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Selected Early Poems of William Carlos Williams cover

Selected Early Poems of William Carlos Williams

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Williams was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, a community near the city of Paterson. His father was an English immigrant, and his mother was born in Puerto Rico. He attended public school in Rutherford until 1897, then was sent to study at Château de Lancy near Geneva, Switzerland, the Lycée Condorcet in Paris, France, for two years and Horace Mann School in New York City. Then, in 1902, he entered the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. During his time at Penn, Williams befriended Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle (best known as H.D.) and the painter Charles Demuth. These friendships supported his growing passion for poetry. He received his M.D. in 1906 and spent the next four years in internships in New York City and in travel and postgraduate studies abroad (e.g., at the University of Leipzig where he studied pediatrics). He returned to Rutherford in 1910 and began his medical practice, which lasted until 1951. Ironically, most of his patients knew little if anything of his writings; instead they viewed him as a doctor who helped deliver over 2,000 of their children into the world. (From Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Heart of Happy Hollow (Version 2) cover

Heart of Happy Hollow (Version 2)

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Happy Hollow; are you wondering where it is? Wherever Negroes colonise in the cities or villages, north or south, wherever the hod carrier, the porter, and the waiter are the society men of the town; wherever the picnic and the excursion are the chief summer diversion, and the revival the winter time of repentance, wherever the cheese cloth veil obtains at a wedding, and the little white hearse goes by with black mourners in the one carriage behind, there—there—is Happy Hollow. Wherever laughter and tears rub elbows day by day, and the spirit of labour and laziness shake hands, there—there—is Happy Hollow, and of some of it may the following pages show the heart. – Summary by The Author     [chương_files]  

Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина cover

Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина

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Short stories on the Russian life from early 19 century. The fiction prose of the famous poet. – Summary by xenium5     [chương_files]  

Contos phantasticos cover

Contos phantasticos

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Coletânea de contos com temas de paixões frenéticas, conducentes a suicídios, mortes, traições, renúncias extremas. Uma das primeiras incursões, feitas por um autor português, no universo da literatura fantástico-gótico, muito pouco comum em Portugal na época. Anteriormente publicados no Jornal do Comércio e na Revista Contemporânea de Portugal e Brasil, estes ditos contos góticos de Teófilo Braga, refletem no autor uma direta influência de literaturas de Hoffman e de Edgar Allan Poe, tal como seu conhecimento da filosofia esotérica de Swedenborg. Estes contos trouxeram, entre nós, muitos aspectos inovadores, pela introdução na narrativa, dos finais de 1800, de elementos como o estranho, o misterioso, o sinistro e o macabro. (Summary by Brianna)     [chương_files]  

Cuentos nuevos cover

Cuentos nuevos

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Colección de cuentos infantiles escritos por uno de los “padres” de la literatura infantil y juvenil. Sus obras fueron, y siguen siendo hoy día, muy populares en Alemania y Francia. Temática, lenguaje y moraleja adaptadas para los más pequeňos. ( Resúmen por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Histórias Sem Data cover

Histórias Sem Data

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Histórias sem data é um livro de contos, publicado originalmente em 1884 pela editora Gariner, escritopor Machado de Assis, É composto de dezoito contos, dentre os quais os mais famosos são A Igreja do Diabo, Capítulo dos Chapéus e Noite de Almirante. – Resumo por Leni     [chương_files]  

Drei korte verhaole in 't Mestreechs cover

Drei korte verhaole in ‘t Mestreechs

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Drei korte verhaole in ‘t Mestreechs dialek. Eder verhaol gief ‘ne klein inziech vaan de gebeurtenisse in Mestreech op ‘t leste vaan de 19de en ‘t vreuge begin vaan de 20ste iew. De ierste twie verhaole goon euver de werkmaan en de naobersjap vaan dee tied. Ut derde verhaol geit euver de veranderinge in Mestreech in ‘t begin vaan de 20ste iew. Three short stories in the Maastricht dialect of The Netherlands. Each is a small insight into the going ons in Maastricht in the late 19th and early 20th century. The first two play out in what used to be areas working class quaters and give an insight in the lives of the people at the time. The third talks about the change Maastricht underwent when it stopped being a fortified city and lost most of it’s defenses. Some of which date back to medieval times. Summary by Ans Wink     [chương_files]  

Cuentos de amor cover

Cuentos de amor

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Conjunto de cuentos breves de la gran escritora e intelectual española: Doña Emilia Pardo Bazán, leídos por voluntarios de Librivox. Recopilación que supone una amplia e inteligente mirada al complejo mundo de desvaríos, promesas, esperanzas, placeres, traiciones, anhelos, certezas, desilusiones, pasiones, desencuentros, ideales, engaňos y divertimentos que venimos llamando… Amor. – Summary by Epachuko     [chương_files]  

Negrinha cover


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Negrinha é um livro de contos escrito por Monteiro Lobato, publicado originalmente em 1920, com seis contos. Em edições seguintes, foram acrescentados outros contos, perfazendo um total de vinte e dois. Esta gravação é apenas da edição original. O livro contém principalmente dramas urbanos, dentre os quais o conto título da obra, que figura entre muitas das listas de melhores contos brasileiros de todos os tempos. A partir de 2010, ganhou repercussão na mídia e nos meios jurídicos brasileiros a questão em torno das acusações de racismo na obra de Monteiro Lobato. Dois dos contos desta obra são muitas vezes trazidos à tona como argumentos neste debate: o conto título e “O bugio moqueado”. Este audiolivro tem por objetivo dar a conhecer as obras, com a intenção de que o acesso aos textos possa contribuir com a formação de opiniões e com a importante discussão que dela deriva. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Early Short Stories cover

Early Short Stories

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Ранние рассказы Жаботинского (1898-1916) демонстрируют эволюцию от юношеского романтизма к зрелой прозе, позднее проявившейся в его романах. The early short stories (1898-1916) illustrate Jabotinsky’s transition from juvenile romanticism to the mature prose that would culminate in his novels. (Introduction by Mark Chulsky) Read in Russian     [chương_files]