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Bible (YLT) NT 23-25: Epistles of John cover

Bible (YLT) NT 23-25: Epistles of John

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A literal translation that holds closely to the original language and idioms. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 17: Epistle to Titus cover

Bible (YLT) NT 17: Epistle to Titus

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A literal translation of the Epistle to Titus from the New Testament translated as closely as possible to the language and idioms of the original. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 04: John cover

Bible (YLT) NT 04: John

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An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 20: James cover

Bible (YLT) NT 20: James

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The Epistle of James translated according to the letter and idioms of the original language. Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 13-14: 1 & 2 Epistles to the Thessalonians cover

Bible (YLT) NT 13-14: 1 & 2 Epistles to the Thessalonians

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An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 26: Epistle of Jude cover

Bible (YLT) NT 26: Epistle of Jude

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An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 09: Epistle to the Galatians cover

Bible (YLT) NT 09: Epistle to the Galatians

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An English translation that holds as closely as was possible to the original languages and idioms. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 21-22: Epistles of Peter cover

Bible (YLT) NT 21-22: Epistles of Peter

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Scripture translated according to the letter and idioms of the original languages. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 03: Luke cover

Bible (YLT) NT 03: Luke

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“Translated according to the letter and idioms of the original languages” – Summary by the translator     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) NT 18: Epistle to Philemon cover

Bible (YLT) NT 18: Epistle to Philemon

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Philemon is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the man of the same name, a leader in the church at Colossae, upon the return of his runaway slave, Onesimus. In it, Paul tells Philemon that Onesimus has become a Christian, mentions that he would like to have kept Onesimus with him as a helpful fellow-worker, and requests that Philemon treat him as a brother in the faith. It’s a beautiful picture of how Christians are to treat those who have wronged us. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]