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Fame and Fortune cover

Fame and Fortune

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Richard Hunter, formerly Ragged Dick, continues to advance in the world through luck and excellent morals. He, along with his friend Henry, moves into a better boarding house and then finds a promising job. He is framed for theft by a jealous co-worker and ends up in jail. He is exonerated, given his job back, and then is promoted. He eventually works his way up the ladder and becomes quite successful. (Written by Alys Attewater and Barry Eads)     [chương_files]  

Glinda of Oz cover

Glinda of Oz

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Glinda of Oz is the fourteenth Land of Oz book and is the last one written by the original author L. Frank Baum, although the series was continued after his death by several other authors. Dorothy and Ozma discover that a war is brewing in a distant and unexplored part of Oz, between two mysterious races, the Flatheads and the Skeezers. The girls set out to try to prevent the fighting, not knowing what dangers await them. (Summary by Lucy Perry.)     [chương_files]  

Little Masterpieces of Science - Explorers cover

Little Masterpieces of Science – Explorers

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“The love of adventure, the expectation of the unexpected, have ever prompted men stout of heart, and ready of resource, to brave the perils of wilderness and sea that they might set their feet where man never trod before.” (George Iles in the preface) This last in the series of Little Masterpieces of Science to be recorded for LibriVox includes essays by or about the explorations of Christopher Columbus, Lewis & Clark, Zebulon Pike, Charles Wilkes, Clarence King and John Wesley Powell. – Summary by J. M. Smallheer     [chương_files]  

Camp-Fire Girls at Twin Lakes or The Quest of a Summer Vacation cover

Camp-Fire Girls at Twin Lakes or The Quest of a Summer Vacation

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“Girls, I have some great news for you. I’m sure you’ll be interested, and I hope you’ll be as delighted as I am. Come on, all of you. Gather around in a circle just as if we were going to have a Council Fire and I’ll tell you something that will—that will—Teddy Bear your teeth.” A chorus of laughter, just a little derisive, greeted Katherine Crane’s enigmatical figure of speech. The merriment came from eleven members of Flamingo Camp Fire, who proceeded to form an arc of a circle in front of the speaker on the hillside grass plot near the white canvas tents of the girls’ camp. (Gutenberg)     [chương_files]  

Treasure Island (version 2) cover

Treasure Island (version 2)

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A mysterious map, pirates, and pieces of eight! When young Jim Hawkins finds a map to pirates’ gold he starts on an adventure that takes him from his English village to a desert island with the murderous Black Dog, half-mad Ben Gunn, and (of course) Long John Silver. Arr Jim lad! R.L. Stevenson (1850-1894) was born in Scotland and travelled extensively in California and the south Pacific. (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)     [chương_files]  

Opening the West with Lewis and Clark cover

Opening the West with Lewis and Clark

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One of the significant and astounding explorations, in 1804-1806, was the expedition under the leadership of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Captain William Clark opening up a trail from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Coast at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River. Edwin Sabin write an engaging account of this challenging journey with ample dialogue so that it reads like an adventure story rather than just a history full of facts and figures, but he fairly represents the characters and events of the long expedition. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Maw's Vacation cover

Maw’s Vacation

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Times has changed! Maw has only known hard work her whole life. She’s been married to Paw for 40 years, helping raise crops, raising children and pinching pennies their whole life. After all these years, and with some milestones behind them, it’s time to take a vacation. Destination: Yellowstone Park. But what does one who has never taken a vacation do on vacation? As dear ol’ Maw explores the only vacation she has ever had, she learns some humorous lifelong lessons about the environment, about people, about her family, about herself (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout cover

Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout

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Tom Swift enters an upcoming race with his specially-designed prototype electric race car. But as he makes the final preparations and adjustments, days before the race, he discovers a plot that would bankrupt not only his family, but also everyone else that relies on the local bank (which is the target of a nefarious bank-run scheme). Tom must solve the mystery and stop the criminals behind the plot before he’ll test himself on a 500 mile race against some of the best electric cars and skilled drivers in the United States. Listeners are forewarned that some elements and characters included in Tom Swift books portray certain ethnic groups in a very dated manner that modern readers, and listeners, may find offensive. Despite the racially stereotyped behavior and pronunciation in the books, the Reader believes it makes sense to read what’s written in order to be faithful to the author’s intent. Summary from Wikipedia and modified by the Reader     [chương_files]  

Descubrimiento del río de las Amazonas cover

Descubrimiento del río de las Amazonas

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Casi cincuenta años después del descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, una avanzada del imperio de Carlos V viaja hacia el este desde el actual territorio ecuatoriano. Van en busqueda del mítico País de la Canela y del igualmente fantástico asentamiento de El Dorado. Los expedicionarios se enfrentarán a todo tipo de penurias y privaciones en un hábitat completamente nuevo, acechados por una naturaleza magnífica que oscila constantemente entre paraíso onírico e infierno verde. Este es el relato de la expedición de Francisco de Orellana, que exploró en 1542 el curso del río Amazonas hasta su desembocadura, recorriendo con medios muy precarios y sin mapas 4.800 kilómetros en siete meses. Si bien los sueños de oro y especias solo fueron un espejismo, su periplo abrió el inmenso territorio de la Amazonía al mundo. El cronista dominico Gaspar de Carvajal, quien fue testigo y participante de semejante hazaña, ha legado a la posteridad una relación de dicho viaje, en base a la que el rio fue nombrado de la manera que conocemos hoy día. (Introducción por Jasna y Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Impresiones y paisajes cover

Impresiones y paisajes

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Libro de viajes de Federico García Lorca, donde recoge sus impresiones y pensamientos íntimos ante la contemplación de distintos lugares de la geografía española que recorrió en su juventud y que como él mismo decía “[i]los recuerdos de viaje son una vuelta a viajar, pero ya con más melancolía y dándose cuenta más intensamente de los encantos de las cosas. (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]