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France At War: On the Frontier of Civilization cover

France At War: On the Frontier of Civilization

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In 1915, as the “Great War” (World War 1) entered its second year Rudyard Kipling made a journalistic tour of the front, visiting French armed forces. By then he was already winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (the first writer in English to be so honoured). He published his observations in articles in the Daily Telegraph in England, and in the New York Sun. At that stage of the war nationalistic sentiments were running high but the true cost of war was beginning to be understood “at home”. The collection of journalistic pieces is preceded by a poem, “France”, that had been published before the outbreak of war (in 1913) which has a more overblown jingoistic feel to it than the reflections on war itself. The poem does, though, show Kipling’s love of France, as well as his sense of the destiny of imperial dreams. Kipling himself was an ardent and effective writer of propaganda directed primarily against German treatment of civilians. The “rape of Belgium” in 1914 and the sinking of the Lusitania earlier in 1915 were particularly shocking. In Kipling’s eyes such “total war” was a renunciation of civilisation. The heat of his reaction is associated with his militarism. Although not a soldier, Kipling was educated at the United Services College (a school for the sons of officers which prepared students to enter Sandhurst and Dartmouth – the British army and navy officers training establishments). His writing is deeply imbued with notions of military service as honorable […]

Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished cover

Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished

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A runaway carriage, a spunky little girl, and a street urchin combine on the first page of Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished: a Tale of City Arab Life in a hilarious combination that you won’t want to leave. This story shows first hand what ‘city arabs’ have to face day by day and the impact Christians can make. – Summary by Adele de Pignerolles     [chương_files]  

Rover Boys In The Mountains cover

Rover Boys In The Mountains

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Another rousing tale of the Brothers Rover, set directly after their adventure in the Great Lakes, detailing yet another encounter with the dastardly Dan Baxter! – Summary by Matt Pierard     [chương_files]  

Ocean Waifs cover

Ocean Waifs

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“The “vulture of the sea,” borne upon broad wing, and wandering over the wide Atlantic, suddenly suspends his flight to look down upon an object that has attracted his attention. It is a raft, with a disc not much larger than a dining-table, constructed out of two small spars of a ship,—the dolphin-striker and spritsail yard,—with two broad planks and some narrower ones lashed crosswise, and over all two or three pieces of sail-cloth carelessly spread.” So begins this adventure, both on land and on sea! (Summary adapted from chapter 1)     [chương_files]  

Grace Harlowe with the Marines at Chateau Thierry cover

Grace Harlowe with the Marines at Chateau Thierry

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Grace continues her war adventures over seas in France, continuing her work for the Red Cross. Set during World War I, Loyal Heart finds herself in much peril as she helps with the fight against the Germans. Summary by ashleighjane     [chương_files]  

Boat Club; or, The Bunkers of Rippleton cover

Boat Club; or, The Bunkers of Rippleton

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The Bunkers are a group of rebellious boys who make life miserable for many on the shores of an upstate New York Lake. Captain Sedley’s son, Frank, has a run in with the boys and decides to start a boat club for his son and his friends.They learn the operation of the boat, cooperation and discipline. In the course of the story, they also show up the Bunkers. – Summary by JohnTRN     [chương_files]  

Colour of Life cover

Colour of Life

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This is a collection of essays by English poet and author Alice Meynell. The essays in this volume share a dream-like quality, as they explore in few words an idea or a phenomenon observed by the author. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Anarchism and Other Essays (Version 2) cover

Anarchism and Other Essays (Version 2)

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Emma Goldman, the most famous anarchist in American history, shows the whole range of her iconoclastic thought in this collection of essays. Drawing from a wealth of illustrative material, including the examples of fellow anarchists and radicals of her own acquaintance, modern martyrs, dissident playwrights, poets, and authors, etc., she delineates the main themes of her philosophy with incisiveness and evangelical passion. Included among these themes are: a definition of decentralized anarchism itself; the ambiguous morality of direct action; the curse of modern patriotism; the horrors of early twentieth-century prisons; the need for an entirely new kind of education; the relationship of legal marriage to true love; the insidious danger of Puritanical thought within feminism itself; the deadly spread of sex trafficking; the limitations or even undesirability of woman suffrage; and the extraordinary revolutionary potential of modern theatre. Sadly, none of these themes seem obsolete even to a modern reader; every one of them has direct application to twenty-first century society. – Summary by Expatriate     [chương_files]  

Ben Pepper cover

Ben Pepper

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This book is about Ben Pepper on some adventures! From The Five Little Peppers to Joel Pepper to now Ben Pepper, you’ll know everything about the Pepper family. – Summary by Elijah Fisher     [chương_files]  

American Philosophy Collection Vol. 2 cover

American Philosophy Collection Vol. 2

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This recording is the second in an ongoing series of collections highlighting foundational articles in early 20th Century American philosophy. Volume 2 focuses on the debates surrounding the emergence of the so-called ‘New Realism.’ Inspired by the early works of the American pragmatists, the new realists opposed idealistic and transcendental metaphysics, and advocated for various forms of empirical and scientific naturalism. (summary by P. J. Taylor) Track List: 01 – The Program and Platform of the Six Realists by Edwin B. Holt, Walter T. Marvin, W. P. Montague, Ralph Barton Perry, Walter B.Pitkin and Edward Gleason Spaulding 02 – The Egocentric Predicament by R. B. Perry 03 – Brief Studies in Realism I by John Dewey 04 – Brief Studies in Realism II by John Dewey 05 – The Inadequacy of ‘Natural’ Realism by Durant Drake 06 – Reflections of a Temporalist on the New Realism by A. O. Lovejoy 07 – Report of the Committee on Definitions of the American Philosophical Association by F. J. E. Woodbridge, Frank Thilly, Dickinson S. Miller, Arthur O. Lovejoy, W. P. Montague, and E. G. Spaulding 08 – The Relation of Consciousness to Object in Sense Perception by E. B. McGilvary 09 – The Relation of Consciousness to Object in Sense Perception by Frank Thilly 10 – Consciousness and Object by W. J. E. Woodbridge 11 – The New Realism by Morris Raphael Cohen     [chương_files]