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Libro de Poemas cover

Libro de Poemas

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Este poeta español, miembro de la mítica Generación del 27, es el mayor referente de la literatura española del siglo XX. También escribió numerosas obras de teatro, género en el que también se lo considera autoridad e ícono del siglo pasado, destacándose Bodas de sangre y La casa de Bernarda Alba. Fue asesinado en Granada durante la Guerra Civil Española por su condición de republicano y homosexual. Entre sus poemas podemos encontrar Gacela de la terrible presencia, Alba, Alma ausente, La casada infiel, Muerto de amor y Ciudad sin sueño. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]  

Hawaiian Hilltop cover

Hawaiian Hilltop

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Genevieve Taggard was an American poet, teacher and socialist. This collection was first published in 1923 and deals with topics such as personal relationships, nature, and mythology. – Summary by Newgatenovelist     [chương_files]  

For Eager Lovers cover

For Eager Lovers

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Genevieve Taggard was an American poet, teacher and socialist. This collection was first published in 1922 and deals with topics such as personal relationships, nature and independence. – Summary by Newgatenovelist     [chương_files]  

Tree with a Bird in it cover

Tree with a Bird in it

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Tree with a Bird in it: a symposium of contemporary American poets on being shown a pear-tree on which sat a grackle is a collection of poems based on a bird in a tree. The author parodies various contemporary poets in 1922 with their versions of a poem based on the aforementioned topic. Summary by MLeigh.     [chương_files]  

April Twilights and Other Poems cover

April Twilights and Other Poems

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A selection of thirty-six poems by American writer Willa Cather. (summary by mleigh)     [chương_files]  

XLI Poems cover

XLI Poems

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A book of 41 poems by E. E. Cummings classified as Songs I-XII [poems 1-12], Chansons Innocentes I-II [poems 13-14], Portraits I-IX [poems 15-23], La Guerre I-II [poems 24-25], Sonnets I-XVI [poems 26-41] – Summary by Scotty Smith     [chương_files]  

Rupert Brooke cover

Rupert Brooke

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A number of poems by Rupert Brooke, collected and published in 1925. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

At Dawn And Dusk cover

At Dawn And Dusk

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Victor Daley, then a happy, wondering Irish lad, drifted out to Australia. His head was full of old tunes and fragments of poetry; his pocket was nearly empty. The sunshine and freedom of Australia delighted him, and, in careless, vagabond fashion he enjoyed the fleeting pleasures of the day with little thought of the morrow. A good companion, ” a fellow of infinite jest,” life to him was a gallant spectacle, which he loved to look at and did not take seriously. Worldly success never tempted him, for he was a Bohemian by birth; but he was also descendant of a bardic sept, and he wanted to be a poet. So he wrote verses charged with the melancholy regret of the Celt for vanished glories and the beauty of remote things, dainty opalescent lyrics with hints of fairy music, witty and ironic verse on passing events, and, occasionally, prose sketches. When the pressure of hard realities brought sorrow into his life he wrote more gaily and vigorously than ever. For twenty years or more he charmed a large number of readers. In this thinly-peopled continent the makers of verse are numerous, and though Daley never appealed to so large an audience as the ballad writers, he was the writer best beloved of the writing clan. – Summary by Summary from Wine and Roses     [chương_files]  

Horses of the Hills and other Verses cover

Horses of the Hills and other Verses

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Marie Elizabeth Josephine Pitt (1869–1948) was an Australian poet and socialist activist. Pitt wrote very highly coloured nature poetry, once much anthologised; and also wrote poetry in support of the socialist and labour movements. Marie Pitt was the companion of fellow poet and socialist Bernard O’Dowd. – Summary by Wikipedia Second Prooflistener – neecheelok70     [chương_files]  

Poems of James Hebblethwaite cover

Poems of James Hebblethwaite

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James Hebblethwaite (22 September 1857 – 13 September 1921) was an English-born Australian poet, teacher and clergyman. Hebblethwaite was a man of charming personality. Apparently immersed in a world of dreams, he never allowed himself to neglect his work as a parish clergyman. He was interested in his young men and their sports, and his own simple and sincere piety earned him much respect and affection. As a writer of lyrical poems he has a secure place among the Australian poets of his time. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]