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Book of Giants cover

Book of Giants

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Tales of very tall men of myth, legend, history, and science (Subtitle of Book) – Summary by Henry Wysham Lanier     [chương_files]  

Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie cover

Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie

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Czegóż tu nie ma! Intrygi, romanse, pojedynki, skarby w głębokich jaskiniach, cyganie i piękne księżniczki, tajne stowarzyszenia, przygody zwariowane i niesamowite, opowiedziane ze swadą, humorem, zadumą; tuziny wątków wyrastających jedne z drugich, przeplecione w niemożliwym, wspaniałym bałaganie. Historia tej książki jest niemniej fascynująca niż jej treść. Potocki zaczął ja pisać w roku 1804. W rok później opublikował część tekstu, jednak nadal nad nim pracując, aż do swojej samobójczej śmierci w 1815 roku. Dwie skrócone wersje i jedna kompletna, na której jest oparte to nagranie, zostały opublikowane pośmiertnie. Części francuskiego oryginału zaginęły, zachowało się jedynie polskie tłumaczenie Edmunda Chojeckiego wydane w 1847 roku, które jest uznane za kanoniczna wersje i podstawę do przekładów na inne języki. (Summary by Nina Brown)     [chương_files]  

Merirosvo cover


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Frederick Marryatin Merirosvo on meriaiheinen seikkailukertomus, joka kertoo kaksoisveljien tarinan. Se sijoittuu 1790-luvulle, jolloin laivat olivat puuta ja miehet rautaa! Kirjan alussa kerrotaan Sirkassian-laivan haaksirikosta, josta pääsee lähtemään pelastusveneellä osa matkustajista, muutaman jäädessä vielä laivaan. Kuitenkin vain laivaan jääneet, joihin kuuluu kaksi mustaa palvelijaa, mies Coco ja nainen, imettäjä Judy, sekä pieni, englantilaista syntyperää oleva poikavauva, lopulta pelastuvat. Heidät lähetetään Herra Witheringtonin luo Englantiin, koska pelastuneen poikavauvan äiti on hänen serkkunsa. Mutta mitä tapahtui pelastusveneelle, missä oli muiden mukana lapsien äiti ja toinen kaksonen? Miten merirosvot liittyvät asiaan? Kirja on vauhdikas ja siitä ei puutu juonenkäänteitä eikä vaarallisia tilanteita. Marryat on itse toiminut meriupseerina, joten hän tietää mistä kertoo, meriaiheiset yksityiskohdat on kerrottu totuudenmukaisesti. Ja vaikka Merirosvossa käytetään usein varsin vanhanaikaista kieltä, kirja käsittelee rodullista epätasa-arvoa nimenomaan ikävänä ongelmana. – Summary by Harri Tapani Ylilammi     [chương_files]  

Forest Lovers cover

Forest Lovers

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My story will take you into times and spaces alike rude and uncivil. Blood will be spilt, virgins suffer distresses; the horn will sound through woodland glades; dogs, wolves, deer, and men, Beauty and the Beasts, will tumble each other, seeking life or death with their proper tools. There should be mad work, not devoid of entertainment. When you read the word Explicit, if you have laboured so far, you will know something of Morgraunt Forest and the Countess Isabel; the Abbot of Holy Thorn will have postured and schemed (with you behind the arras); you will have wandered with Isoult and will know why she was called La Desirous, with Prosper le Gai, and will understand how a man may fall in love with his own wife. Finally, of Galors and his affairs, of the great difference there may be between a Christian and the brutes, of love and hate, grudging and open humour, faith and works, cloisters and thoughts uncloistered—all in the green wood—you will know as much as I do if you have cared to follow the argument. – Summary by Maurice Hewlett     [chương_files]  

恩讐の彼方に (Onsyuu no kanatani) cover

恩讐の彼方に (Onsyuu no kanatani)

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A samurai story of revenge. Ichikurou killed his master. He got away from Edo (Tokyo) with his lover. They became burglars. Then he became a Buddhist priest (bonze). He started to dig a tunnel near the riverside. Then his master’s son appeared seeking revenge. (Summary by ekzemplaro)     [chương_files]  

LibriVox 7th Anniversary Collection cover

LibriVox 7th Anniversary Collection

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To celebrate the 7 years of LibriVox , readers from all around the world have recorded 77 works they have selected, all of which have 7 in their title. We hope you enjoy the amazing mixture they have come up with.     [chương_files]  

Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα (Tale Without Name) cover

Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα (Tale Without Name)

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Το Βασίλειο των Μοιρολατρών πέφτει σε παρακμή καθώς ο Βασιλιάς Αστόχαστος ζητάει μόνο την καλοπέραση και δεν φροντίζει για την ευημερία της χώρας του. Πολύς κόσμος φεύγει και το βασίλειο ερημώνει και φτωχαίνει. Το βασιλόπουλο αηδιασμένο από την κατάσταση κινεί να φύγει και αυτό αλλά μια σειρά από γεγονότα ξυπνούν μέσα του την ελπίδα και την αποφασιστικότητα. Με την βοήθεια της αδελφής του και μερικών πιστών συντρόφων καταφέρνει να σώσει το βασίλειό του από την καταστροφή και να το ξαναφέρει σε ανάπτυξη! The Kingdom of Moirolatres (Fatalists) falls into decay as the King Astochastos (Thoughtless) cares only for his own comfort and neglects the welfare of his country. Many people leave and the kingdom gets ravaged and poor. The prince, disgusted by the situation, wants to leave too, but a series of events awakens hope and determination in him. With the help of his sister and a few loyal companions, he manages to save his kingdom from destruction and bring it back in development! (Summary by Rapunzelina)     [chương_files]  

De Vandrande Djäknarne cover

De Vandrande Djäknarne

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Viktor Rydberg (1828-1895) was one of Sweden’s most important authors in the 19th century, between Almqvist and Strindberg. The novel De vandrande djäknarne constitutes the former half of volume III of fourteen in Skrifter av Viktor Rydberg (“collected works”), which appeared in the decades following the author’s death. The novel was first published in serial form in a daily newspaper in Sweden under the pseudonym “Agricola”, and tells about how two students, during a summer, wandering in the country, and about their pranks and their meetings with people, and how this summer changes their lives. (Summary by and Lars Rolander)     [chương_files]  

Demonios cover


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Demônios é um conto de terror, com temática sobrenatural. Em um dia que parece não ter início nem fim, um escritor desperta e observa que não houve amanhecer. As horas passam e o dia não surge. Não bastasse a treva que domina o ambiente, o escritor descobre que aqueles que o cercavam jaziam mortos. Em meio ao pânico e ao desespero, sai em busca de sua amada, Laura, na esperança de encontrá-la, enfrentando o desconhecido e o pavor daquela noite interminável. – Summary by Rogerio Maciel     [chương_files]  

Pit-tah, de Grijze Wolf cover

Pit-tah, de Grijze Wolf

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‘Pit-tah, de Grijze Wolf’ (White Fang), de opvolger van ‘Als de Natuur Roept’ (The Call of the Wild), onderzoekt de gewelddadige wereld van de wilde dieren en de al even gewelddadige wereld van de mens. London volgt het leven van Pit-tah, een wolfshond, vanaf zijn geboorte. Het verhaal is geschreven vanuit de beleving van de hond.     [chương_files]