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Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys cover

Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys

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Amelia B. Edwards wrote this historical travelogue in in 1873. The book describes her travels through a relatively un-visited area in the South Tyrol district of Italy. The Dolomites are a part of that most famous of mountain chains, the Alps. In this book, the Writer and her friend and companion, L., travel from Southern Italy, having over-wintered there, to visit the Dolomite district. Her chatty style, dry sense of humor, accuracy of facts, and sympathy for humanity set her works apart. The slice of Victorian British life presented is quite captivating. She would later travel throughout Europe and Egypt at a time when most women didn’t leave home. Later she was to become one of the pioneering Egyptologists of the age. This is her first travelogue.     [chương_files]  

White Heart of Mojave cover

White Heart of Mojave

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“The White Heart of the Mojave” recounts a 1920’s adventure “in the wind and sun and big spaces” of Death Valley by two independent minded women, Edna Brush Perkins and Charlotte Hannahs Jordan. Both women were early feminists, Edna as chairwoman of the greater Cleveland Woman’s Suffrage Party (1916-18). At the end of the Great War, the two friends wanted nothing more than to escape “to the solitariness of some wild and lonely place far from city halls, smokestacks, national organizations, and streets of little houses all alike.” Their vacation started as a long motor drive through the backwoods of California (Charlotte’s husband, Ned, owned the Jordan Motor Car Company). It ended with a month long trek through Death Valley in an old milk wagon drawn by a horse and a mule. Edna’s descriptions of the desert are superb and from the heart–the dunes “were very beautiful, with knife-edged tops ridged in pure, clean lines from which fringes of fine sand blew up like the wind tossed manes of white horses.” This is a great listen for anyone who likes first-hand accounts of adventure in the Great Outdoors. (Summary by Sue Anderson)     [chương_files]  

Weird Crimes cover

Weird Crimes

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Seabury Quinn presents in a series of articles within the pages of Weird Tales magazine various macabre and strange crimes perpetrated throughout history. – summary by Ben Tucker     [chương_files]  

History of Burke and Hare,  And of the Resurrectionist Times cover

History of Burke and Hare, And of the Resurrectionist Times

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From the preface: “…..of all the criminal events that have occurred in Scotland, few have excited so deep, widespread, and lasting an interest as those which took place during what have been called the Resurrectionist Times, and notably, the dreadful series of murders perpetrated in the name of anatomical science by Burke and Hare. In the preparation of this work the Author has had a double purpose before him. He has sought not only to record faithfully the lives and crimes of Burke and Hare, and their two female associates, but also to present a general view of the Resurrectionist movement from its earliest inception until the passing of the Anatomy Act in 1832, when the violation of the sepulchres of the dead for scientific purposes was rendered unnecessary, and absolutely inexcusable.”     [chương_files]  

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 8: Part 1: The Marquise de Brinvilliers cover

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 8: Part 1: The Marquise de Brinvilliers

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The crimes of the Marquise of Brinvilliers, a French aristocrat during the reign of Louis XIV, included some of the most famous murders, scandals (Affair of the Poisons) and mysteries (the Man in the Iron Mask) in French history. This story recounts her major crimes, torture, conviction and execution. – Summary by jvanstan     [chương_files]  

True Stories of Celebrated Crimes cover

True Stories of Celebrated Crimes

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Excerpt: “Raw truth often possesses greater human interest than the most polished fiction. Crime, in itself, is painful and sometimes repulsive, but a study of the methods of criminal investigation by which difficult problems are solved and the guilty brought to justice, is entertaining …With this thought in mind, the reader is invited to a consideration of a few of the famous cases that are to be found in the history of the world’s greatest detectives.” Fifteen cases are presented, each story is complete in itself. (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 2: Countess de Saint-Geran cover

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 2: Countess de Saint-Geran

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This story details the crimes and trial surrounding the unexpected pregnancy and subsequent childbirth of the Countess de Saint-Geran in 1640s France. Familial jealousies harbored by her sister-in-law, the Marchioness de Bouille, intertwine with the greedy schemes of a fugitive relative, the Marquis de Saint-Maixent, to produce a scandalous series of events. – Summary by jvanstan     [chương_files]  

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 3: Murat cover

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 3: Murat

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Amidst the political winds from Napoleon’s downfall, this tale turns our attention to the flight of a former French marshal and King of Naples, Joachim Murat. Murat, unhappy with the deal he made to obtain pardon from the Austrian Emperor, takes a life-ending resolution to retake his crown rather than live in peaceful obscurity. – Summary by jvanstan     [chương_files]  

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 5: Derues, La Constantin cover

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 5: Derues, La Constantin

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Dumas, with the assistance of several friends, compiled Celebrated Crimes, an eight-volume collection of essays on famous criminals and crimes from European history. Includes Vaninka and The Marquise De Ganges. – Summary by Michele Eaton     [chương_files]  

Fall River Tragedy cover

Fall River Tragedy

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The story of how Lizzie Borden supposedly murdered her parents has passed into American folklore, partly thanks to the albeit inaccurate playground rhyme, “Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother 40 whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41.” Here we have the ‘true’ story, as reported by the local police reporter who attended the trial and lived only streets away from the Borden home with his young wife. After the trial, Porter ‘disappeared’ and it was widely speculated he had either been murdered or bribed to disappear in order to suppress the book. His reappearance some time later put paid to the first theory. After his death at age 39 from tuberculosis, a new theory emerged, that he had been away for treatment while keeping his illness secret. Meanwhile, the trial itself was noteworthy for several reasons: it was one of the first to be followed by nationwide press, providing a template for today’s tabloid and cable coverage of major trials; it also had some distinguished personnel: one of the prosecutors, Frank Moody, later became the attorney general of the United States and was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Theodore Roosevelt; and Borden’s defense attorney, George Robinson, was the former governor of Massachusetts. The appearance of Professor Wood of Harvard University was an early use of an expert witness at trial.     [chương_files]