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White April cover

White April

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In five section parts, Golden Windows, Sonnets for Weeping, Of Mariners, White Glamour, and Overtones, Harold Vinal writes about deep feelings regarding people, places, and the beauty of nature, with often raw heartfelt emotion. – Summary by Laurie Banza     [chương_files]  

Selections from Longfellow cover

Selections from Longfellow

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These are twelve magnificent poems that convey the brilliant talent of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow at its best. These are poems that speak of life, that speak of daily toil and that speak to the common man, the lover, the survivor, the grief stricken – and to those who aspire to be visionaries in a mundane life of perplexity and inexplicable profundity. These are twelve poems that capture a cross-section of life and describe it in ways both practical and prophetic. These are poems that take us on a journey, a journey from the commonplace to the mystical, from the routine to the unexpected, from loss to rebirth, from tyranny to triumph, “In the perpetual round of strange / Mysterious change”. Longfellow’s “mysterious change” is the essence of life, the elixir of existence – that which has bewildered and confused, which has engendered the eternal quest for meaning. These are poems that address this quest and supply new and enabling ideas to further mankind’s ceaseless pursuit of knowledge; poems that suggest, as in the daily mission of “The Village Blacksmith”, “Thus, at the flaming forge of life, / Our fortunes must be wrought”. – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Song of Hiawatha / Песнь о Гайавате cover

Song of Hiawatha / Песнь о Гайавате

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Иван Бунин опубликовал перевод «Песни о Гайавате» (The Song of Hiawatha) в 1896 г. Его перевод до сих пор считается непревзойдённым. – Summary by Mark Chulsky     [chương_files]  

Rain and Roses cover

Rain and Roses

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One reviewer describes these poems as “dainty.” Each reflect a delicacy of feeling and sentiment of home, love and nature. Jeannette Fraser Henshall is also author of an earlier volume of poetry, “Star Dust.” – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

Стихи (Poems) cover

Стихи (Poems)

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Разносторонне талантливый Веневитинов умер в 21 год от пневмонии. «Душа разрывается,— писал князь Одоевский,— я плачу как ребенок». Пушкин пенял его друзьям: «Как вы допу­стили его умереть?» Его небольшое, но драгоценное наследие в виде стихов, прозы, пьесы, критики поместилось в один том. В этот проект включены только стихи. The source book presents the complete works, including prose, drama, and literary criticism of Venevitinov, who died of pneumonia at an age of 21. The best minds grieved passing of a youth of such exceptionally promising gifts. Only his poetry is targeted in this project. (Summary by Mark Chulsky)     [chương_files]  

Farmer's Bride (Version 2) cover

Farmer’s Bride (Version 2)

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A powerful collection of short poems published in 1921 by the English poet Charlotte Mew (1869–1928). Lauded during her lifetime by luminaries such as Thomas Hardy, Siegfried Sassoon and Virginia Woolf, her extreme antipathy towards self-promotion and her deep desire for privacy resulted in her work never achieving the profile that it deserved. – Summary by Michael Maggs     [chương_files]  

Astrophil and Stella (Version 2) cover

Astrophil and Stella (Version 2)

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Astrophil and Stella is a sequence of sonnets and songs written by Sir Philip Sidney, the Elizabethan poet, courtier and soldier. It details the frustrated love of Astrophil (whose name means “star-lover”) for his beloved Stella (whose name means “star”). The first of the famous English sonnet sequences, Astrophel and Stella influenced later writers like Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare. In it, Sidney partially nativised the key features of his Italian model, Petrarch, which served to free the English sonnet from the strict rhyming requirements of the Italian form. – Summary by Alan Mapstone     [chương_files]  

Brook - Break, Break, Break - Sweet and Low - and The Eagle cover

Brook – Break, Break, Break – Sweet and Low – and The Eagle

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This is Tennyson at his best. This is Tennyson, the master poet at his most descriptive, his most insightful, his most enlightening. This set of four poems has been carefully selected to depict life and life journeys – journeys that encompass timelessness and tragedy, fragility and hope – in ways that illuminate the constant cloud of wonder surrounding the ephemeral quality of existence. These are four magnificent poems that speak of life, its tragedies, its loneliness, its dangers and its brevity in a superb juxtaposition with the enduring and unchanging character of the natural world. This unchanging character is illustrated by the endlessness of the flowing water of a brook, the ability of the “Wind of the western sea” to unite a family, or indeed the solace of callous indifference the sea can provide to someone experiencing a tragedy. These are poems that depict relationships between mankind and the natural world in contrast but also in a marked and intricate interdependency. The essential theme of this collection – the permanence of nature over the transience of mankind’s corporeal reality – is best summarized by Tennyson’s memorable lines from “The Brook”: “For men may come and men may go / But I go on for ever.” – Summary by Bruce Kachuk     [chương_files]  

Poems of Schiller - 1st Period cover

Poems of Schiller – 1st Period

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Poems by the German Classical poet Friedrich von Schiller from his first period (until 1785) in English translations by Edgar A. Bowring et al, including a verse drama of the Classical story of Semele and Zeus. – Summary by Alan Mapstone Cast list for “Semele”: Juno: Krista Zaleski Semele, Princess of Thebes: Jenn Broda Zeus: Larry Wilson Mercury: Sonia Stage Directions: Alan Mapstone     [chương_files]  

Раковина (The Conch) cover

Раковина (The Conch)

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«Раковина» – главный сборник стихотворений Георгия Шенгели, демонстрирующий отточенную технику и литературную эрудицию. С середины 1930-х годов Шенгели оригинальных стихов практически не публиковал, но занимался переводческой и организаторской деятельностью, стиховедением. В 1933-41 гг. работал редактором в Гослитиздате, где давал работу поэтам, лишённым возможности публиковаться и вынужденным «кормиться» переводами. “The Conch” is the main collection of Shengeli’s poetry; it demonstrates fine technique and erudition. In the mid-1930s Shengeli stopped writing poetry and turned to translations and theory of poetics. In 1933-41 he worked as an editor at the State Publishing House and provided translation opportunities to the Soviet poets who were denied other means of literary livelihood. (Summary by Mark Chulsky)     [chương_files]