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Stories of the Victoria Cross cover

Stories of the Victoria Cross

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The Victoria Cross is the highest military award that can be made to members of the British and Commonwealth armed forces for acts of gallantry and valour “in the face of the enemy”. The medal was instituted by Royal Warrant in 1856 by Queen Victoria, who had taken an active interest in the reports and despatches during the battles of the Crimean War; especially the details describing the exceptional bravery and gallantry of individual soldiers of all ranks whilst under intense conflict. This book, Stories of the Victoria Cross was one in a series of inspirational texts and ‘heroic writings’ by the Victorian author Frank Mundell and published by The Sunday School Union. The stories presented here relate to actual events that occurred in the field of battle around the turn of the last century and the extraordinary efforts of individuals or groups of soldiers when facing life-threatening situations whilst under fire. – Summary by Steve C     [chương_files]  

Campaign For Petersburg cover

Campaign For Petersburg

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In the American Civil War the Union victory in the ten-month campaign for the city of Petersburg, Virginia (June 1864-March 1865), led directly to the surrender of the Confederacy within two weeks. This 1970 National Park Service booklet tells the story of the campaign. It focuses on the meaning of the campaign and the experience of the soldiers of both sides, with a minimum of references to military units. The listener to this Librivox recording may want to view the printed booklet for excellent maps and revealing photographs. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Army Mental Tests cover

Army Mental Tests

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Prepared in cooperation with the staff of the surgeon general’s office as a source of information and printed materials concerning psychological testing used within the United States Army and indications of the possible use of similar methods in education and industry. – Summary by Leon Harvey     [chương_files]  

Theodore Winthrop: A Civil War Narrative Aborted by Death cover

Theodore Winthrop: A Civil War Narrative Aborted by Death

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Theodore Winthrop (1828 – 1861) was a charismatic writer, lawyer, and world traveler. In the New York Seventh Regiment, he was one of the first Union officers killed in the American Civil War. He wrote two articles for The Atlantic Monthly, the first of an intended series on the nascent civil war. He was killed in the Battle Of Big Bethel in June 1861 before he finished the third article. This librivox recording consists of the two finished articles and the Atlantic Monthly obituary which itself contains the third article. These articles are from The Atlantic Monthly for June 1861, July 1861, and August 1861. Note: In article three, “contraband” means African Americans. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Art of War (Neville Translation) cover

Art of War (Neville Translation)

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The Art of War (1521) is the only book published by Niccolo Machiavelli during his lifetime, and he saw it as one of his finest achievements. The Art of War develops many themes introduced in Machiavelli’s earlier works “The Prince” and “Discourses” and presents them as the collected wisdom of a fictional leader Lord Fabrizio Colonna. The book is constructed as a series of dialogues supposedly held during a summer afternoon spent in the Orti Oricellari gardens in Florence. The stated aim is “To honor and reward virtue, not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good, and other such things which could easily be added in these times.” As in “The Prince” Machiavelli develops the idea of limited warfare, where force is used as an extension of politics, but now also introduces elements of psychological warfare. In the first part of the book Machiavelli strongly warns that any state establishing a standing army must take special measures are taken to prevent military leaders gaining too much control. If the state ignores this it risks a military coup: something we still see today. The Art of War was a standard text on military tactics for three hundred years, only losing favour when developments in the range and accuracy of firearms made the Linear Tactics it described obsolete. This translation by Henry Neville was published […]

Running the Blockade cover

Running the Blockade

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The first-person experiences and adventures of blockade runner during the American civil war. – Summary by Delmar H. Dolbier     [chương_files]  

Brown Book of the Hitler Terror cover

Brown Book of the Hitler Terror

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The Brown Book was the first English publication to detail events which were currently happening in occupied Germany in 1933; book-burning and the destruction of universities, the development of concentration camps for Jewish people, forced labour and the use of the “shot while trying to escape” excuse for murder by police. This was the first time such events had been brought into the public consciousness, and the book was supported by documentation with names and dates – substantial evidence of the brutality which was taking place. (Please note the confronting and graphic nature of the content of Chapters 7, 9 and 10 before listening.) Lord Marley described the book as “a contribution to the fight against Hitler Fascism. This fight is not directed against Germany; it is a fight on behalf of the real Germany.” (Summary by Beth Thomas and the Introduction)     [chương_files]  

Prison Life in Andersonville cover

Prison Life in Andersonville

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A firsthand account of the deplorable conditions within the most infamous prisoner-of-war camp of the Confederacy. Though functioning only during the last year of the Civil War, nearly 13,000 of 45,000 incarcerated Union soldiers died under inhumane conditions. – Summary by Jeffery Smith     [chương_files]  

Fort Concho; Its Why And Wherefore cover

Fort Concho; Its Why And Wherefore

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Fort Concho was a U.S. Army post in central Texas from 1867 to 1889. It figured considerably in the Indian Wars, notably against the Comanches. It mainly served to protect frontier settlers, stagecoaches, wagon trains, the U.S. mail, and trade routes. This 1957 book, published by the museum at the site of the fort, is the story of its activities. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

Nothing of Importance cover

Nothing of Importance

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Fighting in France during the Great War, Bernard Adams, an officer with a Welsh battalion, was moved to chronicle what he saw and experienced: the living conditions and duties of officers and “Tommies” (enlisted men) in their dank, rat-infested trenches and behind the lines; the maiming and deaths; and the quiet periods described in official reports as “nothing of importance”. Adams relates his wounding in June, 1916 and its aftermath. The concluding chapter, which he wrote during his convalescence in “Blighty” (soldiers’ slang for England), is an impassioned reflection on war. Following several months of recuperation Adams returned to the front where, on February 26, 1917 he was wounded again. The following day he died. (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]