-nigh inaccessible mountain peak of the Peruvian Andes that the Spanish invaders of four hundred years ago never set eyes upon it. He calls it Machu Picchu. (From New York Times, June 15, 1913) One hundred years ago in the summer of 1911, Bingham discovered Machu Picchu, returning in the summer of 1912 to excavate under the auspices of Yale and The National Geographic Society, and coming home to great […]

Mengelilingi Doenia Dalam 80 Hari cover

Mengelilingi Doenia Dalam 80 Hari

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Mengelilingi Doenia dalam 80 Hari mengisahkan seorang pria berkebangsaan Inggris bernama Phileas Fogg bertaruh uang sebesar £20.000 dengan teman-temannya di Reform Club. Pertaruhan ini adalah sebuah tantangan untuk mengelilingi dunia hanya dalam tempo 80 hari. Bersama pelayan barunya, Jean Passepartout, mereka mencoba mengelilingi dunia dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. (“Around the World in 80 Days” tells the story of an Englishman named Phileas Fogg betting £20,000 with his friends at the Reform Club. This gamble is a challenge to circumnavigate the globe in just 80 days. Together with his new man-servant, Jean Passepartout, they try to circumnavigate the world in a predetermined time.) – Summary by tarabatubara     [chương_files]  

Rustlers Beware cover

Rustlers Beware

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Cattle rustling had gotten out of control in northern Wyoming, so Asa Swingley is tasked with assembling a host of men to tend to the matter using whatever means necessary. He selects Milt Bertram to be one of his lead assistants, but Bertram becomes sidelined during the trip from Texas, which causes him to grow suspicious of the true nature of this expedition. What ensues leads Bertram to better understand his possible conflict of interest and what he must do to set matters straight. – Summary by Roger Melin     [chương_files]  

Cuentos del continente oscuro cover

Cuentos del continente oscuro

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Exóticas aventuras protagonizadas por dos gentleman con el revólver siempre preparado en su cintura: Julio y Federico, junto a su aguerrido e intrépido guía árabe: Hassan. Viajarán por multitud de paisajes de África y Asia, atravesando desiertos, lagos, mares embravecidos, frondosas selvas, fastuosos templos, abarrotados bazares y ricos palacios mientras se cruzan con temibles fieras salvajes, princesas indígenas, fanáticos religiosos, tribus traucioneras y tantas otras sorpresas arriesgadas. Cuentos autoconclusivos de temática exótica y de aventuras con un fuerte acento colonial. Traducidos directamente del Strand Magazine y publicados en España en distintos números de la revista ‘La patria de Cervantes’. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Woman's Journey Round the World cover

Woman’s Journey Round the World

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Ida Laura Pfeiffer was an Austrian traveler and travel book author, one of the first female explorers, whose popular books were translated into several languages. “The Woman’s Journey Around the World, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor” is the travel diary of the first of her two trips “around the world”, following her successful trips to the Holy Land and to Iceland. (Summary by Leni)     [chương_files]  

Tom Swift and the Visitor From Planet X cover

Tom Swift and the Visitor From Planet X

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Tom Swift Jr. and his associates at Swift Enterprises wait breathlessly for what may well be the most important scientific event in history—the arrival of the visitor from Planet X—a visitor in the form of energy. But there are factions at work determined to snatch the energy, which Tom has named Exman, from the young scientist-inventor’s grasp. First, a series of unexplainable, devastating earthquakes threaten to destroy a good portion of the earth, and Tom suspects the Brungarian rebels who obviously would like to capture Exman and use the space visitor to further their own evil purposes. With the security of Enterprises and Exman at stake, Tom creates two of his greatest inventions—a Quakelizor to counteract the simulated earth tremors, and a container or “body” to house the energy from outer space. If the earthquakes cannot be stopped, the entire world will be threatened by destruction, and the Brungarian forces will conquer the earth. How Tom utilizes all his scientific knowledge to produce swift-action results and outwit the Brungarians makes one of the most exciting Tom Swift adventures to date. (original book jacket from Gutenberg text)