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Poems of Jonathan Swift, Volume Two cover

Poems of Jonathan Swift, Volume Two

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He lived simply, loved his walks and craved the company of fellow poetical wits as they craved his company in return. With his pal Dr. Sheridan, for one, Jonathan Swift delighted in the 18th century equivalent of a rap off – going back and forth in dueling verse repartee. This second volume is a cornucopia of biting, iconoclastic humor and earnest criticism of injustice. Poems herein concerning Wood’s Halfpence are the companion to his famous Drapier’s Letters and trumpet his achievement in stirring up sufficient outcry to spare Ireland from damaging monetary debasement. He knew what real money was: “For in all the leases that ever we hold We must pay our rent in good silver and gold, And not in brass tokens of such a base mould.” And he didn’t think much of monetary debasement’s evil twin, fractional reserve banking, either: “We want our money on the nail The Banker’s ruin’d if he pays”. There’s a healthy smattering here of bums and urination references too – just so you know these are genuine Swift poems — and all manner of other topics too. In Death and Daphne, written for a favorite grisette, we learn of Death’s sagging libido due to the skinniness of his human bride. And the last poem excoriating Sheridan for comparing base women to noble clouds is a heavenly coup de grâce for any challenger who would dare to top his politically incorrect and thunderous wit: Some critic may object, perhaps, That clouds are blamed for […]

Star-Treader and Other Poems cover

Star-Treader and Other Poems

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Clark Ashton Smith, referred to as one of the big three of Weird Tales, was a romantic-style poet, a Lovecraftian-style writer and a literary friend of H.P Lovecraft. As a poet, he was considered one of the last great West Coast Romantics. The Star-Treader and Other Poems, published at the age of 19, was his first volume of poetry and his breakout hit. Summary by Mary Kay. Cast List for The Masque of the Forsaken Gods: Narrator and Aphrodite: Mary Kay The Poet: Lucretia B. The Philosopher, Apollo and Another Nymph: Rosslyn Carlyle Jove and Pan: Jamie Artemis: Jennifer Dallman A Nymph: Greg Giordano Ate and The Gods Together: Shakira Searle Edited by: Mary Kay     [chương_files]  

Recluse cover


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In the prefatory advertisement to the First Edition of the Prelude, 1850, it is stated that that poem was designed to be introductory to the Recluse, and that the Recluse, if completed, would have consisted of three parts. The second part is the Excursion. The third part was only planned. The first book of the first part was left in manuscript by Wordsworth. It is now (1888) published for the first time in extenso. (Summary from the Preface)     [chương_files]  

Stray Pebbles From The Shores Of Thought cover

Stray Pebbles From The Shores Of Thought

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A collection of poetry by the Boston poetess. Sections are nature, love, miscellaneous, sonnets and ‘for my nieces and nephews’. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Collection Vol. 001 cover

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Collection Vol. 001

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A collection to celebrate Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 200th birthday, on 27th February, 2007.     [chương_files]  

Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Raven Edition, Volume 5 cover

Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Raven Edition, Volume 5

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This, the last of 5 volumes containing Poe’s works, contains a collection of both prose and poetry. (Summary by TriciaG) Cast List for Section 42: Narrator / Stage Directions: Ellen Preckel Alessandra: Amanda Friday Castiglione: Phil Schempf DiBroglio: Algy Pug Lalage: Pam Castille Jacinta: Availle Monk, Benito: Larry Wilson Baldazzar: TriciaG Politian: Alan Rose Voice: Frances Brown     [chương_files]  

Collected Poems 1901-1918 cover

Collected Poems 1901-1918

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Early poems written by Walter de la Mare. de la Mare is best remembered for his works for children. This collection includes: Poems: 1906 The Listeners: 1914 Motley: 1918 Songs of Childhood: 1901 (Summary by MaryAnn) Note: Three poems were inadvertently skipped in this project, between sections 25 and 26.     [chương_files]  

Songs of the Road cover

Songs of the Road

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Although best known for the creation of the detective Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle did not only write works of mystery and of adventure – he was also a rather successful poet. This is a collection of poems written by the famous author. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses cover

Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses

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Known as the Bard of the Yukon and as a people’s poet, Robert Service immortalized his experience with the Yukon and its gold rush and this collection of poetry. While some poems are anecdotal and amusing, others capture the raw brilliance that frontiers evoke and the ever pioneering spirit of man. Alternately titled Songs of a Sourdough in the United Kingdoms. (Introduction by Becky)     [chương_files]  

Shropshire Lad cover

Shropshire Lad

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A Shropshire Lad is a cycle of sixty-three poems by the English poet Alfred Edward Housman. A Shropshire Lad was first published in 1896 at Housman’s own expense after several publishers had turned it down. At first the book sold slowly, but during the Second Boer War, Housman’s nostalgic depiction of rural life and young men’s early deaths struck a chord with English readers and the book became a bestseller. Later, World War I further increased its popularity. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]