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Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas cover

Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas

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Tom Swift is an inventor, and these are his adventures. The locale is the little town of Shopton in upstate New York, near Lake Carlopa. While some of Tom’s inventions are not well-founded in a scientific sense, others elaborated developments in the news and in popular magazines aimed at young science and invention enthusiasts. Presenting themselves as a forecast of future possibilities, they now and then hit close to the mark. Some predicted inventions that came true include “photo telephones”, vertical takeoff aircraft, aerial warships, giant cannons, and “wizard” cameras. However some other devices, such as magnetic silencers for motors, have not appeared yet. -adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline     [chương_files]  

Ozma of Oz cover

Ozma of Oz

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Ozma of Oz was the third title in the Oz series by L. Frank Baum. In this book Dorothy is shipwrecked and lands on the shores of a fairy country that adjoins Oz, the land of Ev. There she meets Tiktok, a wind up mechanical man, a talking chicken, Billina, and Ozma, the girl ruler of Oz who is leading a quest to rescue the royal family of Ev from their captivity by the Nome King. Dorothy is also reunited with her old friends, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. Together the adventurers travel to the Nome King’s underground kingdom and have many exciting adventures before returning to Oz, and for Dorothy, eventual return to her family in the “civilized” world. (description by Judy Bieber)     [chương_files]  

Through the Looking-Glass (version 2) cover

Through the Looking-Glass (version 2)

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The sequel to “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” finds Alice back in Wonderland and a piece in a surreal chess game. This weird and wonderful book includes the poems “Jabberwocky” and “The Walrus and the Carpenter,” a talking pudding, and that immortal line “Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow, but never jam today.” Lewis Carroll was the nom de plume of Charles Dodgson (1832-1890) an Anglican clergyman, photographer, and mathematician.     [chương_files]  

Gold Hunting in Alaska cover

Gold Hunting in Alaska

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In 1898, naturalist, Joseph Grinnell joins a company of twenty men bound for Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, from California aboard the schooner Penelope. With the trained eye of a scientist and with a flair for prose and poetry, he documents the adventures of this group of gold hunters before they return a year and a half later. This account gives valuable insights into the Alaskan culture of that time and the hardships of those searching for the fortunes of gold. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (version 2) cover

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (version 2)

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In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain creates an entertaining adventure of Middle America in the 1800’s – afloat on a raft on the Mississippi River. Huck escapes his civilized life when he arranges his own “murder” and turns back into the backwoods, downriver yokel he started as, and in the process springing a slave, Jim, from bondage. Huck and Jim experience life as a series of tableaux as the river sweeps them through small towns on their way South. At each stop, Huck engages his talent for mixing fact with bald-faced lies to endlessly get himself out of situations… and of course, putting him into others! Much has been written about the statement Twain is making about slavery in this book, but it’s really secondary to the story. The facts of how black people were treated in this period give Huck and Jim their license for life on the run. Modern listeners will be intrigued by the unencumbered life of the pair; they make do with coffee, fish from the river, and little else (but of course, when they do need something extra, they don’t mind helping themselves to it without recourse to money!) Huck and Jim have run-ins with desperadoes and family feuds and even manage to get run down by a steamboat. The adventures ratchet up when they are joined on the raft by a self-proclaimed “duke” and a “king” – shysters both, who spend their time in figuring how to fleece the public in the […]

Bunyip Land cover

Bunyip Land

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Joe Carstairs is a boy on a farm in Australia. His father is a keen naturalist who, some years before had set off for New Guinea in search of specimens, and never been heard of again. Joe is old enough to mount a search expedition, and takes with him a local doctor and an aboriginal worker on his farm. They find themselves joined by a stowaway, Jimmy, whose father is a squatter (farmer) nearby, together with his dog, Gyp. This team sets off, arrive in New Guinea, hire some more porters, and travel guided by some sixth sense straight to where Mr. Carstairs has been kept a prisoner, along with another Englishman, whose mind has gone, under the stress of his imprisonment. There are the usual close shaves and tense moments, but finally they achieve their end, and return home triumphantly.     [chương_files]  

Water-Babies cover


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The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby is a novel by the Reverend Charles Kingsley, first published in its entirety in 1863. Though some of the author’s opinions are very dated now, the journey of a little chimney-sweep water-baby through rivers and storms, under sea and over iceberg, is still a classic, wonderful children’s adventure. Summary by Cori Samuel. Music from Berlioz’s Roman Carnival Overture at     [chương_files]  

New Treasure Seekers cover

New Treasure Seekers

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Oswald, Dora, Dicky, Alice, H.O, and Noel fill their free time with entertainments that don’t always turn out as they plan. But whether telling fortunes at a fete, unwittingly assisting an elopement, reforming their nasty cousin Archibald or even getting arrested, it is all good fun, and usually in a good cause.     [chương_files]  

Primer viaje en torno del globo cover

Primer viaje en torno del globo

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Obra escrita por Antonio Pigafetta, cronista cuyas notas y testimonio han servido para dar a conocer la que fue la primera circunnavegación del globo en la Historia de la Humanidad, al tiempo que constituyeron la principal evidencia de la época a favor de la teoría de que la tierra es redonda. En estás páginas se narra la hazaña lograda en el viaje comandado por Fernando de Magallanes y Juan Sebastián Elcano. Aventura que comenzaron 239 hombres en agosto de 1519 en su periplo hacia lo desconocido y concluyeron tan sólo 18 en septiembre de 1522 al dar la vuelta completa al mundo. Hay pocas palabras que puedan hacer justicia en un resumen del fascinante relato histórico, humano y de aventuras del que se cumplen ahora 500 años. En este proyecto además de los 4 libros originales en los que Pigafetta dividió su obra, se incluyen una breves notas biográficas sobre los protagonistas y un prefacio en el que se detalla brevemente en contexto histórico en el que tuvo lugar este viaje y su trascendencia . (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

At the Back of the North Wind cover

At the Back of the North Wind

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Diamond the little boy sleeps in the hayloft above the stall of Diamond the horse. The loft is snug but drafty, and after plugging a hole in the wall one night, Diamond is scolded by the beautiful Lady North Wind for closing her “window” into his room. Thus begins their friendship. Spirited away by the North Wind, Diamond embarks on a series of adventures both near to and far from his home. His pure heart and his simple, loving spirit guide him as he journeys to the back of the North Wind and home again. (Summary by Meredith Hughes)     [chương_files]