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Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847 cover

Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847

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After the bizarre death of Thomas Simpson, Dr. John Rae was chosen to complete the survey of the Northwest Passage, linking the work of Simpson and Peter Dease with the previously known country to the east. Rae was recognized for his endurance and skill in wilderness travel, adopting the methods of the native peoples often eschewed by other European explorers. This is his report on the initial work in the years 1846-47. The final link was made to the surveys of Simpson and Dease several years later (1848-51). – Summary by Fritz     [chương_files]  

Moo Cow Tales cover

Moo Cow Tales

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Moo Cow Tales is a collection of four children’s short stories written during the 1890’s by young author Rosamund Edith Nesbit Bland. In 1904, Rosamund co-authored another book of children’s stories, Cat Tales, with her adoptive mother, Edith Nesbit. Rosamund Edith Nesbit Bland also wrote the 1934 novel, The Man in the Stone House, about a young woman’s relationship with her parents. Each story in Moo Cow Tale uses the literary device of personification. The book from which this recording is made has many fine illustrations by Evelyn Stuart Hardy (1866-1935), an artist whose work graced so many publications including children’s books that featured pop-ups and moveable pictures. (Summary by Brian Fullen)     [chương_files]  

Bible (YLT) 27: Daniel cover

Bible (YLT) 27: Daniel

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Young’s Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compiler of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible and Concise Critical Comments on the New Testament. Young produced a “Revised Version” of the translation in 1887. After he died on October 14, 1888, the publisher in 1898 released a new Revised Edition. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand; a record of the first exploration of the chief glaciers and ranges of the Southern Alps cover

Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand; a record of the first exploration of the chief glaciers and ranges of the Southern Alps

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“Situated as we were at Camp 2, in fine rata bush, with a luxuriant undergrowth of tree-ferns and other plants – which in England would be called semi-tropical vegetation, – it was difficult to believe that we were a mile and a half up and 300 ft. above a glacier. Through an opening in the trees in front of our batwing, lofty snow-capped peaks could be seen a mile away across the valley, rising in precipices from steep slopes, clothed with dark green bush ; while below, a pure white glacier flowed at our feet, presenting as fine an instance of crevassed and broken ice as could be wished.” (Arthur Paul Harper, Excerpt from Chapter 4 describing a view of the Franz Josef glacier.) In Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealand Arthur Paul Harper describes his travels, observations and adventures during 1893, 1894 and 1895 when he was employed by the New Zealand Government to explore, survey and map the Westland valleys, peaks and glaciers in the grand and beautiful central portion of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. In the first two years he worked alongside the legendary surveyor and West Coast explorer Charlie Douglas, but had other companions for his travels and also worked much of the time on his own. The work was hard. The travel, food and camping were rough and there were plenty of adventures. They carried, on their backs, all their supplies and equipment for extensive periods of work in remote temperate rain-forest and […]

Multilingual First Chapter Collection 010 cover

Multilingual First Chapter Collection 010

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The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn’t for you. Here we offer the tenth “First Chapter Collection” in which readers share the first chapters of a variety of fiction and non-fiction works. All the works in this collection are in the public domain for those in the United States. Other listeners who wish to download these recordings should confirm that they are in the public domain for their nation. Special attention should be paid to Brockwell who died in 1958, Singh who died in 1996, and Ferguson for whom the death date is unknown. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Wheels - The Fourth Cycle cover

Wheels – The Fourth Cycle

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A series of six volumes of Wheels anthologies was produced by members of the Sitwell family between 1916 and 1922. The fourth volume, published in 1919, contains several notable poems by the recently deceased Wilfred Owen. The other poets represented are Francisco Quevedo, Aldous Huxley, Arnold James, Iris Tree, Sherard Vines, and Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell. – Summary by Algy Pug     [chương_files]  

History of the Art of Tablesetting cover

History of the Art of Tablesetting

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The art of table setting is one of the lost arts in the modern household. Do we just not bother anymore or did we collectively forget how to do it? Maybe this little book will get some of us to start observing etiquette properly again. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Girl from Farris's cover

Girl from Farris’s

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Ever want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, only to have the whole world fight to keep you down? Ever been upstanding and righteous, only to have those around you take advantage of you? In the most unique of circumstances, watch a woman flee from a lavish world of slavery in a brothel, to live in the muck and mire of squalor. With the law chasing after her, The Girl from Farris’ must find a way to merely survive. And in other parts of town, watch an upstanding citizen go from Riches to Rags as his fiance’ and business partners slowly tear down the soul of the man. Watch as these two paths collide at different points in their lives. Will it be happily ever after, or a bitter end? Summary by Joe DeNoia She gets a job and although she can barely afford to care for herself, she stays on the straight and narrow, but her past is bound to catch up to her.     [chương_files]  

Three Dialogues cover

Three Dialogues

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Barry Pain is today best known for his ghost and horror stories, but he could also write some excellent social satire. This series of three dialogues follows a life cycle: the subject of the first little play is the birth of a girl, in the second dialogue, two people discuss the marriage of mutual friends, and a death of a distant relative stands in the center of the third dialogue. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

sala numero 6 cover

sala numero 6

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La sala número 6 es un pequeño manicomio en el que viven encerradas cinco personas. Está dentro de un hospital decadente en una “pequeña y sucia ciudad a 200 verstas del ferrocarril”. Ante el estado calamitoso que presentan las instalaciones y el trato deplorable que reciben sus enfermos, el nuevo doctor y jefe del hospital (el señor Ragin) decide no hacer nada. ¿Para qué curarlos si se van a morir de todas formas? ¿Para qué terminar con la corrupción, el hedor y el frío si lo verdaderamente importante es concentrarse en la vida interior de la persona? Durante años protege su conciencia a base de filosofía estoica intentando adoctrinar cariñosamente a enfermos y conocidos. Al mismo tiempo abandona totalmente sus obligaciones y se regocija en una vida apacible de lectura, vodka y buena comida. Tras varios acontecimientos, el doctor Ragin recibe una bata y unas pantuflas, e ingresa como el paciente número 6 de la sala número 6. Toda cambiará a partir de este momento. La sala número 6 (publicado en 1892) es uno de los relatos de madurez más importantes de Antón Pavlovich Chejov. Según Nemirovsky, en él se desprende radicalmente de la influencia literaria de su amigo y maestro Lev Tolstoi. Se aleja de la mirada idealista y moralizante que sirva de guía a su pueblo, y retrata de una manera ácida y descarnada a la gente con la que le ha tocado vivir. Una gente a la que conoce muy bien tanto por sus avatares familiares como […]